The security guard Lao Zhang also supported Jia Zhang, but Jia Zhang refused to cooperate and stayed on the ground.

After the security guard tried several times to no avail, he suddenly changed his face and said seriously to Mrs Jia Zhang.

"If you don't get up, you are fighting against the government! Do you know that this is a crime?".

"If it is serious, it will be sentenced!"

"And you will still have a record, and no one in your family will be able to work seriously in the future...".

Jia Zhang was frightened all of a sudden.

Because at this time, she thought that if Qin Huairu had no job, then no one would support her, and she would not be able to live, so what should she do?

After all, these things really concern her in the future, so she stopped crying immediately.

At this time, Qin Huairu, who was standing beside him to discourage Jia Zhang's family, froze all over.

It would be really bad if she didn't have a job. After all, her hukou hasn't been transferred here yet. Now Qin Huairu doesn't want to go back to the countryside, so she hurriedly helped Jia Zhang and asked the security guard nervously. .

"Comrade security guard, my mother-in-law is no longer crying, please don't keep the record?"

Lao Zhang saw that Jia Zhang stopped pouting, and then nodded slightly.

"Um! ".

"As long as you don't go against the government office!".

"And our police station is to help the masses, so say it! You can wait for the result with peace of mind...".

In fact, what Lao Zhang said just now was just to scare Jia Zhang.

After all, if you want to file a case, it must be a crime to file a case, and Jia Zhang is only a scoundrel, and he can only use this method to scare her, otherwise, if the trouble continues, then do you still need to do your job? already?

And most importantly.

My jurisdiction is so big, and I have so many things to do, how can I keep watching you play a rogue?

Then Lao Zhang comforted Jia Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and then returned to the police station.

As for whether the case can be solved, it can only depend on luck.

With the current technology, the detection rate is still very low.

Unless it's a murder case, it's just a matter of luck.

The uncle politely sent the security guard Lao Zhang away.

Then he came back and talked to Qin Huairu.

"Look at the old lady more, if you want to die, just shout...".

Qin Huairu nodded and thanked the uncle.

"Thank you sir, I'll take a look...".

This farce was over, and it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening.

At this time, He Yutong had already fallen asleep.

He Yutong rushed to the factory early in the morning, and He Yutong got a message.

Deputy Director Qian received news that he returned to Hongxing Ceramics Factory overnight from Tongzhou with the porcelain plate, and he was also affirmed by Director Chen.

After all, the problem of porcelain plates has been solved in just a few days, and the deputy director of the factory, Qian, has contributed greatly.

He Yutong checked the condition of the porcelain plate with Master Hu and several other senior painters. Master Hu, Master Lin and others agreed that the porcelain plate was smooth and flat, and the size was the same.

This time, there are as many as thirteen porcelain plates brought back.

Originally, only six porcelain plates were needed, but there was a failure rate in firing, so thirteen porcelain plates were fired and brought back, and the most important thing is that after the painting is completed, the firing will also cause problems. , The extra porcelain plate is for backup, to prevent the color deviation, cracking, and shock of the fired porcelain plate from appearing.

This time, the combination of new powder is used, that is to say, it is fired in the method of new color + ancient color, which means that the porcelain plate will be filled with glass white in some parts for color firing.

The porcelain plates fired in this way have the brilliance of new colors and the heaviness of pastels, which perfectly combine Chinese and Western characteristics.

The first thing you need to do is try the stove.

...for flowers..

Because at present, the pigments are all freshly mixed, because I don't know what will happen, so I need to put the color in and burn it again, and I still use this batch of defective products to burn.

In addition to these [-] pieces of porcelain plates, which are [-] meters wide and [-] meters high, the deputy director Qian brought many broken pieces, but the texture is the same as the well-fired porcelain plates, so they are used for testing. The stove is absolutely fine.

So he took over and painted all the colors on the broken porcelain pieces by He Yutong.

The next thing is to wait two days to know what the result is.

After all, firing takes time. It is impossible to spend all the time waiting for firing. Master Hu and He Yutong began to compose pictures on the porcelain plate.

This time, Master Hu and He Yutong did not have a way to rubbing.

After all, that method is generally only suitable for less than [-] pieces of porcelain.

Like this kind of porcelain plate painting, it can't be painted in that way at all.

Instead, you need to use light ink to outline the desired outline, that is, typewriting.

As for not using pencils, that is because the lead contained in the pencils will affect the firing, and it is easy to cause problems, so the two used a fine brush dipped in light ink to outline.

Today, He Yutong spent the whole day in drafting.

"Ceramic painting experience +1"

"Ceramic painting experience +1"

"Ceramic painting experience +1"

"Ceramic painting experience +1"

"Ceramic painting experience +1"

He Yutong's experience is on the rise. Perhaps this is related to the difficulty He Yutong is currently in contact with. After all, if the layout that needs to be reflected in oil painting is a bit different from that in ceramics, so the experience is still growing quite fast. .

In the end, He Yutong spent three days sketching the manuscript, including Master Hu of course.

But generally speaking, He Yutong completed [-]% of the workload, while Master Hu completed [-]%.

Master Hu couldn't help but sigh, being young is really good.

The reason why He Yutong took three days to revise is because he has to describe things very accurately, so he must be more accurate when typing...

During these three days, He Yutong got a message.

The test stove was a success.

All the colors are well developed, and then the formal painting work can be carried out.and.

Chapter [-] Rain!I'll go to my brother's cafeteria for dinner

With the drafts of He Yutong and Master Hu...

So we can start painting soon. The new color part is drawn by He Yutong and Master Hu, and the pastel part is drawn by Master Lin.

After all, Master Lin still has a lot of research on pastel.

So at this moment, the three of them started a tense and busy drawing process. He Yutong first used half a brush to draw the material, and then started to draw the character part with hemp material, while Master Hu started to draw the background part.

Because Master Hu believes that He Yutong's ability to shape the expressions of characters is very strong, and the samples submitted before also depict the spirit of the oil worker who is not afraid of hardships, so Master Hu asked He Yutong to paint this scene. Figures inside the porcelain plate.

And he is painting the background inside the porcelain plate.

Master Lin is in charge of the part about the "[-]" color in the porcelain plate, and the division of labor among the three is very clear.

The most important part of this porcelain plate mural is the character part, because he represents the meaning theme of the entire porcelain plate, and needs to be deeply portrayed so that it can become lifelike.

Moreover, only He Yutong's draft was approved by the leader, so others have no opinion on his main character, after all, this is an irrefutable thing.

Because the leader praised He Yutong for his good painting, you can tell the leader if you have the ability?

Otherwise, the person who says no will definitely be drowned by spittle stars.

He Yutong's ceramic painting skills are almost level [-], but he still has little experience. He Yutong expects to be able to upgrade after painting this mural.

Now, with the blessing of this ceramic painting skill, He Yutong's painting speed is very fast, and every stroke is very precise. It only took two days to complete all the lines.

Even Master Hu and Master Lin had to sigh at He Yutong's speed.

During the past two days, Secretary Li and Director Chen will come here to check the progress. They are very satisfied with He Yutong's progress. After all, for them, no matter what, they must complete the tasks assigned above within the stipulated time. .

And most importantly.

It would be better if it could be done earlier.

Because of this, completing the task ahead of time will increase their evaluation on them.

Director Chen thought to himself that if he completed such a project in his last term, his retirement benefits might be improved by a notch.

So as to reach the level of the main hall.

Because this Hongxing Ceramics Factory is a ceramics factory directly under the Ministry of Light Industry, although it is not large in scale, its level is very high, one level higher than the Zhenxing Ceramics Factory in Tongzhou. In fact, Hongxing Ceramics Factory already belongs to the leading factory.

Therefore, the level of Director Chen is already very high.

As for the deputy directors, they are all at the right level...

Director Chen is expected to retire after the end of this year, so next, several deputy directors are likely to take the position of director Chen.

But this has nothing to do with He Yutong.

Because He Yutong is only concentrating on painting now.

He Yutong finished painting the characters in two days, but then he needs to burn the fixed lines for the first time, so he needs to wait for Master Hu and Master Lin to finish drawing the parts they need.After all, this kind of thing still needs to be synchronized.

So He Yutong, during the waiting period, helped to make plans.

After all the drawings were finished, Director Zhang brought people to buy items from other places and came back, and what he brought back was the paint that needed to be fired this time.

Still need to try the stove.

Because this time, the paint brought back by Director Zhang is what the factory lacks.

So you need to try the hair color.

After a few days, the first fire was finally fired. Because the Hongxing Ceramics Factory could not burn this kind of porcelain plate, it needed to be pulled to Tongzhou Zhenxing Ceramics Factory to burn.The color of the first fire is excellent, and the lines are firm, looking strong and powerful, and very powerful.

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