
Fatty's head was instantly bleeding from the wine bottle smashed on his head.

He covered his head with his hands and rolled on the ground.

Fatty felt like his brain was about to crack, and the piercing pain instantly spread to his whole body.

For a moment he felt a little blurry in his consciousness.

Even so, Brother Hu and the others still felt that they were not arrogant enough to see this, and the three of them kicked the fat man together.

The fat man's scream made the dogs in the nearby alley yard start to bark.

He Yutong was a little puzzled after hearing Fatty's screams.

The fat man was beaten?

But that scream sounded really cool.

This is He Yutong's first feeling.

Chapter [-] The fat man who wants to cry but has no tears

He Yutong listened to it for about ten minutes before Fatty's screams gradually weakened.

At this time, He Yutong thought that the fat man was really resistant to beatings.

Now He Yutong didn't know what was going on inside, so he didn't go in rashly.

It's not good if there is any danger.

And most importantly, now that he has a grudge against Fatty, it is absolutely impossible to save him.

At this time, He Yutong thought of a solution.

It seems that this method is also good, so that I can also clean up those boys.

the other side

Inside the courtyard of the alley.

The fat man's shouts had weakened, and he lay on the ground and whimpered in a low voice.



"It hurts to death".

Seeing that Fatty was still mourning, Brother Hu's younger brother gave Fatty another kick and kicked him directly in the chest, causing Fatty to pass out.Brother Hu's other younger brother started to get a little nervous.

"It's not dead, is it?".

Brother Tiger frowned.

"How is it possible to kill after a few hits?".

Then Brother Hu squatted in front of Fatty, and put his right index finger next to Fatty's nostril.

He felt it for a while, then pondered.


"Still angry...".

The younger brother who kicked the fat man before heard what Brother Hu said and was obviously relieved.

"I just said how could it be possible to die so soon."

Just when they were discussing whether the fat man was dead or not.

The courtyard door opened.

They suddenly became a little nervous.

After all, it would be bad if they were seen by outsiders, and if the accused was sent to the Public Security Bureau, they would suffer.

When they saw that the person who came was their eldest brother Ming, they were relieved.

Brother Ming watched Fatty spread out in the yard, he frowned slightly and asked Brother Hu.

"Huzi, what's going on?".

Brother Ming pointed to the fat man and asked Brother Hu.

Brother Hu glanced at Fatty, and then explained to Brother Ming.

"Brother! "o

"This fat man is cheating on us."

"The one we went to clean up today, He Yutong, was a tough guy and put all three of us down."

After Brother Ming heard what Brother Hu said, he was obviously very shocked.

- Hit three?

And it is still dealing with tigers who often fight.

I knew about Hu Zi's level, but I didn't expect Hu Zi and the other two younger brothers to fail him.

Brother Ming nodded, and then asked someone to throw the fat man awake.

The younger brother poured a bucket of well water from the well and poured it directly on Fatty's face.

After Fatty woke up, he saw that Brother Ming was also here, so he quickly hugged Brother Ming's thigh and cried.

"Forgive me!".

"Forgive me!".

"I was wrong! ".

"Please forgive me".

The fat man cried and told Brother Ming to forgive him. Tears, blood and soil were all mixed together on his face. His face that was white and chubby was now ugly.Brother Ming pulled out his leg in disgust, and then looked at Fatty.

"Okay! Stop howling, if you howl again, I'll kill you."

Brother Ming's words really worked, and Fatty stopped his voice instantly.

Brother Ming sat on the chair at this time, he looked at the fat man lying on the ground and said slowly.

"I have heard Huzi say about this matter. It's your fault, but I am also generous. You have to reimburse Huzi's medical expenses, otherwise Huzi will be injured in vain... Angry fat man After listening to Ming Ge's words, I just wanted to cry without tears.

Obviously, he was beaten so badly, why should he pay for his medical expenses?

Is there any reason for this?

It was He Yutong who made himself so miserable, and now Fatty's eyes were full of resentment.

Brother Hu looked at the fat man and said fiercely to him.

"Can't find it! Is it?

The fat man shook his head in fright.

Brother Ming stopped Huzi, and then continued to Fatty.

"how do you say? ".

The fat man asked cautiously.

"How much do you have to pay for medical bills?

Ming Ge thought for a while.

"Just pay fifty."

The fat man was frightened by what Brother Ming said.

fifty dollars?

How can I have so many.

My salary is only [-] yuan a month, so I have [-] yuan?

What's more, the money to buy He Yutong's arm was borrowed from Brother Monkey.

Now the fat man simply regretted it to death.

But the fat man did not regret taking the medicine.

If you don't agree to Brother Ming's conditions, you won't even think about going out of this door.

At this time, Brother Ming saw that Fatty was hesitating, so Brother Ming continued without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I won't pay for the medical expenses in vain. We will take care of that He Yutong. This time it won't be as simple as breaking an arm."Fatty was a little skeptical after hearing what Brother Ming said.

"Brother Ming! What are you saying is true?".

The younger brother behind Ming-ge scolded Fatty.

"Damn fat man, dare to question our brother Ming".

The fat man shrank his head in fright and hurriedly said

"Don't dare!"

"Don't dare!

Fatty didn't know if what Brother Ming said was true, but for the fifty dollars, he didn't know where to go.

But if it's really like what he said, he would feel better if he mutilated He Yutong.

The fat man begged Brother Ming to give him some time to collect the money himself.

Brother Ming nodded.

"Just give you a month...

Fatty was a little reluctant in his heart, but he still agreed, after all, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

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