It's class time.

The school was quiet.

In addition to the sound of the north wind howling and the teachers imparting knowledge.

There was no other movement.

But in this tranquility.

Suddenly, there was a cry.


"Grandma, help, my leg is going to break."

The stick terrier cried while lying on the ground and splashing.

Without noticing at all, he was covered with pants on his legs again.

He rolled around outside the classroom, crying and crying.

This made Ran Qiuye feel very annoyed.

She immediately left the classroom to see what the hell was going on with this little ghost.

It just so happened that the principal also came.

I saw her furrowed eyebrows and asked.

"What's going on, Teacher Ran?"

Ran Qiuye explained the situation.

The headmaster looked at the stick terrier's feet and reached out to help him up from the ground.

"Aren't your pants well on your legs?"

She looked down and really was!

No, it has just disappeared.

"But, but..." He

didn't come out for a long time.

I had to cry non-stop with a runny nose.

"Woo-hoo, Teacher Ran bullied me."

"She made me take off my pants and stand outside."

"It's so cold, I want grandma, I want to go home."

Seeing him cry and fuss.

The principal asked Ran Qiuye with a frown.

"Teacher Ran, is what Jia Terrier said true?"

In the face of the principal's doubts.

Ran Qiuye looked anxious and about to cry.

She just came to teach at Hongxing Road Primary School.

If you are buttoned up with such a hat, how unjust.

If you let the family know, you won't have the face to be a teacher.

She said anxiously.

"No, Principal, it's the stick terrier who always disobeys, so I told him to shut up."

"And I didn't let him take off his pants either."

"I..." Seeing

that she was anxious and speechless.

Xie Huaiqing got up from his seat and walked to the door.

"Principal, my classmates and I can prove it for Teacher Ran."

"It was the stick terrier who was punished for not following discipline."

"And the teacher didn't let him take off his pants."

"Yes, principal, Teacher Ran is a good person."

Xiao Nuan also followed him.

The other children saw that two children had already come forward to accuse the stick terrier.

They all followed suit.

"Principal, Teacher Ran didn't let him take off his pants."

"It was the stick terrier who took off his pants and put it on my desk."

"He took off his pants in the classroom, it stinks!"

Hear the kids say that.

Principal Wu immediately understood.

She took a deep look at the crying stick terrier.

Then he reached out and patted Teacher Ran's shoulder.

"I know, Teacher Ran, you have been wronged in this matter."

"I'll give you an explanation, I'll take the stick terrier away first."

"When you get out of class, you come to the office to find me."


Ran Qiuye rubbed her eyes.

Then he glanced at Xie Huaiqing with gratitude.

If it weren't for this child, he might really have a mouth that couldn't tell.

"Jingle bell~"

The bell of the bicycle rang again.

After school!

The children packed their bags and happily ran out of the classroom.

Xie Huaiqing took his sister's hand and slowly walked home.

Entered the middle courtyard.

I saw a group of people surrounding Jia's house.

And Principal Wu took Teacher Ran and left again.

Qin Huairu snorted and tearfully met and chased after him.

"Principal, Principal, you give the stick terrier another chance."

"Didn't you say that the stick terrier is smart?"

"How can such a smart child not go to school?"

But the two ignored her and quickly pulled away.

Just listen to the people in the courtyard talking.

"The stick terrier really deserves it, he actually wronged the teacher."

"Why is this kid so bad."

"It's really worthy of being the grandson of the Jia Zhang clan, it's really immoral!"

Xie Huaiqing heard it from these words.

It turned out that the principal had come to persuade the Stick Terrier to drop out.

Isn't that deserved? It's okay to lie and wronged the teacher.

The corners of his mouth hooked into a sneer.

Take your sister's hand and go home.

Jia Zhang rushed out of the door.

"Xie Huaiqing, you give me a stop!"


He kept walking home.

The other party stopped him like crazy.

"You're a little cub, didn't you wronged us when you were in school?"

"Dare to complain to the principal, are you jealous that my grandson has new pants to wear?"

"Get out of here!"

Xie Huaiqing was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and kicked her in the stomach.

Just listen to Jia Zhang's "eh".

And then like a shell.

Flew straight into the swept snowdrift.

"Poof!" A dull sound.

The snowdrift collapsed, burying her inside.

Only an ass egg and two legs were left wriggling and fluttering outside.

This bloated body shape and strange shape.

Let the people in the yard laugh.

"It's like a bug writhing hahaha."

"This kick is also too powerful, kick her directly in, it won't suffocate."

"Isn't this kid's strength a little greater."

After Qin Huairu saw this scene, he screamed.

"Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you mother-in-law."

"Stop shouting, save people first!"

The three mothers hurriedly shouted.

"Old Yan Lao Yan, come out quickly and save people."

Just shouting, a few old men who worked in the rolling mill returned.

As soon as Yi Zhonghai came in, he saw people gathered together.

"What's wrong with this?"

"Xie Huaiqing kicked Jia Zhangshi into the snowdrift."

"Huh? Pulling it out, being buried in snow is no small matter, it will die! A

few uncles quickly knelt in the snow and began to gouge people outside.

Jia Dongxu looked at him gloomyly.

"Boy, don't think that if your mother is the workshop director, I dare not touch you."

Xie Huaiqing pursed the corners of his mouth in disdain.

This surnamed Jia has been beaten by himself how many times.

Still pretending to be here, he really moved himself.


"Then you can do it, my mother will not be here at this time."


He is angry and corrupted and will do it.

Qin Huairu quickly grabbed him and whispered.

"Don't don't, deduct money, be careful with deductions."

Jia Dongxu's green tendons collapsed.

The clenched fist loosened, tightened.

After a long while, he said in a deep voice.

"Call the police, we call the police!"

"Okay, then you can call the police."

"I lost my pants today, and I haven't had time to find them yet."

After the words fell.

Jia Zhangshi trembled after being picked up from the snowdrift.

She didn't want to go back to that dark prison.

"No, you can't call the police!"

"Can't call the police, son, don't call the police."


Jia Dongxu asked puzzled.

Seeing this, Qin Huairu whispered something in her husband's ear.


His face changed.

Xie Huaiqing knew that he already knew about stealing his pants.

So he said.

"Call the police, I'm going to call the police now!"

With that, he was about to leave again.


Jia Dongxu stopped him.

He turned around with an icy smile on his face.

"Are you trying to compensate me?"

"My sister and I's pants were stolen by Jia Zhang."

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