At this time, Liu Jun said loudly to Liu Haizhong: "Master! I am the chief's guard, my name is Liu Jun!".

The second uncle didn't react immediately. When he reacted, he stuttered in surprise and said, "What... what? Chief?".He looked at He Yutong with puzzled eyes.

He Yutong said to Liu Jun behind him at this time: "Don't call me chief in the future!".

"Call me by my name?".

But Liu Jun still said: "Yes! Chief...".

He Yutong was helpless.

At 770, it was He Yutong who turned to Liu Haizhong and said, "Second Master! I still have something to do!".

"Then I'll go first...".

The second uncle can only answer: "I'm...".


After He Yutong entered the courtyard, guard Liu Jun also entered the courtyard.

At this time, Qin Huairu was in the courtyard continuing to help Sha Zhu with the laundry, after what happened last time.

Qin Huairu felt that she couldn't do without silly Zhu, and she couldn't do anything else, so she could only help silly Zhu wash clothes on time every day.

In fact, Shizhu doesn't have two pieces of clothes, and he doesn't change his clothes much in winter, that is, he is just washing them today.

At this time, after Qin Huairu saw He Yutong, she felt puzzled in her heart... So Qin Huairu asked He Yutong, "Yutong is back?".

He Yutong glanced at Qin Huairu, just nodded slightly and went in.

At this time, Qin Huairu didn't pay attention to He Yutong's attitude, but noticed why a soldier followed behind He Yutong.At this time, the second uncle came in from outside, and he asked Qin Huairu.

"Second uncle!".

"Why is there a soldier behind this He Yutong?".

The second uncle explained to Qin Huairu: "Oh!".

"This is Xiao He's guard. I heard him call Chief Xiao He just now!".

When Qin Huairu heard the second uncle's words, Qin Huairu was suddenly surprised.


He Yutong?

Qin Huairu didn't link these two words...

After all, Qin Huairu knew that He Yutong was only the assistant and director of the ceramics factory.

When did He Yutong have a relationship with the chief?

Does He Yutong have anything to do with the army?

Even if He Yutong is his ancestor, he has nothing to do with the army.

This made Qin Huairu very strange.

So Qin Huairu asked the second uncle.

"Second uncle!".

"When did He Yutong become the chief?".

The second uncle shook his head and said, "How do I know? %

"You know what I just saw?".

Qin Huairu shook his head and asked.

"See what?".

The second uncle said: "The car that Xiao He was in just now is a military license plate, and it really belongs to the army...".

Qin Huairu was surprised again: "What?".


"He Yutong came out in a car?".

The second uncle nodded: "I saw it with my own eyes when I was wandering around the door, and now the car is still parked at our door!".After Qin Huairu found out, she immediately relieved her clothes and went to see the car.

At this time, the third master, Yan Bugui, came out of the house.

He found that Liu Haizhong was talking to Qin Huairu (chdf), so Yan Bugui asked Liu Haizhong curiously.

"Second uncle, what were you mumbling with Qin Huairu just now?".

Liu Haizhong saw that it was the third master Yan Bugui, so he said to the third master Yan Bugui.

"Third Master!".

"I just saw He Yutong come back in a car!

When Yan Bugui heard this, he patted his leg and said, "What did I think it was?".

"Didn't the people in the yard already know about his car ride?".

The second uncle heard that the third uncle didn't take it seriously, so the second uncle said anxiously.

"Not only in the car, but when he came back, there was a soldier behind him! And he also called Chief He Yutong!".

When the third master Yan Bugui heard the second master say this, he immediately started to be surprised.

"What! ? ".


"When did He Yutong become the chief? %

The second uncle spread his hands and said helplessly, "I don't know either!

"But I'm curious, how did He Yutong suddenly become the chief...".

The third master shook his head: "I don't know either, he has news about the guards, or you told me...".

"How would I know this?

The second uncle sighed and said, "He Daqing is such a blessing! If he knew that his second son was so promising, would he still run with the widow?".The third master laughed and said, "He will get it!".

"If he knew that his son was so promising, he would have run away with that pretty widow?".

"He can't enjoy the blessing of his son...".

"But to be honest, I'm really envious..."

Liu Haizhong also nodded and said, "Who said no!".

"If my son can make half of He Yutong's career, let me enjoy the happiness! I will close my eyes...".

Yan Bugui said: "Just like your temper, it's good if your child doesn't scold you, and you still enjoy happiness? You want to eat shit!".

Liu Haizhong hurriedly said: "My son has already entered the rolling mill. In the future, he may not be inferior to He Yutong, but Yan Bugui said: "I'm lazy to talk about you...".

"Didn't you say that you can't enjoy the blessing of your son?".

"You also said that you want to be an official! You should be one for me to see!".

"Forget it! It's not difficult for me to do it for you!

"I took my little son to see the car, let him study hard, and drive a car in the future...".After Yan Bugui finished speaking, he took his young son from the house to the door.

I feel like I'm messy in the bangs... o

Chapter [-]+—Prepare to solve the housing problem!

When He Yutong entered his house, He Yutong found that Ding Qiunan and his sister, He Yuyu, were heating the fire...,

After the door opened...

Ding Qiunan, who was cooking, was very excited when she saw He Yutong. She immediately left her position and threw herself directly into He Yutong's arms.

"Where have you been? ".

"Why didn't you come back overnight?".

"Do you know how worried I am? %

He Yutong felt Ding Qiunan's caring words, and then He Yutong just smiled slightly, then patted Ding Qiunan's back lightly, and comforted her: "Am I coming back? "Don't worry about it...".

At this time, He Yuyu found Liu Jun behind He Yutong, and then pointed at Liu Jun behind He Yutong and shouted.

"Brother Soldier!".

At this time, Ding Qiunan discovered the soldier behind He Yutong...

So Ding Qiunan asked He Yutong: 'Yutong!This is?

He Yutong explained to Ding Qiunan: "This is my guard...".

Ding Qiunan's mouth suddenly opened the boss, and then asked He Yutong in surprise.

"Guards? When did you have guards!

"You left the Secretary for a day, and the Secretary assigned you a guard? %

Ding Qiunan felt that this was too miraculous.

After all, it's only one day.

At this time, silly Zhu came back from outside, and he was surprised when he saw He Yutong and the soldiers.

Then silly Zhu asked He Yutong: "Yutong!".

"he is? ".

He Yutong could only answer again: "This is my guard...".

And Ding Qiunan broke away from He Yutong's embrace because of He Yuzhu's presence, because Ding Qiunan felt embarrassed.

When He Yuzhu knew that the soldier in front of him was He Yutong's guard, he couldn't help feeling very shocked.

When did your younger brother get involved with the guards?

Aren't the security guards only made by big leaders?His younger brother is not a big leader. It seems that even if he becomes a factory manager, he is not qualified to be a security guard, right?

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