Ten bucks slapped on the table.

Everyone who broke into Xie Huaiqing's house knew.

This is a signal.

It indicates that this is how things can only be solved.

So one by one, people put money on the table.

That was left with Yan Bugui, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang.

He pulled his hands out of his trouser pocket with trembling hands.

Pull out five cents.

Xie Huaiqing scoffed.

"No, Third Master, this is not enough."

"It's nine and a half cents away from ten."

As soon as Yan Bugui heard this, cold sweat fell on his face.

To say that he really has ten dollars.

But if he wants to take it out, it really kills.

Seeing that this scene cannot end.

Jia Dongxu was afraid that he would alarm the director of the street office.

So he took out another ten dollars and put them on the table.

"I gave this money to the three masters."

Xie Huaiqing just smiled gently.

"Then you're still twenty away!"

"You didn't say it when you walked in the door."

"Are these people coming to see me today and giving me ten dollars each?"


Jia Zhangshi next to him listened, and he couldn't wait to tear him to pieces immediately.

But next to him stood Director Zhang.

She did not dare to act rashly.

This person is a name on the street.

Bullying her himself is also quiet.

How dare you be so blatant!

Jia Dongxu is also itching his teeth with hatred.

The salary that was paid in the factory yesterday.

It's all gone now.

Director Zhang watched from the side and said with a smile.

"That's right, I am really happy to see you so harmonious and mutually helpful."

"Everyone knows the situation of Wen Xiu, she is a famous filial daughter, after marrying into her husband's family, she diligently served her mother-in-law and father-in-law, and after her husband left, she sent the second elder to the end alone."

"After returning to her mother's house, she also personally served her father, she herself was reluctant to eat and wear, and the food and clothing for the elderly and children were much better than herself."

"Such filial piety to a person, but life is very difficult, but fortunately your courtyard helps each other, this is really touching, I will apply for you to an advanced small courtyard when I go back."

Director Zhang's face was full of excitement as he spoke.

Jia Dongxu and others hated their teeth itching, but they had to squeeze out a smile.

Their appearance fell in the eyes of the neighbors who came to watch in the yard.

From time to time, giggling laughter came from the crowd.

"Hahaha, this is called stealing chickens without eroding rice."

"Look at Jia Dongxu's face is really funny."

"You deserve it, this is not a bully of orphans and widows."

In front of the Xie family, more and more people gathered.

He was afraid that there would be more people to show their stuffing, so he said.

"The money was given, the child was also seen, there is nothing to do, go first."

Saying that he was going out.

The rest of the people also huffed and followed him out.

Seeing this, Xie Huaiqing shouted loudly.


He turned his head with an unkind face.

Instead of looking at the other person, he looked at his mother.

"Mom, you say."

Jia Wenxiu heard his son say this.

Only then did I remember to call Director Zhang.

It is to break off relations with the Jia family.

So she said.

"Director Zhang, you are here, I would like to ask you to be a witness."

"That is, I want to break off the kinship with the Jia family."


Hearing what she said, Director Zhang's eyes widened.


Didn't the Jia family return the money to them just now?

She hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

After all, she also lived with the Jia Zhang family for a while.

She didn't want to make the scene too ugly.

Look down and don't look up later.

How embarrassing it was.

Xie Huaiqing didn't have so many scruples.

He directly pointed to the big bag behind his head for Director Zhang to see.

"Director Zhang, do you see this big bag behind my head?"

I saw the other party nodded.

He continued.

"This big bag was pushed by Jia Zhang!"

"Let's not talk about the problem of relatives not relatives."

"It's just an ordinary child, she can't push me like that."

Hearing this, Jia Zhang panicked.

"Director Zhang, I really didn't mean it, I just..."

He interrupted what the other person was saying and said loudly.

"It's because our brother and sister eat an egg."

"So you're going to pull it out of our mouth and give it to the stick terrier?"

"Did you do that?"

Listen to my son's accusations.

Jia Wenxiu knew what his patience brought to the children.

She burst into tears.

His lips curled and he accused his stepmother of what he had done in front of Director Zhang.

"Director Zhang told you the truth, Jia Zhang, she is not a person, she beat me and scolded me when she was a child, and I won't mention the past things."

"After I returned to my mother's house with my child, she ignored everything I brought over, and I just ate rice, and I had to ask for it from her mouth."

"Xiaoqing, this child was pushed down by her, I thought it was the child's mistake, so I brought her the rice from the family to apologize, it turned out that this is what happened."

"Kid, I'm sorry for you!"

She held her son and cried loudly.

Xie Huaiqing knew that the rice in the family had been taken away by his mother and given to the Jia family.

His heart was quite speechless.

What kind of mother is this, her son has been bullied.

Actually apologized to the person who bullied his son.

She must not be the Virgin.

Thinking about my mother's performance, it's really a bit like it.

He quietly pouted.

Director Zhang listened emotionally.

He could never have imagined it, under his nose.

Jia Jiaran did such a thing.

Jia Dongxu saw that the other party's face became more and more ugly.

Hurry up and say.

"Director Zhang, don't listen to my sister's side of the story."

"If my mother did this, why would she come to visit Xiaoqing?"

"Yes," Director Zhang was also curious: "Xiaoqing, tell me, what's going on?" "

Broken, broken, broken!

As soon as this sentence came out, the three uncles were anxious.

They came with the people of the Jia family.

If the other party says something, he will be in danger.

Liu Haizhong didn't want to lose the position of these two masters.

Don't look at this small position, but occasionally you can also have an official addiction.

He said hurriedly.

"I don't know about the Jia family, but I came to see the child."

Yan Bugui nodded along.

Silly Zhu still couldn't tell the form and wanted to say something, but was dragged aside by Yi Zhonghai.

Xie Huaiqing said.

"Because the Jia family came here to rob our house."

"I just said that, it's because I care about family affection, and I don't want them to be too ugly on their faces, but I didn't expect that Jia Zhang's even wanted my family's rice, and I really couldn't bear it."

"As for the three uncles and the stupid pillars, they really came in with the people of the Jia family."

Hearing this, Director Zhang angrily rebuked Jia Dongxu.

"Are you still human?"

"Jia Zhang, how can you do this to your daughter and grandson?"

"Just because it's not your biological child, you bully people like this?"

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