Resident: We can continue to hold gardening talks and workshops to share the fun and skills of gardening with more people.

Residents: Our gardens can also be expanded to grow more flowers and vegetables to provide more beauty and food to the community.

Amy: Whatever we do, we will remain united and welcoming, bringing light to the community with the beauty of our gardens and our friendship.

Allen: Yes, our team will continue to grow and evolve to bring beauty and hope to the community.

End of story.

In this sequel, residents gather to reflect on the success of the community flower show and the growth of the garden. They felt very proud and proud and the team's efforts paid off. Residents emphasized that the flower show is not only a showcase of achievements, but also a showcase of team camaraderie and contribution to the community. Through the garden, they forged strong friendships and attracted more people to join the team. They believe that the garden will continue to grow and prosper, bringing more joy and beauty to the community. They plan to continue to hold gardening talks and workshops to share the joys and skills of gardening and expand the size of the garden to provide more beauty and food to the community. Whatever they do, they will remain united and welcoming, bringing light and hope to the community with the beauty of the garden and the friendship of the team. They believe that through the growth and development of their team, they can bring more beauty and hope to the community.

(In the community garden, residents continue to work to add new elements to the garden)

Allen: Our garden has grown very beautiful, but I feel like we can do better.

Ruth: Yes, we could consider adding some garden art to make the garden more unique and appealing.

DAVID: I agree. We can set up some sculptures or decorations in the garden to add an artistic atmosphere.

Amy: We can also create some seating and seating areas around the garden where people can enjoy the view of the garden.

Resident: I think we could also host a night garden event where people can enjoy the different charms of the garden at night.

Resident: Right! We can use light to illuminate the garden and make it glow mysteriously and captivating at night.

Allen: That's a great idea! The evening garden event will bring a new experience to our garden and attract more people to visit.

David: I would also like to propose an educational corner in the garden to share horticultural knowledge and environmental awareness with visitors.

Ruth: Yes, we can set up display boards or information boards to let people know how to grow and protect plants, making the garden a place of education.

(Residents discuss with interest how to add new elements to the garden)

Residents: Whatever we do, we are a team, a big family full of love and creativity.

Resident: Yes, our garden is not only a beautiful landscape, but also a testimony of our spiritual sustenance and team efforts.

Amy: Let's continue our efforts to add a new element to the garden and make it a source of pride and joy for the community.

Alan: Through our hard work and creativity, we can make the garden a place that will always be full of surprises and beauty.

End of story.

In this sequel, residents continue to work discussing how to add a new element to the garden. They plan to add garden art deco, setting up sculptures or ornaments to make the garden more unique and attractive. They also considered creating seating and seating areas around the garden so that people could enjoy the view from the garden. In addition, they came up with the idea of holding a night garden event to illuminate the garden with lights and show different charms. They also plan to set up an educational corner in the garden to share horticultural knowledge and environmental awareness with visitors. Residents discussed with interest how to add new elements to the garden, stressing that they are a team, a big family full of love and creativity. They are determined to continue their united efforts to add a new element to the garden and make it a source of pride and joy for the community. Through their efforts and creativity, they believe that the garden will always be full of surprises and beauty, becoming a place of pleasure and enjoyment.

Amy: Wow! Where is this? Why do the surrounding buildings look so strange?

Stranger: Hi Hello! How did you get here?

Amy: Hmm... I'm not sure. I was just cooking in my kitchen and suddenly came to this place. Can you tell me what time it is?

Stranger: It's 2023, but the world has changed a lot. I am a scientist who studies time travel.

Amy: Time travel? Have I traveled back into the future?

Stranger: Yes, you're right. You are the first human to successfully travel into the future. We're looking at this phenomenon and trying to figure out how you got here.

Amy: It's incredible! So, what's going on in the future? How has the world changed?

Stranger: A lot of things have changed. First, technology has made tremendous progress. Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives, and self-driving cars, smart homes, virtual reality, and more have become very common. Remarkable breakthroughs have also been made in medicine, and many incurable diseases now have effective treatments.

Amy: Sounds amazing! But, I'm curious, what do people think about time travel?

Strangers: Time travel is a very talked-about topic in the future. People are curious about its potential and impact. However, time travel also poses some ethical and legal issues. Therefore, we are working to ensure the safety and legality of time travel.

Amy: So what do I do now? How do I get back to my time?

Stranger: We're working on this. At the moment, we have not found a definite answer. However, we will do everything we can to help you return to your own time. During this time, you can first adapt to your future life and understand the changes in the world.

Amy: Okay, I'll try to adapt. Thank you for your help!

Over time, Amy gradually adjusts to life in the future. She learned to interact with artificial intelligence, experienced the wondrous world of virtual reality, and visited many futuristic tech exhibitions.

In the coming months, scientists finally found a way to take Amy back in time. They discover a device called a space-time portal that can transport Amy back to the time she traveled.

Amy: Are you really leaving? I will miss everything here.

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