Is there something wrong?

What happened next did not surprise Master Hu. Director Chen told Master Hu.

"Old Hu, the country recently dug an oil field in a place in Daqing, and now is the time to rejoice, so the above gave us a daunting task, and asked us to draw a picture with a width of 18 meters and a height of 4.5 meters. The theme of the ceramic mural is the Daqing Oilfield, which should reflect strength and labor...".

"And the painting is to be hung in the Great Hall"

Master Hu listened to the factory manager's request, and his brows suddenly began to wrinkle.

It's a high-volume task, and it fits the theme.

The most important thing is that it is hung in the Great Hall, which is very demanding. After all, this kind of porcelain must not be a general finished product, but must be a fine product among the fine products.

And the difficulty of firing is also unusually high.

According to the factory manager.

This +[-]-meter-long ceramic is only a problem for firing, and it is necessary to ensure that the firing can be fired. If it is integrally formed, it is difficult to solve the problem of the porcelain plate alone. If it is split and spliced,

That's a little better. [Want to read more Wei vzx2233 Feilu novels]

So Master Hu asked Director Chen.

"This mural, is it spliced ​​or integrated?".

Director Chen replied.

"This has not been decided yet, you come up with a plan, I will report it to the above, and the above will decide...".

Master Hu took a deep breath and asked Director Chen again.

"How much time do we have?".

Director Chen replied.

"One month!".

"We only have a month

The time is very tight, and the picture has not been finalized, and there is the problem of the material used for the porcelain plate.

Master Hu made a request to Director Chen.

Director Chen agreed.

"No matter what the request is, I will agree to you, as long as you can get me this mural, old man! I will retire in a few months, and you must not give me the chain at this time."Finally, Director Chen said to Master Hu earnestly.

Master Hu heard what Director Chen said, so he could only take on this arduous task in the end.

The time is tight, the task is urgent, and the difficulty is high, which is the difficulty of this task.

Director Chen finally agreed to the request made by Master Hu, but to the surprise of Director Chen, he did not expect that Master Hu would let He Yutong be his assistant. He originally thought that he would find other experienced painters. Or an apprentice to be his assistant.

However, as long as this political task can be completed, Director Chen will agree to any conditions.

Master Hu came to his own workstation in the workshop and called all his apprentices together.

Master Hu sat opposite the apprentices.

After all, Master Hu has quite a lot of apprentices.

Including He Yutong, there are as many as five people.

It's just that this is just a small internal meeting, and Master Hu will have to find other people to complete this arduous task together.

At this time, Master Hu cleared his throat with a teacup in his hand and said first.

"Today I received a very arduous task. We have to paint a huge mural for the Great Hall. The content of the mural is about the Daqing Oilfield that has recently appeared in the newspaper."

After He Yutong heard the news, he suddenly felt that he had experienced some kind of historical process.

Although I did not witness the discovery of the Daqing Oilfield with my own eyes, I was also excited after hearing the news, which is the largest oilfield discovered by the country so far.

At this time, He Yutong remembered that although the country will discover Changqing Oilfield with higher reserves than Daqing Oilfield in Changqing, Shaanxi Province in ten years, this still does not change Daqing's contribution to the country.

When He Yutong thought of this, he heard Master Hu continue to speak.

"In order to commemorate this special event, our superiors need us to paint a mural with a length of 18 meters and a width of 4.5 meters to celebrate, and this ceramic plate painting will also be inlaid on the wall of the Great Hall."

When the apprentices heard this, they were immediately shocked.

Then they started talking.

"I can hang it in the Great Hall, I'm not dreaming, am I?".

"Master Hu just said it, it must be true."

"I will be able to blow for a lifetime...".

This news is like being on the news, which is more like a dream for them.

He Yutong's blood boiled for a while after listening to it, but he soon woke up. How could such a huge painting be completed by one person.

At this time, Master Hu paused for a while and continued to speak to the crowd.

"So this time the task is very difficult, we only have a month, so everyone should focus on this...".

"This time! I will let one of you, He Yutong, be my assistant...".

When Master Hu finished saying this, everyone looked at He Yutong in shock, and He Yutong himself was completely stunned by Master Hu's words.

I'm your assistant?

I'm still just an apprentice, and I'm just an apprentice who has been studying for two months. Am I going to be entrusted with an important task so soon?

PS: Writing here means that it will be on the shelves soon. I read the comments today, and some people say that it is not interesting for me to write and draw all day. The title of the book is Ceramic Artist, so I mainly write and draw. The protagonist must start from ceramics to become powerful and rich. I didn't learn this, so I checked all the information. Siheyuan is mainly based on the age. What Wen Lai wrote is not limited to the things in the courtyard. I hope everyone will support me. Thank you. If the results are ok, I will try my best to update them. .

Chapter [-]+[-] The fierce master Hu

He Yutong did not expect to appoint himself as an assistant.

This is really shocking, isn't Master Hu afraid of screwing things up?At the same time, He Yutong was also very moved by Master Hu's trust. Although his mouth was often dirty, he always swears and likes to curse.

But he still taught his disciples sincerely.

Although the method is not so good, it does not affect his status in everyone's heart.

At this time, the other apprentices were talking about Master Hu's appointment of He Yutong as his assistant.

For them, Master Hu will not be surprised no matter who he appoints, but it will surprise them when he appoints He Yutong, because He Yutong has only been here for more than two months, and he has just been promoted to painter, why is it so fast Can you be appointed as Master Hu's assistant?

And the next big project to complete.

It kind of makes them unbelievable.

Master Hu watched the other apprentices begin to discuss this matter, and he frowned slightly.

"What are you little rascals mumbling about?".

"Is there anyone who disagrees?".

After hearing his voice, the apprentices became silent, probably because they were used to being reprimanded by Master Hu. They were a little scared when they heard Master Hu reprimanding others.

Master Hu glanced at the apprentices, and then said solemnly.

"You don't agree! You can! Show me your skills. Don't be arrogant all day. What do you have in your hands?"

"Are you still embarrassed to accept it?".

"I feel ashamed of you, how many years have you studied?".

"You tell me?".

"what can you do? %

"Now the color is not good! What qualifications do you have to say that others...".

"A bunch of bastards...".

After master Hu angrily taught everyone a lesson, he announced his dissolution and left He Yutong behind.

At this time, Master Hu said to He Yutong.

"This time I appointed you as my assistant, you should not have too much pressure, although pressure is a good thing, but this pressure can make you grow quickly."

Then Master Hu looked at the group of his apprentices not far away, and continued.

"It's no use putting pressure on these bastards.

He Yutong watched Master Hu say this to himself earnestly, and He Yutong explained to Master Hu.

"The brothers are also working very hard."

Master Hu sneered.

"I don't know if I work hard or not?

"These bastards make me worry a lot...".

Then Master Hu sighed.

"never mind! ".

"Let's get down to business first."

"What do you think about this mission?".

At this time, Master Hu planned to test He Yutong's level. Master Hu knew that He Yutong's hand skills were not bad, but he didn't know how his theoretical skills were.He Yutong thought for a while and began to answer.

"There are many difficulties with this mission."

"Whether it is an integrally formed porcelain plate or a divided porcelain plate, there are certain difficulties."

When Master Hu heard the words, he nodded and said to He Yutong.

"go on".

He Yutong continued.

"So I think the first thing to solve now is the problem of craftsmanship. After all, if the craftsmanship can't be achieved, it's useless to say anything...".

Master Hu patted He Yutong on the shoulder.

"Since this is the case, in the afternoon, I will ask the factory manager to organize a seminar for the masters to discuss what to do next."

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