(The four of them are full of courage and determination, they know that driving change will not be easy, but they are determined to face the challenge and maintain a persistent and optimistic mindset.) They believe that through persistent efforts, they can contribute to the realization of a more just, equitable and harmonious world. Scene

: A dilapidated kitchen in a town in the '60s, Amy and Ellen eat a gruely meal.

(The kitchen is dusty, the walls are faded, and only the faint glow of the fire remains on the stove

) Amy: (frowning)

Alan, I'm really hungry. This paste is not delicious at all.

Alan: I know, Amy. Our days during this time were really hard. After Dad lost his job, our lives became more and more difficult.

Amy: I miss the old days, when we could have hearty meals and my dad always brought home fresh food.

Allen: yes, but now we're going to have to figure out how to get by. Ruth and I went fishing in a nearby river, but lately the fish are getting harder to catch.

Amy: We have to find other ways. I heard that Aunt Mary had some fruit trees over there, and maybe she would like to share some fruit with us.

(Amy and Ellen decide to visit

Mary) Mary: (gently)

Amy, Alan, come in and sit. I heard that your life has become more difficult recently.

Allen: Yes, Aunt Mary. Our family now barely has enough food. We wondered if you could share some fruit with us.

Mary: Absolutely, kids. I can understand your situation. Wait a minute, I'll go pick some fresh fruit for you.

(Mary goes back inside and picks some fruit for Amy and Alan)

Mary: Here's the little help I can give you. I hope these fruits will relieve some of your hunger.

Amy: Thank you very much, Aunt Mary. You are such a kind person.

(Amy and Ellen get home, Amy can't wait to wash the fruit and distribute it to the whole family)

Alan: Seeing your smile, I think our hard work has not been in vain. We will get through this difficult time.

Amy: Yes, Alan. We will support each other until everything gets better.

(The family sat around the table, sharing Mary's fruit, and although life was hard, their hearts were full of hope and unity)

The story features Amy as the protagonist and describes her and her family's life during the hunger period of the 60s of the 0th century. They faced unemployment and food shortages, but through mutual support and friendly neighbors, they got through this difficult time. This story highlights the importance of solidarity, hope and mutual aid and finding solutions to difficult situations.

(Inside the kitchen, Amy and Ellen are tasting the fruit Mary sent)

Amy: Wow! This apple is really fresh and sweet. Thanks to God and Aunt Mary's help, we were finally able to taste fresh fruit.

Allen: yes, Amy, it's a luxury. I remember when I was a child, there was an orchard near our house and we used to go there to pick fruit, which was a treat.

Amy: yes, those times seemed so far away. But we can't give up, we have to persevere. Maybe there will be a turnaround.

Ruth: (walking into the kitchen) Hey, you're eating fruit. Aunt Mary is such a nice person, she is always helpful.

Allen: Yes, Ruth. We are lucky to have neighbors like her. Not only did she help us, but she also helped other families through this.

Ruth: Speaking of which, I heard yesterday at a relief station downtown that they were organizing a food relief event. Maybe we can go there and ask for more help.

Amy: Sounds like a good idea. We should not let pride stop us from receiving aid. We can go and see, maybe we can get more food.

(Amy, Allen, and Ruth decide to go to the relief station downtown)

At the relief station....

Volunteer: Welcome to the food pantry, what can I do for you?

Allen: We heard that you are organizing food relief activities. Our family is in a difficult situation and we hope to get some help.

Volunteer: Of course, we will try to help you. Please wait a moment, I will prepare some food for you.

(Volunteers prepare some food for Amy, Ellen and Ruth)

Amy: Thank you for your help. You really are reaching out when we need it most.

Volunteers: Our goal is to help those in need. Remember, you are not fighting alone. We are united in our efforts to overcome difficult times together.

(Amy, Ellen, and Ruth leave the shelter filled with gratitude and hope)

Alan: I'm encouraged that we're no longer alone. There are so many people willing to lend a helping hand, and we will get through this difficult time.

Amy: Yes, Alan. This experience taught me that unity in difficult situations is our most powerful weapon. Together, we will fight hunger and usher in a better tomorrow.

End of story.

In this sequel, Amy and Ellen get fresh fruit through Mary's help, showing the spirit of mutual help between neighbors. Subsequently, they sought more help at the relief station and were supported by volunteers. The story highlights the importance of solidarity, receiving aid and hope, while expressing the strength of people to support each other in difficult times. No matter how difficult the times are, Amy and her family firmly believe that they are not fighting alone, but working with others to pursue a better future.

(Amy, Alan and Ruth come home, and they sit around the table)

Ruth: These foods are really life-saves. We should cherish every bite.

Amy: Yes, Ruth. We need to save food and make sure everyone is fed.

Allen: I agree. We must come together through this difficult time. Moreover, we can also try to grow some vegetables to increase our food supply.

Amy: Yes, Alan! We have a small piece of garden that we can use to grow some vegetables. So we can have more fresh food.

(Amy, Allen, and Ruth start planning their little garden)

Amy: We can grow hardy vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, and kale. They should adapt to the climate of our season.

Allen: And we can save some seeds and continue planting next year. So that we can have a consistent source of food.

Ruth: I still have some unused pots at home that we can repurpose to grow. This way we do not need to spend extra.

(Amy, Ellen, and Ruth start busy in the garden, sowing seeds for vegetables).

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