Chapter 63: Qin Huairu was beaten, and the stupid pillar wanted to beat Yan Bugui.

“Listen to my child.”

“Your baseball terrier has been suspended for half a month.”

“Why did you only stay at home for two days and go back to class?”

A neighbor’s aunt asked curiously.

Jia Zhang rolled his eyes,

“This shows that our family terrier has skills, which is like your waste children?”

Jia Zhang’s four great tricks are the undead summoning, spraying dung with his mouth, scratching people with his claws and rolling around.

If someone chats to her.

Basically, in three sentences, she will spray feces all over her mouth. Whoever catches will spray whoever he catches, and he will not speak at all.

“Your children are waste! Jia Zhang, can you speak? ”

“That’s it, it’s a lot of age, people can’t even say a word! No wonder your family was suspended! ”

The other aunts were not happy.

One after another, they accused Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhang’s tongue battle group aunt, with one enemy and five, did not fall behind in the slightest. Spitting stars splashed everywhere, spraying other aunts all over their faces.

The three aunts, who have been silent, are a little unable to see it at this time. She scolded Jia Zhang.

“Jia Zhang! Can you keep your mouth shut? ”

“If you mess around again, I’ll go and tell Lao Yan and don’t let him help you!”

The third aunt originally thought that she could suppress Jia Zhang’s clan by using Yan Bugui as a threat. Unexpectedly, Jia Zhang was not afraid at all.

Jia Zhang suddenly sneered.

“Three Aunts, you don’t let me smelly farts! Do you really think I’m afraid of you? ”

“It’s already half past eight now, and your Yan Bugui has already finished our business!”

“At this point in time, the stick terriers are already sitting in the classroom and starting class!”

“What else is there to fear you?”

“If you are not convinced, let’s both practice!”

Since the last time I was beaten by the three aunts.

Jia Zhang was very unconvinced.

I have been holding it in my heart, and I want to find an opportunity to take revenge on the third aunt. Therefore, she directly faced the three aunts and shouted loudly. The nostrils of the three angry aunts smoked.

Seeing that everyone had no way to take themselves, Jia Zhang laughed proudly. Right at this moment.

The cry of a stick terrier sounded outside.

A neighbor’s aunt reacted relatively quickly and immediately shouted: “It’s the cry of the stick terrier!” ”

“I’m familiar with this scene! Last time the stick terrier came back crying, he said that he was suspended from class! ”

“Why did you come back crying again this time, wouldn’t it be expelled?”

“Wasn’t Jia Zhangshi very proud just now? Walk! Let’s follow the joke! ”

Just now was exported by Jia Zhang’s family, all the aunts were holding their breath in their hearts, and when they saw that the stick terrier came back crying again, everyone gloated!

Jia Zhangshi also didn’t care about spraying with everyone, and quickly ran towards the gate of the courtyard. The other aunts followed behind with a smile.

“Stick terrier! Didn’t you go to school? What’s back? ”

Seeing the stick terrier crying, Jia Zhang ran over and hugged him in his arms distressed.

The stick terrier replied: “There is a problem with the scarf sent by my mother, and Teacher Ran has a lot of red bumps on his neck, and Teacher Ran expelled me from school!” ”

“This is what Teacher Ran asked me to take back!”

He took out the punishment notice written by Ran Qiuye.

“I’m illiterate, show me what this thing is for?”

Jia Zhang rolled his eyes,

“The scarf was bought by Qin Huairu, since there is a problem with the scarf, let’s go find her!”

She pulled the stick stalk and went straight to the rolling mill! The other aunts burst out laughing.

Especially the third aunt, who was so angry with Jia Zhang just now, it can be regarded as a bad breath at this time.


Red Star Rolling Mill. Seventh fitter workshop.

Qin Huairu stood next to the vice and worked very hard.

“Hey! Qin Huairu, you are in good shape today! ”

“That’s right, I finished machining a part so quickly, and it’s the first time I’ve seen you work so sharply!”

“Being so energetic means that you are in a good mood, what happy event has happened at home, right?”

“Tell us about it?”

“Forget it, don’t ask, last time we asked her, she didn’t say.”

The other employees around felt strange when they saw Qin Huairu so energetic today. Qin Huairu smiled charmingly.

“Actually, there’s nothing you can’t say.”

“My family stick terrier made a little mistake at school a few days ago, and it wasn’t suspended.”

“I gave up some connections and let the stick terrier go back to class today.”

“When we are parents, don’t we hope that our children will study well, and our children can go back to school smoothly, can I be in a bad mood?”

Then everyone understood what was going on.

“Qin Huairu, you can ah, you can even find a relationship in school!”

“Hey, my children stopped school for a week last time, and I couldn’t find a relationship, and they all worried about me!”

“Still Qin Huairu is powerful, next time my child makes a mistake, please help!”

Among the employees present, several people had children in elementary school, and seeing that Qin Huairu had connections at school, they all praised it.

“Good to say, good to say!”

Qin Huairu smiled proudly.

Right at this moment. A guard ran in.

Raised the horn in his hand and shouted!

“Qin Huairu!”

“Which is Qin Huairu?”

“Your mother-in-law and your son are waiting at the gate! Say find you something! ”

“You hurry up!”

Shouts of the guards were heard. Qin Huairu was stunned on the spot. This scene is familiar to her.

Last time she was installing a competition in the workshop, Jia Zhang came to look for it with a stick terrier, and it turned out that the stick terrier was suspended. What are you doing this time?

Why didn’t the stick terrier go back to school, but came to the rolling mill with Jia Zhang to find her? Could it be that something went wrong?

She quickly stopped the work in her hand, and then ran to Yi Zhonghai,

“Uncle Yi, the stick terrier seems to have had an accident again, can you come with me to take a look?”

Although Yi Zhonghai is no longer a grandfather.

But among the birds in the middle court, he is the most brainy one. Qin Huairu had an accident, so he could only ask Yi Zhonghai for help.

“Okay, I’ll go see with you.”

Yi Zhonghai frowned and stopped the work in hand.

The two of them quickly followed the guards all the way to the door of the rolling mill. Sure enough, I saw Jia Zhang and the stick terrier waiting outside the door!

Qin Huairu hurriedly ran over!

“Mom! What’s going on! ”

“Didn’t the stick terrier follow the third uncle to school?”

“Why did you come back?”


Jia Zhang’s is a big mouth when he goes up! And then scolded!

“Qin Huairu! You mean hooves do good things! ”

Qin Huairu was stunned on the spot.

She bought a scarf and asked Yan Bugui for help, and she didn’t do anything wrong. Why was he slapped again?

Aggrieved, she wanted to cry.

Yi Zhonghai frowned and said, “Jia Zhangshi, even if you want to kill Huairu, you have to let her die, right?” ”

“Can you tell us first, what happened?”

Jia Zhang rolled his eyes,

“Let the stick terrier tell you!”

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu’s gaze fell on the stick terrier. The stick terrier wiped away the tears.

Then he said: “After the third uncle took me to the school today, he asked me to wait at the school gate, and he took the gift to Teacher Ran. ”

“Later, Teacher Ran came out of the school and pointed to a red bump on his neck, saying that he had brought a scarf from my mother.”

“And said that my mother took revenge on her maliciously!”

“Later, he gave me a penalty notice, saying that he would be expelled from school and placed on probation, and let me stay at home for another month.”

As he spoke, he handed a copy of the punishment notice to Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu was like encountering a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the whole person was a little stupid.

She muttered in disbelief.

“Impossible! How can there be a problem with scarves? ”

“When I bought the scarf, I tried to bring it myself!”

“Why am I okay!”

Yi Zhonghai took the punishment notice from the stick terrier’s hand, quickly scanned it, and then his brows twisted into a knot.

He immediately said, “This is indeed a little strange. ”

“Jia Zhangshi, since things have already happened, it is useless for you to hit Huairu again.”

“Let’s go back with the stick terrier first.”

“After work, I asked the old lady and the pillar to help analyze what was going on.”

Although Yi Zhonghai is no longer a grand uncle, his majesty is still there.

And is also an eighth-level fitter, with a transcendent status in the fitter workshop, but often takes care of Qin Huairu.

Therefore, Jia Zhangshi did not dare to offend Yi Zhonghai in death, so he could only mumble in his mouth and lead the stick terrier home.

“Uncle Yi, what do you say?”

“If the stick terrier doesn’t go to school, what will it grow in the future?”

Qin Huairu cried.

After Jia Dongxu’s burp, the stick terrier is her only hope of survival. Now that the future of the stick terrier is ruined, she feels like the whole world has collapsed. Yi Zhonghai couldn’t help it.

I could only comfort: “Huairu, don’t worry, when we get home, let’s discuss it again.” ”

“The stick terrier is only expelled from school, not formally expelled, and there is still room for turnaround.”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s comfort, Qin Huairu felt much better. Back to the workshop.

Qin Huairu worked without giving up. There is no more passion. After hours.

Su Yu returned to the courtyard. So he went straight to Yan’s house.

“Third Uncle, how are things going?”

He asked.

Yan Bugui smiled and stretched out his hand: “Just look at the red bumps on my hands.” ”

“Principal Lu and Teacher Ran, after bringing the scarves given by Qin Huairu, a large circle of red bumps grew on their necks.”

“And it’s itchy.”

“They think that Qin Huairu moved his hands and feet on the scarf and maliciously retaliated against them.”

“I wrote a punishment notice on the spot, and expelled the stick terrier from school for probation!”

“At this time, a few of them in the middle court can’t get up.”

The third aunt also came out of the back room and said with a smile: “This thing is really beautiful, you didn’t see Jia Zhang’s ugly face, you should pit her fiercely!” ”

Su Yu sighed. Feel a little regretful.

He also thought that this wave could directly fire the stick terrier and help He Xiaorou completely solve the threat of the stick terrier. I didn’t expect it to be just expulsion.

Generally, this punishment can be reinstated as long as you do not make a mistake for a few months.

“No, I have to find an opportunity to pit another wave of stick terriers and get him completely expelled.”

Su Yu pondered in his heart. He took out a few bait from his pocket and handed it to Yan Bugui.

“Third Uncle, this time it is done well, follow me well in the future, I will not treat you badly.”

“But I have to remind you that those people in the middle court are not vegetarians, you helped me pit them this time, and they will definitely take revenge on you when they turn back!”

Yan Bugui took the bait, and then smiled.

Each bait can catch more than three catties of big fish, and Su Yu gave him a few baits, which was equivalent to giving him ten yuan. In the face of such a big benefit, what if he is an enemy of everyone in the Central Court?


All the birds also gathered in the house of the silly pillar.

In addition to a few animals in the middle courtyard, there was also a deaf old lady.

Jia Zhang was there at first, but because she spoke uncleanly, she was driven home by all the birds.

“Old lady, Uncle Yi, you also have to help me think of a way.”

“My family is still so young, I can’t go to school.”

Qin Huairu said.

The deaf old lady was silent.

What she hurts the most is the silly pillar, usually watching Qin Huairu have been sucking blood silly pillar, she hates Qin Huairu very much in her heart. It’s not bad if you didn’t go to pit Qin Huairu, how could you still help?

Seeing that the deaf old lady was indifferent.

Qin Huairu could only use his own stunts. I saw her rubbing her hand on her eyes.

Then tears flowed like they didn’t want money.

“I’m a widow, living with three children and my mother-in-law, and it’s hard enough for me.”

“Why do others bully me so much and don’t let my children go to school.”

“Seeing that I am a widow, they all think I am a bully!”

“I really can’t live!”

She whimpered.

And deliberately put his face at the stupid column.

This wave of miserable sales is naturally for the stupid pillar to see.

Because Qin Huairu knew that as long as Silly Zhu relented and promised to help her, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai would not be able to stay out of the matter. Seeing Qin Huairu crying so sadly, the stupid pillar’s licking dog passivity was quickly triggered.


The silly pillar hammered a punch on the table!

“Sister Qin is so pitiful!”

“Such a good kid as a stick terrier, he actually wants to expel him from school, is there anything that can be reasoned?”

“Ran Qiuye is also too much!”

“Old lady! Uncle One! You have to help Sister Qin!” ”

The deaf old lady just wanted to laugh in her heart.

The stick terrier is a good boy, and it’s the best joke she’s heard this year.

As a master of the courtyard, the deaf old lady knows the behavior of the stick terrier very well.

She saw the stick terrier steal no less than twenty times. At such a young age, he is already a habitual thief, but he can still be a good boy?

If you follow such standards, those in the juvenile detention center are good boys! Although the deaf old lady thinks that this kid is not a thing.

But since the silly pillar spoke.

She can only help, too. Coughed lightly.

The deaf old lady said in a deep voice.

“In that case, let me say what I think.”

“First of all, I don’t recommend you guys to go to school trouble.”

“As the saying goes, if you can’t twist your arms to your thighs, if you go to school to make a fuss, not only will you not get any benefits, but it will even have the opposite effect.”

“The stick terrier was originally just expelled from school, as long as it is obedient within half a year, don’t cause trouble again, you can restore your student status.”

“Because you make such a fuss, the school is likely to expel him directly.”

“At that time, there will be no place for you to regret it.”

“I suggest you keep an eye on the school group activities.”

“Let this kid of the stick terrier, in public, in front of the teachers and students of the whole school, praise the exaggerated Ran Qiuye well, and promise not to make mistakes in the future.”

“In front of so many people, Ran Qiuye, as a people’s teacher, must be embarrassed to be embarrassed to get by with the stick terrier anymore.”

“You guys find an opportunity, go and give Ran Qiuye some benefits, and the stick terrier can restore his school status.”

“However, I have to remind you, next time give a gift to Ran Qiuye, don’t let Yan Bugui’s kid help again.”

The deaf old lady was old, and after finishing her words in one breath, she gasped for a long time.

She sat on the bed and rested under the covers.

Yi Zhonghai frowned, and immediately asked, “Old lady, what do you mean by your last sentence?” Could it be that the expulsion of the stick terrier from school today was the sabotage that Yan Bugui did from it? ”

The deaf old lady said in a deep voice: “In today’s matter, I can’t confirm whether Yan Bugui has made a move.” ”

“But according to my observations, Yan Bugui and Su Yu have been relatively close recently.”

“It is very likely that he will help Su Yu deal with you.”

“In the future, we must take more precautions against Yan Bugui!”

The deaf old lady is worthy of being the intellectual ceiling among the birds. Don’t look at her in the backyard every day.

I actually understood the things in the front yard so clearly.

“Yan Bugui, this beast! Today it must have been him who moved on the scarf! I’ll go to him now to settle the score! ”

Silly Zhu was suddenly anxious, casually picked up the fire tongs, and was about to rush out to find Yan Bugui.

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