Master Hu walked to He Yutong's side.

"Of course this is not Western painting, but it is mixed with the style of Western painting. Have you ever seen meticulous painting and Western painting like this?".

He Yutong shook his head.

"That's not...?".

"However, the subject matter is completely different from the fine brushwork painting."

Master Hu nodded.

"That's right!".

"This kind of subject matter is now the most popular subject matter. It has the color of Western oil painting and has our local characteristics, but the coloring technique has the texture of Western painting."

"It can only be said that Western paintings with local characteristics, but the coloring techniques of Western paintings are a little simpler, but the color layers are a little deeper than that of Gongbi paintings."

He Yutong looked at Master Hu after listening to what Master Hu said.

"Master Hu, are you saying that you shouldn't use the method of painting porcelain with fine brushwork?".

Master Hu nodded.

"It's not bad to understand, of course, it's just to tell you not to use coloring techniques in it...".

At this time, He Yutong seemed to understand something.

After taking over, Master Hu seemed to want to see how his line skills were, so he gave him ten plates about ten inches in size, with light ink lines on them.Then he gave himself another photo.

This is the original image of the pattern.

"You finish the lines on these plates first."

He Yutong looked at the ten plates stacked in front of him, and there was a trace of solemnity on his face.


The porcelain used to outline these times is not the same pearly material as pastel, nor is it Xichi (oil red), but the hemp material that is mixed with Xichi and a certain proportion of bright black.

That is close to the color of the skin.

After all, in this whole picture, human skin and lines such as clothing lines in various scenes need to be colored by themselves. In order to have a more vicissitudes of life, hemp color is needed to contrast this scene.

He Yutong is also the first time to come into contact with this kind of painting, but he still uses his own understanding to paint this painting, while painting and thinking, what is the meaning of this stroke.

After about three hours, He Yutong finally finished drawing the lines on the plate.

To be honest, outlines like period porcelain are generally drawn with iron lines.

This kind of outline method tests one's own wrist, and the lines should be supported.

After the line is dry, it can be touched on the plate like an iron wire firmly inlaid on the plate.

He Yutong took a closer look at the plate he had outlined, and it basically matched the description.

At this time, He Yutong was going to let Master Hu see how he was painting, but Master Hu was not at his workstation.

He Yutong looked at the big round clock hanging by the factory gate.

It's almost half past six.

It's almost time for get off work.

At this time he saw that many people had left their workstations.

He Yutong thought to himself that Master Hu should have gone home.

Thinking of this, He Yutong began to pack up his workstation and prepare to get off work.

He Yutong returned home after half an hour's journey. After all, the distance between the factory and home is not very long.After returning home.

He found that He Yuzhu had not come back.

So he went to his sister's room to see him doing his homework.

When He Yuyu saw his brother coming, a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother! "o

"You're finally back, I'm starving to death."

He Yutong asked.

"Big brother hasn't come back yet?".

He Yuyu shook his head.

"not yet! ".

"Sister Qin didn't come back, I don't know what she was doing!".

He Yutong frowned when he heard He Yuyu's words.

There is definitely a problem here.

At this moment, He Yutong heard the voices of Qin Huairu and He Yuzhu from outside.

"Silly Zhu! Thank you very much today, if it weren't for you, Bangjie wouldn't have studied now...".

Silly Zhu smiled and said, "Why are you being polite to me, the uncle has no time to go, I just have time...".

"We're home! See you then...".

Qin Huairu nodded.

"Silly column! See you then...".

Chapter [-] He Yutong's Response

Bang Terrier is starting school now?

He Yutong had some doubts after hearing Qin Huairu's voice outside.

A salary of more than [-] yuan can still support a child going to school?

If it's just one, then it's still possible, but she has four at the same time, one grade, three grades, and she still has extra money to go to school?

Even He Daqing was enough to support the three He Yutong brothers and sisters, not to mention that she was still a widow.

After all, He Daqing's salary is high enough. Although he is not as good as the uncle Yi Zhonghai, he is more than enough. After supporting three studies, he can occasionally eat a good meal.

It's just that Qin Huairu can be the same as He Daqing?

This made He Yutong have to suspect that He Yuzhu was helping.

He Yutong is now speechless about his brother. In the recent period of time, he has heard his own brother's reputation, which is not good at all.

The girls in the factory who hooked up with the widow are not so enthusiastic about He Yuzhu anymore, and basically no one takes the initiative to find him now.

A good deck of cards played sloppy.

With your status as a chef, and your handsome face now, how can you get a little girl?

How did it become such a virtue now?

We are not preventing you from being with this widow, but this widow is completely unintentional. If you get married, you will not have a child with you, and you will become extinct. How can you want such a woman?It's enough to help her raise one year, three children, but also make herself extinct?What do you think?

But He Yutong now knows that no matter how much he persuades, He Yuzhu will never listen, so He Yutong is now like his previous attitude, no matter what.

Out of sight out of mind.

That way you can feel better.

It's just that if He Yuzhu really married this Qin Huairu in the future, Qin Huairu really wouldn't plan to live in this house, unless she huddled in He Yuzhu's room.

If Qin Huairu asks He Yuzhu to buy back the remaining property rights in the future, it must be done when the house price is the highest.

I definitely can't let it go now. You still have the opportunity to buy it in this era. In the future, He Yutong feels that even if she sells her, it will not be enough to buy back the remaining property rights.He Yutong thought of this, and he had to save money to buy a house quickly.

But now is not the cheapest time to live.

Instead, wait until the movement happens.

Prices were the cheapest at that time.

He Yutong estimated that he had already saved a lot of money at that time.

In addition, at that time, cultural relics and antiques were also the cheapest. When they were smashed and smashed during sports, usually others would deal with them as soon as possible.

The identities of the three He Yutong brothers and sisters are in line with the mainstream background of this era.


Generally speaking, those people won't make trouble with the workers, but there are definitely some who will look for trouble everywhere to show off, and they have to prepare themselves.

At this moment, He Yutong thought about many things.

After He Yuzhu came in, He Yutong didn't say what he had just heard, but asked He Yuzhu to cook, and the rain was about to faint from hunger.

He Yuzhu hurriedly apologized.

So I hurried to the kitchen to cook.

He Yutong knew that He Yuzhu couldn't understand this matter, and other things were normal.

So He Yutong just ignored this matter, after all, it's hard to convince a stubborn person.

And He Yutong was instructing He Yuyu's homework, and then reviewing the high school textbooks, but to be honest, He Yutong looked at the high school textbooks and felt that it was not very difficult.

He Yutong can still perform well at the level of He Yutong's college entrance examination.

In the future, at least he is a person who has scored more than [-] points in the test. If he works hard now, it is still very easy to get admitted to a university, but a good university still requires hard work.

There are not a few people who can study in Beijing, and there are many indicators, but this does not mean that there is less competition.

But He Yutong believes that he still has a very good chance if he works hard at Jingcheng University or Shuimu University.


A few days passed in peace.

The golden autumn and October are coming soon.

To be honest, He Yutong still feels that the temperature in Beijing has changed too fast in October. He can wear a single shirt during the day, but he will wear thick clothes at night.

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