"We just tried it, and it really works best in the range between a-g2 or a2...".

"yes! ".


"Just now we were arguing about whether the baritone is better or the tenor is better. Now we don't have to argue about it...".

At this time, Minister Fan saw that everyone had no opinion, so he continued: "Then please let the seniors in this range audition...".In the end, four people were selected from the twenty or so to try out the song.

The first one who auditioned was Wang Xinmin who just agreed.

At this time, he held the lyrics written by He Yutong in his hand, and then began to sing for a while.

Splendid rivers and mountains are picturesque

Motherland-building straddle horse

How proud I am to be an oil worker

Walking around the world wearing an aluminum helmet

Overhead Tianshan Feather Snow

Facing the Gobi Sandstorm

Welcome to the rising sun by the Jialing River

Sending evening sunset at the foot of Kunlun Mountain

not afraid of the sky

Wind, snow, thunder and lightning let it go

I donate oil for the motherland

Where there is oil is my home

The red flag flutters in the colorful clouds

The hero whips the horse

How proud I am to be an oil worker

Walking around the world wearing an aluminum helmet

Mang grassland derrick

Drill the well in the depths of the fog

Underground crude oil sees the sky

The motherland blooms oil flowers

not afraid of the sky

Big ambitions for the world

I donate oil for the motherland

The oil is rolling and my heart is blooming with joy

After he finished singing, He Yutong felt that it was almost meaningless.

However, He Yutong still nodded.

"Mr. Wang sings very well, but I think Mr. Wang's timbre is very penetrating, but it would be great if the treble part could be raised by two degrees...".This Wang Xinmin was very shocked after being commented by He Yutong, because what He Yutong said was right.

However, Wang Xinmin's shortcomings were also heard by others.

But how old is He Yutong?

Only seventeen years old.

Is the knowledge of music theory so powerful at the age of seventeen?

Director Chen was so shocked by He Yutong's performance that it was hard to add. Does this really look like a seventeen-year-old?

This He Yutong's performance simply killed all the people of this age group in the whole factory.

Minister Fan also nodded slightly to He Yutong's comments.

"Judge Xiao He said very well...".

Now Minister Fan has added the word "judge" to He Yutong, what a great affirmation.

The reason why He Yutong can know the advantages and disadvantages is that he has just activated the additional skills of song production, commenting...

This additional skill is capable of commenting on any song sung….

He Yutong didn't know what to do when he went to the toilet. Now 663 He Yutong is completely worthless. Although he can't sing by himself, the comments are still very good.Next up is another famous baritone singer.

There are many of his works.

So he started to sing very confidently at this time...

He Yutong squinted and listened for about five minutes.

After He Yutong's commenting skills, He Yutong found that the teacher's singing was very good, even more powerful than the old Wang Xinmin just now.

The only downside is that the falsetto part is slightly behind...

But this is not a disadvantage, only a minor flaw.

He Yutong just smiled and said to Teacher Zhao in front of him.

"Your singing is simply impeccable

"It would be more perfect if the falsetto part was a little earlier...".

Zhao Yang didn't expect that He Yutong in front of him could even hear such a small flaw in himself, and he couldn't help but admire He Yutong.

"You're really good!

"I took it...".

He Yutong smiled in response....

The two singers, He Yutong, commented on them one by one.

But He Yutong believes that the third singer Zheng Xinhai is the most suitable for singing "I Donate Oil for the Motherland".

So He Yutong suggested to everyone present.

"I suggest that Teacher Zheng Xinhai sing the song "I Donate Oil for the Motherland".

"I don't know what your opinion is?". .

Chapter [-] Chicken ribs skills animation production and painting

He Yutong's words made everyone quiet down.

After all, at present, the problems pointed out by He Yutong are very constructive, so they suddenly became quiet.

Zheng Xinhai's voice is indeed what Yutong said is the most suitable for the lead singer of this song, but they don't want to give up completely, although they can sing this song at home.

But this time I sang this song to the people of the whole country, so the meaning is a little different.

After all, how meaningful it is for them to hear themselves singing this song on the national radio.

So they also really want to compete for this song.

But for now, only four baritones can compete.

They are Wang Xinmin, Zheng Xinhai, Guo Dong and Teacher Ma Dong.

After their comprehensive consideration, they compared the skills, vocals, timbre, and rhythm of the four baritones, and finally found that Zheng Xinhai was the most suitable lead singer for this time.After the teachers' comparison, they agreed with He Yutong's words.

At this time, Minister Fan saw that everyone agreed, so he announced to everyone.

"In the end, Mr. Zheng Xinhai was chosen as the lead singer of the radio station's Spring Festival New Year gift song "I Dedicate Oil to the Motherland"...".

After Minister Fan announced the matter, the conference room burst into fierce applause.

This is a congratulation to Zheng Xinhai and a respect for He Yutong.

He Yutong did not expect that after participating in such a selection, his mentality changed a little.

When Minister Fan announced the candidates.

A mechanical sound also sounded in He Yutong's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of selecting the lead singer for the New Year's gift song "I Dedicate Oil to the Motherland"

"Reward: Random Level [-] Skill Point".

He Yutong sighed!

This system is really efficient. Just after announcing who the lead singer is, he immediately announced that he has completed the task, but what skills will this level of skills be added to himself?Or add a new

So He Yutong immediately chose to increase skill points.

"The host confirms that a random skill point is added 々〃?".

He Yutong immediately chose to confirm.

Then came a mechanical sound.

"Congratulations to the host for activating the first-level skill (animation production and painting)".

He Yutong was speechless again.

What the hell?

Anime production and painting?

What do I need this skill for?

Can't I draw?

Of course I will.

Do you need this skill yourself?

Of course not.

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