Zhong Yuemin immediately shook his head.

"It can't be beaten...".

After all, Zhong Yuemin thinks that Li Kuiyong, who often practices wrestling, can't make a single move. Isn't he looking for a practice to practice wrestling half-heartedly?

However, Zhong Yuemin felt that he should still ask someone for help.

the other side

He Yutong had already finished painting the ten plates in the ceramic factory. He Yutong himself had spent a lot of thought on these ten plates, so the painting of these ten plates was relatively slow.

It took about two or three days to draw.

Master Hu held the plate that He Yutong had painted in his hand, and then began to examine it carefully. After looking at it, he found that He Yutong's painting was not bad.

The requirements are basically in place, and they are better than ordinary painters. In general, Master Hu believes that He Yutong has now far surpassed the level of ordinary apprentices, and already has the level of fourth- and fifth-level painters.Judging from the picture on this plate, Master Hu really couldn't tell that it was drawn by [-]-year-old He Yutong. Judging from the lines, it was at least ten years old.

However, Master Hu did not praise He Yutong for this. After all, this is only the foundation of line, and the most important thing in Western painting is color and coloring techniques.

In fact, Master Hu's own line skills are also at the upper-middle level, because in the field of ceramics, it does not mean that anyone is omnipotent.

For example, in the fine brushwork porcelain, some are good at painting fish, some are good at painting shrimp, and some are good at painting trees or rocks. It does not mean that others are not very good, but Master Hu is good at painting new colors.

The coloring of the new color is very different from the pastel.

The biggest difference is the thickness.

Because when the pastel is colored, a layer of glass white is needed, that is, the titanium white on the meticulous painting, which is used to transition the color.

The transition color also requires auxiliary processes such as kerosene to be drawn, so it is more troublesome.

But the new color is different, the painter can color it himself.

And another point is that pastels have no characteristics, that is, pastels must be repainted in the case of filling in the wrong color, but new colors do not need, just wipe off the wrong place.

Therefore, another process of Xincai is to burn the first fire to fix the painted color.

In this case, He Yutong doesn't have to be afraid of filling in the wrong color.

Master Hu put the plate in his hand on the table at this time.

He asked He Yutong.

"Do you know how to color (color)?".

He Yutong nodded.

"Generally, I can, do you need a color? %

Master Hu said.

"Then take these ten plates and color them first. Pay attention to the angle of the light, it can't be too dark or too bright...".

"It must be based on the photo."

He Yutong responded quickly.

"I'll go…".

Master Hu looked at He Yutong's back and muttered.

"The kid learns really fast...".

ps: I feel a little flustered when I write this. There are so few evaluation tickets and flowers. I don’t know if anyone will read it. I hope everyone will support me when I put it on the shelves. If the results are ok, I will definitely explode.

Chapter [-]: Master Hu's Teaching

After He Yutong returned to his workstation, he began to carefully figure out how to color it. After all, the coloring part is the most difficult part of the new color.However, it is not yet time to color, but to color, that is, to use crayons to pick colors.

This method is not only used in pastels, but also often used in new colors. Color is to make an object change in light and shade, which is similar to the separation of color in fine brushwork.

So He Yutong was fascinated by the picture of the old farmer in Shaanxi and Qin in his hand.

This old farmer was wrapped in a white turban, and his face was covered with traces of the years. His dark face, wrinkles like layers of ravines covered his forehead and the corners of his eyes.

The old farmer had a happy smile on his face, and the pole in his hand was stuck on the loess.

A fiery scene in the back.

At this time, He Yutong could feel that this was the joy of the old farmer from the bottom of his heart.

This photo completely captured the appearance of the old farmer, which also shocked He Yutong.

Most of the peasants in this era are as simple as the photos.

At this time, He Yutong was looking at the picture in this photo attentively.

At this time, He Yutong began to write.

He picked up the crayon in front of him, and then lubricated the head of the crayon with frankincense oil, and then used the primer pen to apply the material in the darkest part of the shadow, that is, paint the color.The color of He Yutong's picture is bright black, in order to increase the sense of hierarchy.

He Yutong found that his second-level ceramic painting skills are really not covered, and he can know the best degree of shadow parts, which also makes He Yutong color colors much faster.As time goes by.

He Yutong finished picking three plates.

It was almost time to get off work, this time He Yutong saw that Master Hu did not leave, but was scolding other apprentices.

He Yutong felt that Master Hu's lung capacity was really good, and he didn't catch his breath after scolding.

At this time, Master Hu saw that He Yutong was about to pack up, so he walked in front of He Yutong and looked at the plate on He Yutong's table.

Master Hu after reading it.

He nodded involuntarily.

"A lot better than those stinky boys, but...".

"You still need to be careful in some parts and pull out the sense of hierarchy, otherwise, how can there be characteristics?".

"Although your color is the same as in the photo, but it lacks your own characteristics...".

He Yutong was a little dazed.

I have a system to assist me, but what Master Hu said makes sense, but didn't he say before that the photos prevail?

Not enough, He Yutong still had some doubts.

"Master Hu, didn't you just say it's not based on the photo?".

Seeing that He Yutong asked this question, Master Hu glared at He Yutong.

"I said that the photos shall prevail, but I said that the style and angle of the photos shall prevail, but the paintings are still drawn by people, and how can the paintings be the same as the photos?". "Then if that's the case, who buys china?

"Isn't it enough to buy photos directly?".

He Yutong was thoughtful.

Seeing that He Yutong was still thinking, Master Hu told He Yutong.

"All right! ".

"You go back first...".

"Go back and think about it

He Yutong nodded.

"Good encouragement".

He Yutong left the factory after packing up his own.

At this time, Master Hu looked at the other apprentices with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and he was a little distressed.

"Where are you eating here?".

"After studying for so long, even He Yutong, who has only studied for two months, can't compare. What are you doing...".

"Give me overtime today...".

"You can't go back until you finish painting...".

At this time, the apprentices sitting in other positions were simply suffering.

This He Yutong is too evil. He has learned this level in two months. How can he live.

Today, He Yutong came to the library again.

It's just that he didn't find the figure from yesterday. He Yutong felt a little strange. Could it be that she didn't come when something happened?

Or is it because you don't come?

This made He Yutong a little depressed.

What is going on?

On the other hand, Ding Qiunan is on duty in the hospital, because she is an apprentice with the master, and the apprentice needs to be on duty in the hospital, so it is her turn to be on duty in the duty room today.

At this time, Ding Qiunan was thinking.

What is that guy doing now?Are you reading in the library?

By the way, does he really want to go to college?

This series of questions kept lingering in her mind when a nurse passed by Ding Qiunan's duty room.

She saw that Ding Qiunan was in a daze.

"Qiu Nan!".

"What’s wrong with you? ".

"Why are you so unrepentant?".

After the nurse picked up the thermos and poured herself a cup of steaming water in the duty room, she began to sit next to Ding Qiunan and asked her with concern.Ding Qiunan was suddenly asked by Lin Xin's words.

She looked at Lin Xin in a daze.

rf dagger u

ooo O

"I didn't think of anything?".

A smile appeared on Lin Xin's face.

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