Qin Huairu watched.

Pouted on the side.

Cool said with a flutter.

"I guess it's a penultimate one."

Xie Huaiqing glanced at her coldly.

"Tied for first place."

"What! First!

Jia Wenxiu has not reacted yet.

Qin Huairu was already surprised to speak.

"It's impossible, how can you possibly have a higher score than the stick terrier test."

"How is it impossible?"

An unfamiliar voice came from outside the door.

The people in the courtyard looked.

I saw a woman with an elegant temperament coming with a young girl.

Someone recognized the woman and whispered.

"Isn't this the principal of Hongxing Road Primary School?"

"The one next to it is Ran Qiuye, their teacher of the stick terrier."

"It turned out to be Principal Wu and Teacher Ran."

"It's been a long time since I saw it, and my son is also able to take the double hundred exam thanks to your care."

Jia Wenxiu parked the car and shook hands with the two.

Principal Wu smiled like a peach blossom in spring, and shook it back very enthusiastically.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, or Xiaoqing, this kid's own ability is strong."

"This kid is really unexpected, this time the exam actually took double hundred."

"This is the first time that someone in our Hongxing Road Primary School has taken the double hundred exam!"

Qin Huairu, who was next to him, listened, and his face turned pale.

According to Principal Wu's statement, that is Xie Huaiqing's first place in the halal exam.

Or double hundred!

She almost fainted.

Make no mistake.

His own son took the single-digit exam, and the sons of others took the double hundred.

It's really more popular than dead.

The people in the courtyard also talked about it.

"No, Jia Wenxiu's son can actually take the double hundred?"

"People Wen Xiu used to be quite smart, maybe it was his son with his mother."

"Could it be that the bloodline of the Xie family is better than that of the Jia family?"

Qin Huairu endured the dizziness.

Holding his forehead, he handed the test paper to Ran Qiuye's hand.

"Teacher Ran, you help me see, the results of the stick terrier will not be wrong, right?"

How could it be wrong!

Ran Qiuye does not take this roll.

"Stick terrier mother, we have checked this roll many times, and there is no possibility of being judged wrong."

She was also surprised to see the results of the stick terrier.

Because the other party's usual schoolwork is still quite good.

How did you get this when you took the exam?

"This paper will definitely not be wrong, and the score of the stick terrier will not be too nervous during the exam, resulting in the question of the meeting will not be done."

She also found a reason for the other party very intimately.

But Principal Wu was not as tactful as her.

She said directly.

"Even if you are nervous, then you should not even miscalculate two plus two equals four."

"How did two plus two become eight?"

"Even Xie Huainuan, this child, can calculate correctly, how can he calculate wrong?"

When the words fell, Qin Huairu was completely speechless.

Jia Wenxiu listened to the principal's words, but his mind moved.

"Principal, do you mean Xiao Nuan also took the exam this time?"


The other party nodded in acknowledgement.

"She is the same as Xiaoqing, she is also a double hundred, tied for first place with Xiaoqing!"


After the words fell, the people in the courtyard were surprised.

Because Xiao Nuan is still so young, she doesn't even have the qualifications to go to elementary school.

Now you can actually take the first grade of elementary school.

I also got double hundred!

That's better than most people in the yard.

Qin Huairu listened, his teeth clenched.

This little slut turned out to be higher than his son's score.

She shook her head and kept backing away.

"Impossible, impossible!"

After taking a few steps back, she rushed to Xiao Nuan again.

snatched the test paper in Xiao Nuan's hand.

Two test papers, both with a red hundred points written on them.

It's really double hundred.

Jia Wenxiu also saw her daughter's achievements.

A warm feeling welled up in my heart.

I really came to the bitter end.

These two children must be intimate cotton jackets sent by God to accompany him.

The people in the courtyard watched this scene and commented.

"Xiao Nuan is only four years old now, is that all?"

"Much stronger than a stick terrier, he is not as good as a little girl!"

"How come this kind of brain is not our family?"

It was in the midst of everyone's discussion.

She returned the test paper to Xiao Nuan with a dejected face.

Xie Huaiqing looked at her ugly face and smiled slightly.

Let her usually brag in the yard about how smart the stick terrier is.

Well, now I'll see the real chapter as soon as it's time for the exam.

Jia Wenxiu is very happy now.

She greeted each other very warmly.

"Principal Wu Ran Teacher Ran, it's cold outside, let's go inside the house and talk."

"Okay, let's go into the house and talk."

Principal Wu also had something to say to her.

Just as everyone was walking towards the yard.

Yan Bugui came back from outside.

He was also carrying a fish that had been frozen to the core.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he happened to meet the headmaster's line of sight.

In his heart, he was immediately embarrassed.

Because he was on sick leave.

At this time, instead of recuperating at home, I went out fishing.

In an instant, he quickly hid the fish behind his back.

Then squeeze out an old chrysanthemum-like smile.

"Hey, Headmaster, why are you here?"

Principal Wu looked at his appearance, and a sneer immediately appeared on his face.

"Teacher Yan, didn't you say you called in sick?"

Bad dish dewy!

He tensed up in his heart, and at the same time resented in his heart.

This old woman took her own leave.

Why did she still come to the house to check the post.

As for?

I thought so in my heart, but my face could never show it.

He smiled.

"Isn't that slightly better?"

"Thinking of replenishing yourself with a little nutrition, just..." Principal

Wu was impatient to listen to his reasoning, and directly interrupted him.

"Teacher Yan, since your illness has healed."

"Then on the day of learning Lei Feng on Monday, you will take out the toilet for our school."

What the?

Draining the toilet?

Yan Bugui frowned.

I haven't done this in a long time.

Shouldn't this kind of thing be done by young teachers?

How is it his turn again.

He was almost vomiting blood in anger.

Is it necessary?

Isn't it just a sick leave?

I actually let myself dig the toilet!

He bit his mouth hard.

If it weren't for the other party managing the salary.

He had to scold her twice.

Whoever loves to go to the toilet is going!

"Did you hear that?"

Principal Wu didn't hear his answer, so he asked impatiently.

"Heard it, heard it."

He nodded hurriedly.

But in his heart, he was scolding the principal.

"Just hear it, come here."

"Look at the good students you teach!"

The other party pulled the roll out of the stick terrier's hand.

Then expand for the other person to see.

"One point in Chinese, three points in mathematics."

"Teacher Yan, how do you usually manage students, the children have low scores, but except for that special child, none of them have passed the single-digit exam!"

"The whole school, the whole grade, just such a one, or you brought it, you tell me, how do you teach the children?"

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