Jia Zhang lay directly on the ground.

In front of everyone, he began to summon spirits.

Isn't this looking for death?

The director of the street office is still standing here.

She began the Great Law of Spiritualism.

Xie Huai'an said directly.

"Director Zhang, she engages in feudal superstition!"

Director Zhang listened, and his face changed directly.

Jia Zhang's is engaging in feudal superstition in front of himself!

This bite is an old Jia.

Clearly do not put yourself in the eyes.

He said in a stern tone.

"Jia Zhang, engage in feudal superstition, follow me to the street."

As soon as the other party heard this, he was immediately stupid.

In the matter of engaging in feudal superstition, it is said that the big can be big, and the small can be small.

At a small level, it is to be taken away to criticize education and education.

In a big way, it was a two-day prison meal.

In the courtyard next to them, someone was arrested for engaging in feudal superstition.

I spent months in jail before I came out.

She was also afraid that she would be caught in it.

The crying mouth immediately stopped.

"No, no, Director Zhang, I didn't engage in feudal superstition."

"You didn't engage in feudal superstition, so what are you calling Lao Jia?"

"Who else do you say you want Lao Jia to take away? What are you lying on the ground. Jia

Zhangshi realized the bad situation and did not dare to open his mouth anymore.

She quickly got up from the ground.

"No, Director Zhang, I just miss our family's old Jia."

"I didn't engage in feudal superstition."

"Okay, shut up!"

The other party obviously didn't want to listen anymore.

"Kid, how much do you say these things make them lose?"

Since he asked, Xie Huaiqing would not be polite.

"Pay twenty, I don't ask them more."

"Twenty, you..." Jia

Zhangshi wanted to say something, but was stopped by her son.

Jia Dongxu's face was dark, knowing that if he continued to entangle.

My own family will definitely not be able to please.

"Okay, isn't it twenty dollars? I give!

"Mom, you go home and get the money."

He pushed his mother out of the door of Xie's house.

If only she shouted something more.

I'm afraid that this time I lost money and folded my mother.

Pushed by her son, she entered the hospital quite unconvinced.

Then he went into his own house.

I waited for a while before I came with twenty dollars.

She slapped the money on the table angrily.

His eyes stared at Xie Huaiqing deadly.

Jia Wenxiu, who was next to him, looked terrified.

Can't help but block in front of his son.

For fear that the other party will slap his son.

But Xie Huaiqing didn't realize anything.

He didn't believe that the other party dared to make a move on him now.

Director Zhang is here.

If she dared to make a move, I was afraid that Director Zhang would directly take her away.

Against the eyes of the Jia family as if they were going to kill people.

He reached out and put away all the money on the table.

One person gave ten yuan, and the Jia family gave another twenty yuan.

A total of 90 yuan, enough for my family to live for a long time.

After all, this year, the average monthly salary of workers with high status is only more than 30 yuan.

This money is enough for someone else's salary for three months.

And the current level of consumption is not high.

My own family is a family of three, and ten yuan a month is enough.

If you want to eat well and dress well, fifteen yuan a month is definitely enough to spend.

So this amount of money is indeed enough for my family to live for a while.

Seeing that he took the money, Jia Dongxu looked at Director Zhang.

"Director, I also took the money, you see?"

"Okay, when I'm done saying what I'm going to say, let's go."

With that, he stepped out the door.

Then he clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"Big guys, be quiet, listen to me for two words."

The noisy crowd gradually fell silent.

"The residents of the courtyard, you should all know that Jia Wenxiu's husband's family is a martyr, her eldest brother died in battle, and her sister-in-law and husband are also missing."

"Her mother-in-law and father-in-law also contributed to the PLA's straw shoes, and now there are only these two seedlings left in their family, can it be that our soldiers are throwing their heads and spilling blood on the front line, and we can treat their wives and children indifferently in the rear?"

"So, everyone listened to me, if anyone dares to bully this family in the future, the street office will not agree!"

The voice fell.

Xie Huaiqing completely understood that his life was like this.

The reason why I don't have my uncle and aunt in my memory is that I think that these two people have left home a long time ago.

In this way, his identity is very awesome.

But to be bullied like this by Jia Zhang's is really speechless.

Who calls themselves softer.

"Okay, I'm done, let's disperse."

At Director Zhang's urging.

The circle of people gathered at the door finally left.

The Jia Zhang family and the three uncles and the silly pillar also left.

"Wen Xiu, if you have anything in the future, you will come to me directly."

"Don't bear it silently like before, you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your children."

"Before your father-in-law left, he asked me to take care of you, if I don't take care of you well, do you say I can feel better in this heart?"

Jia Wenxiu couldn't speak, so he could only keep nodding.

"Okay, it's not early, I have to go back."

"Don't send me, calm and appease the children."

Saying that, Director Zhang went out, and his mother hurriedly sent two steps.

But it didn't take long to be chased back by the other party.

Xie Huaiqing asked curiously.

"Mom, grandpa and Director Zhang still know each other?"

"Yes, Director Zhang is your grandfather's apprentice."

No wonder, Director Zhang's words are towards his own family.

"Why haven't I heard you mention it before."

Only to hear my mother answer.

"Because your grandfather doesn't allow the family to say this, for fear of affecting Director Zhang's work."

So it was.

"What about my aunt and uncle?"

After this incident, Jia Wenxiu felt that his child had grown up.

It's time to know a little about things at home.

So he said.

"When your eldest uncle was young, he went to join the army and died very early."

"Then your second aunt also left, there is still no news, and after your father left you and your sister, he also went to join the army."

In this way, after Xie Huaiqing listened, he felt that his family was really full of loyalty.

He nodded.

Then gave the money to the mother.

"Mom, take this money."

Jia Wenxiu hesitated, not daring to take it.

She muttered for a long time and held out a sentence.

"Or, give them the money back."

Listening to his mother's words, he held his forehead.

"Mom, it's okay, take it, this money has passed Director Zhang's eyes."

"What else can they say, rest assured."

She still didn't dare to take it.

"Might as well give this money to the deaf old lady in the backyard."

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