He Yutong thinks that he is an upright person. During the time he went to the library, He Yutong's experience in English and Russian was on the rise, and both English and Russian were upgraded. He Yutong is now

The properties are.Host: He Yutong

Age: 1-6 years old

Occupation: Assistant Ceramic Artist (Junior) (Activated), First Class Painter (Junior) (Activated), Appraiser (Junior), Chef (Junior).

Status: 7o

Item: (Mud Seed Garden) (use all the techniques in the Mustard Seed Garden picture book to instantly learn).

Special skills: carry-on space (1 cubic meter (remarks can be put in and taken out of inanimate objects at any time))

职业技能:陶瓷画师3级(已激活)(最高暂定五级)(经验800/420), 激活)(最高暂定五级)(经验68/200)古董鉴定1级(已激活)(已激活) 语精通3级(已激活)(最高五级)(经验223/800)歌曲制作1级(已激活)

Now He Yutong's English and Russian skill levels are level 4 and level 3 respectively. As for the identity column, there is no more.

厨艺1级(已激活)(最高暂定五级)(经验180/200),格斗专家1级(已 (经验0/200)英语精通4级(已激活)(最高五级)(经验15/1600)o俄 (最高五级)(经验0/200) o

That's because the project team disbanded a few days ago, so He Yutong's temporary identity is gone.

He Yutong didn't care anyway, after all, it was temporary, so He Yutong didn't care either.

Recently, several factory leaders frequently go to the department for meetings. He Yutong thinks that there should be some big move, but this has little to do with He Yutong, because He Yutong is only a painter now, and there is nothing special about it.

After He Yutong received his salary, he returned to his work station. As for the office, He Yutong did not need to go there. After all, the group was disbanded and the office was gone, so He Yutong did not need to go there. Now He Yutong's task is every day. Just work.

Master Hu also resumed his original appearance and continued to paint the Western colors he painted before. Master Lin also continued to paint the pastel maid and flowers and birds.

He Yutong painted another batch of Western paintings.

When He Yutong painted porcelain plates for Daqing Oilfield, He Yutong's painting skills were recognized by everyone, so He Yutong is now a master who can paint alone.

There is also an apprentice who follows He Yutong's painting.

The reason is that there are too many apprentices for Master Hu to bring along, and it is the same for him to learn from He Yutong.

He Yutong finally agreed.

This apprentice is Li Da who He Yutong gave him before...?.

Since he was familiar with it, He Yutong didn't say anything.

At this time, Li Da gave He Yutong a glass of water.

He Yutong smiled and nodded.

"Thank you...々〃?".

Li Da smiled and said, "Now that you are also a master, I should have done so...".

He Yutong shook his head.

"Although I'm taking you with me now, I'm just your teacher in name. Anyway, if you don't understand anything in the future, just ask me directly...".

Li Da said happily.

"OK! ".

"Then I will thank you...".

At this time, Xiao Deng, the assistant to the factory manager, came to He Yutong's work station to find He Yutong.

He Yutong smiled and greeted Xiao Deng.

"Assistant Deng! What kind of wind brought you here today?".

"What are the instructions today?".

Deng Chunsheng looked at He Yutong with a serious look on his face and said with a smile: ""Little He! It's polite to say that...".

"I came to the workshop today because I have something for you...".

He Yutong nodded and asked, "What's the matter?".

Deng Chunsheng said: "A few days ago, director Chen and several deputy directors went to the department for a meeting. Now the job title application has been settled, and the assessment can be done in March and April...".He Yutong was a little surprised: "Isn't this only December?".

"so fast?

Deng Chunsheng nodded.

"It's a bit faster than in previous years, but it's just a little bit earlier for registration, but the assessment is still at the original time.

"correct! ".

"I have a form here! Fill it out yourself...".

Then Deng Chunsheng handed He Yutong a portfolio.

He Yutong took a look at the portfolio above it said!

"Professional and Technical Personnel Assessment Portfolio"

"Unit Jingcheng Hongxing Ceramics Factory"

(Wang Hao) "What professional qualifications should I declare?"

"Advanced Ceramic Craftsman"


Two professional and technical personnel evaluation forms.

Two copies of the evaluation form for the professional and technical personnel of ceramic arts and crafts.

A copy of the materials to be provided by professional and technical personnel.

One copy of the registration and on-site operation instructions for the works of the participating object.

It's written at the bottom.

The Beijing Municipal Social Bureau's professional title work office system.

He Yutong asked Deng Chunsheng with a portfolio in his hand, "Do I need to fill in all of these?".

Deng Chunsheng nodded.

"Of course...".

"When you fill it out, you can hand it over to Director Zhao directly.

After Deng Chunsheng left, Li Da, who was beside He Yutong, said enviously, "I will become a senior artist so soon...".


He Yutong himself did not expect that he would be able to apply so soon. .

Chapter [-] Publicity Department!Song Collection

After Xiao Deng left, He Yutong took out his pen and began to fill in the materials for the declaration.

During this time, He Yutong wrote a lot of materials, so he was very familiar with these things, so he wrote all these things in a short while, and then sent them to Director Zhao in person.Director Zhao warmly received He Yutong.

After He Yutong handed over the application materials to Director Zhao, he thanked Director Zhao with a smile: "Thank you!".

Director Zhao also nodded.

Then he said something to He Yutong that confused He Yutong.

This sentence is to go to the deputy factory director Qian to report the work.

He Yutong was a little puzzled.

Although Deputy Factory Manager Qian is his immediate boss, he doesn't need to leapfrog to report to him, right?

This made He Yutong feel very strange.

However, He Yutong still nodded.


He Yutong's buttocks were still hot when he returned to the workstation, and Deputy Director Liu's assistant came to find He Yutong to go to Deputy Director Liu's office.

He Yutong was stunned.

In other words, how can two factory managers find themselves in a row?

This is abnormal.

Is it going to change.

This made He Yutong wonder what happened.

After all, for He Yu 630 Tong, all this seems destined to be the same.

When working on a national project, Deputy Director Qian and Deputy Director Liu began to act on themselves. If it came down like this, then something must have happened.

Is it for the position of the factory manager?

He Yutong can't think of anything else besides this, but considering his current position, he shouldn't be able to control this?

This made He Yutong a little confused, but he still decided to go and see what was going on...

At this time, He Yutong followed Deputy Director Liu's assistant Zhang Wei to his office. At this time, Deputy Director Liu was still writing something.

When he saw He Yutong, he smiled at He Yutong.

"Little He...".

"Aren't you busy lately?".

Then Deputy Director Liu said to He Yutong, "Sit...sit...".

He Yutong found a place to sit down.

He was a little confused now what Deputy Director Liu meant, so he had to wait for Deputy Director Liu to speak first.

Next, Deputy Director Liu said to He Yutong.

"Little He...".

"Recently, we have lost a person in the sales department. I immediately thought of you. I wonder if you are interested in the sales department?".

He Yutong did not expect that Deputy Director Liu would actually ask him to go to the sales department.

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