"Hey, let's have a yard."

"What are you polite with the three great masters?"

"Just bring me some of your watermelon, fish, rice, or noodles."

Xie Huaiqing just wanted to laugh when he listened.

Well, the other party is using his own home as a supply and marketing cooperative.

Come here to stock.

"Okay, three masters, tell me, in what way can you take care of me?"

Hearing this, Yan Bugui thought there was a door.

Just said with a smile.

"In terms of study, if you don't know anything, you can ask me."

"And in the school, if someone bullies you, the three grandfathers will help you call them parents."

That's how it is!

He smiled softly.

I was also admitted to the 985 school.

It's just that because I love acting, I went to a drama school in Beijing.

Yan Bugui tutors himself to study?

What to learn? Learning a language? Or learn math.

When the college entrance examination was taken that year.

Full marks in math for yourself.

The language is only deducted one point for the composition.

Not to mention that he still has several languages that he doesn't know.

That year in college.

In order to complete the freshman mid-term assignment.

He also memorized several works of Weng yarn in English.

Because of the needs of acting, miscellaneous small languages will also be ordered.

At your own level.

I really don't believe that the other party can teach me.

As for someone who dares to bully himself.

The power in the body that fuses the power of the infinite card is not to be played.

"Third Master, do you think that with my strength, I will worry that someone will bully me?"

Yan Bugui thought about it, and really, he could slap Jia Dongxu like a pig's head with a few slaps.

Are you afraid that other children will bully him?

It's good if he doesn't bully people.

But he was unwilling to give up the Xie family's things.

He changed his rhetoric.

"Okay, I really don't need to worry about this matter of the three masters."

"But this matter of study, the three masters can help."

"Your mother is so busy every day, what time is it when she comes back, it's better that after you get out of school, the third grandpa will come to your house."

"Tutor you with your homework."

Xie Huaiqing immediately refused.

If this man comes to his own home.

It's a watermelon rind, and he has to go along.

He has so many secrets, how can he let him into the house.

"Is it, Third Master, and this kind of good thing?"

"Then can you guarantee that I will get a hundred points every time?"

100 points every time?

What is this saying.

Even he himself cannot guarantee him a hundred points every time.

If so, he would have to go to the teaching department to steal the answer.

Seeing that the other party fell silent.

Xie Huaiqing spoke.

"Third Master, just say it."

"What can you do for me at school?"

Jia Wenxiu listened to the words of the three masters.

Originally, it was a little heartwarming.

After all, I really don't have time to take care of my children.

It's really good to let the other person watch the child's learning.

After all, it is the teacher, follow each other to learn a little.

Definitely better than the other children in the school.

But as soon as she saw her son's attitude.

Just decide or forget it.

His own son knows it himself.

This kid's idea has always been big.

Since he has decided.

Then it's up to him to do it.

The three great masters did not want to give up so easily.

"No, I'll have to ask your mother."

She smiled slightly.

"Xiaoqing's statement is what I think."

After that, the mother and son went home.

Leaving Yan Bugui standing facelessly in the courtyard.

I'm a teacher!

Respected wherever you go.

But this Xie family mother and son actually dared to treat themselves like this.

He became angry for a while.

Just now they almost got their favor!

Yan Bugui gritted his teeth.

"Since you're all like this, then don't blame me for being unkind."

"It's hard to get a hundred points, but it's easy to get a zero egg."

His methods have not yet been used!

The students in the class who did not give him gifts.

All moved to the back row by him.

From time to time, I have to bring them out and scold them.

If you're in a bad mood.

They also serve as punching bags.

Since Xie Huaiqing refused to accept his kindness.

Then bear your own malice.

Jia Dongxu heard it.

Also vicious.

"Yes, this little cub of the Xie family is too arrogant."

"Third Master, you should have taught him a lesson a long time ago."

Yi Zhonghai was also uncharacteristically and suddenly interjected.

"Old Yan, children don't understand things."

"You teach him more, won't it get better after teaching the child?"

He deliberately bit the accent on the word teaching.

Yan Bugui looked at the two who shared his hatred.

Nodded solemnly.

Little cub, don't blame me for being cruel.

If you want to blame, blame you for not knowing how to lift.


The day when the rolling mill pays salaries.

The workers all went to line up to start receiving their wages.

Everyone was beaming.

Except for Jia Dongxu.

He felt that this month's salary would be deducted by his cheap sister.

What a good time this month!

He frowned sadly.

Others don't care what happened to him.

After receiving the salary, go out happily.

Jia Wenxiu is also in the salaried team.

She was still a little apprehensive at this time.

I don't know how much I can get this time.

But it must be higher than the salary of being a porter.

After all, the size is also a leader.

She listened to the woman with the former hair.

"Yi Zhonghai, eighty pieces."

"Yes, no problem sign it."

She listened and calculated in her heart.

Seventh-level fitter, the salary is eighty yuan, plus various subsidies, there is almost ninety-five yuan.

It's really not less.

Peasants in poor places earn so much in half a year.

His salary makes the people around him very envious.

"This salary is higher than the salary of many small leaders in the rolling mill."

"After all, people have a high service experience, and they began to count before the founding of the state, and I heard that before the founding of the state, he made bullets for the troops."

"Then this is powerful, our length of service is calculated from the founding of the country."

Jia Wenxiu was not in the mood to listen to other people's discussions.

Because soon it will be time for her to receive her salary.

Only to hear the cashier say.

"Jia Wenxiu, sixty-nine pieces."

"Yes, no problem sign it."

This sentence is spoken.

There was some commotion in the ranks.

"How can she get so much money?"

"After all, people are the deputy director of the workshop."

"But she hasn't been in the workshop for long."

Jia Wenxiu himself was surprised.

She thought that a salary of forty or fifty would be good.

Now there are actually so many salaries.

If you count those subsidies.

That's nearly eighty salaries.

So much salary.

More than 80 percent of the people in the factory.

Director Qian, who was cooperating with the financial department next to him, looked at the commotion of the crowd and said.

"This month, Jia Wenxiu worked hard."

"Everyone can see it."

"The leaders of the factory also knew about the situation, so they raised her salary grade."

"You should be able to understand, right?"

The words fell, and a noisy voice appeared in the team.

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