
When Qin Huairu came to Su Yu’s door.

But he was stunned on the spot.

Because of Su Yu’s house, the door of the house was closed.

On the door was a piece of red paper with a few big words on it!

“Qin Huairu and the dog are not allowed to enter!”

Qin Huairu’s face was ugly and ugly.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t even see Su Yu’s face, so he was turned away!

“Don’t let me in the house! Also called me a dog! ”

“Su Yu, you deceive people too much! Wait for me to let the silly pillar clean you up! Qin Huairu said and turned back to the middle courtyard.

I took an old piece of clothing casually, put it next to the sink and rubbed it up, pretending to wash my clothes, waiting for the silly pillar to come back.

About five minutes or so passed.

The silly pillar returned to the courtyard.

Usually the silly pillar always carries a net pocket with two or three full lunch boxes.

Along the way, he still hummed a ditty, which was very hisperous.

But today.

His hands were empty.

Walking on tiptoe, not making a little movement.

It’s like being afraid of being seen.

When he arrived at the middle courtyard, he saw Qin Huairu washing clothes again, and Silly Zhu’s face was embarrassed.

Quietly wanted to slip behind Qin Huairu.

“Silly pillar! Don’t say hello when you see me? Qin Huairu snorted coldly as if he had long eyes behind his back.

Seeing that he couldn’t escape, Silly Zhu could only come over with a guilty face.

He scratched his head and said, “Sister Qin, you won’t blame me for what happened in the cafeteria today, right?” ”

“Silly Zhu, what do you think of me? Am I the kind of unreasonable person? Qin Huairu said dissatisfiedly.

A full meal Qin Huairu can still be clearly distinguished, and she doesn’t want to make a big mistake for a meal at noon.

“Sister Qin, you are still good to me, you are so considerate!” Silly Zhu was very moved.

Then he quickly raised his right hand to make a guarantee: “Sister Qin, don’t worry!” After a few days, the inspection team will not trouble me, I will continue to shake the spoon for them, and when the time comes, I will serve you more and keep all the good dishes for you! ”

“Also, the procurement department has already bought the old hen back, and when the leader invites you again, I will steal the chicken for you back!”

Qin Huairu was overjoyed in her heart, and said with a charming smile: “That feeling is good, sister will depend on you at that time!” ”

Seeing this, the stupid pillar was ape-hearted, and the ghost approached Qin Huairu from behind, reaching out and wanting to touch Qin Huairu.

But Qin Huairu only regarded the silly pillar as a licking dog, which would let him touch it.

What’s more, Jia Zhangshi is still at home, if Jia Zhangshi sees it, he should be beaten again.

She quickly grabbed the clothes in the sink and deliberately threw it a few times, throwing the water on the face of the stupid pillar.

Then he took the opportunity to dodge the salty pig hand of the stupid pillar.

“Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey! ”

Silly Zhu was stupidly happy, and thought that Qin Huairu was playing with him.

Even he thought of pictures such as mandarin ducks playing in the water.

“Silly pillar!” At this moment, Qin Huairu shouted, interrupting Silly Zhu’s reverie, “Can you do my sister a favor?” ”

“Sister Qin, you said.” Silly pillar farts upside down.

In his opinion, Qin Huairu asked him to help, and that was to see him.

Just as the stick terrier often steals from him, not only is he not angry, but he is proud of it, thinking that it is a sign of the stick terrier’s closeness to him.

Qin Huairu rubbed her eyes, and then turned around, tears in her eyes.

“You also know that Su Yu made trouble at noon today, so I didn’t hit the dishes.”

“The stick terrier is the stage of growing a body, he only eats vegetable soup, and the nutrition is simply not enough.”

“Didn’t the factory reward Su Yu with two chicken legs today, I thought of giving him a chance to give me the chicken legs to make up for the mistakes he made at noon.”

“But I didn’t expect Su Yu he…”

At this, her words suddenly stopped, and then she sobbed.

“Sister Qin, Su Yu, what happened to you? You’d better say it quickly! ”

Stupid pillar scratching his ears and cheeks urgently!

The more anxious he was, Qin Huairu deliberately didn’t say anything, covering his mouth and crying all the time.

This can make the stupid pillar very bad.

“Sister Qin, you wait! I’ll go to Su Yu now to settle the account!” ”

“He made a mistake at noon, and you didn’t even see him in general!”

“Gave him the opportunity to make amends, he didn’t even cherish it!”

“Look how I taught him a lesson! Let him compensate you for the chicken legs! ”

After the silly pillar finished speaking, he strode towards the backyard!

However, when passing by the weeping flower gate in the backyard, I suddenly thought of the fierce side of Ke Suyu in the procurement in the morning.

He quickly bent down and picked up a brick on the ground to give himself a strong momentum.

Came to Su Yu’s door.

Seeing the red paper and black words pasted on the door, he finally understood why Qin Huairu was crying.

Bang! Bang!

Stupid pillar smashing the door!

“Su Yu! You open the door for me! I have something to find you! ”

Su Yu is eating at home at the moment.

After hearing the silly pillar’s shout, he frowned and opened the door.

“Su Yu, I’ll ask you! Why do you call Sister Qin a dog? The silly pillar was furious.

“When did I scold Qin Huairu?” Su Yu was curious.

Silly Zhu pointed to the door with his hand, “You still don’t admit it? See for yourself what is sticking to the door! ”

“Qin Huairu and dogs are not allowed to enter! Didn’t you explicitly scold Sister Qin for being a dog? ”

“I demand that you must apologize to Sister Qin!”

“And compensate Sister Qin for your chicken legs as well!”

Only then did Su Yu understand what was going on.

He sneered: “Silly Zhu, you misunderstood, I wrote ‘Qin Huairu and dogs are not allowed to enter’, and the word ‘dog’ in it does not refer to Qin Huairu, it refers to your licking dog!” ”

After Su Yu returned home, he guessed that Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu would come to the door and ask for chicken thighs to eat.

So put a piece of paper on the door in advance to warn them.

I didn’t expect that the two of them had such a poor understanding that they actually understood the dog as Qin Huairu!

Silly Zhu had never heard the word ‘licking dogs’, and couldn’t help but be stunned.

He originally helped Qin Huairu get angry.

How did he become a dog himself?

“Su Yu, what do you mean? Why call me a dog? The silly pillar was furious and lifted the brick in his hand, “If you don’t give me an explanation, I’ll beat you to death!” ”

“Are you threatening me?” Su Yu’s eyes were cold, and he suddenly stepped forward and kicked on the stomach of the stupid pillar!

The stupid pillar screamed, and then covered his stomach and squatted down with a painful face!

Su Yu’s attack action did not stop, he grabbed the hair of the stupid pillar and suddenly rushed forward!


The silly pillar pounced directly on the ground!

Face to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu stepped on the head of the stupid pillar with his foot.

Crush your toes hard.

Stepped the head of the stupid pillar into the soil.

Silly Zhu was breathless and struggling desperately.

But Su Yu’s feet are like iron casting, and they don’t move!

Hear movement in the backyard.

Many neighbors came to watch!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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