Chapter 95: The Earth Gun Fingers the Brain Gate! Kill enemies and burst gold coins?.

“Tianming, you called several team leaders of the material team over.”

“I’ll tell you how to use the flour mill.”

After a while, all ten team leaders of the material team arrived. Su Yu personally told them the specific operation of the flour mill. And personally watched, let them all get started a few times.

When everyone was skillful, Su Yu personally went to a secret warehouse and collected all the wheat in the warehouse. By the way, the flour mill was also brought to the secret warehouse.

“Tianming, the flour machine is in the secret warehouse behind, and the flour production work is also carried out in the warehouse, and it is not allowed to get out.”

Su Yu instructed.

Then took Lin Baohua and inspected Baiyun Village. Observe the working status of the convoy.

Lin Baohua looked nervous throughout the process.

After all, the escort was in charge of his son Lin Shan.

He was worried that there was something wrong with the work omission, which upset Su Yu. After walking around, seeing that Su Yu’s face was satisfied, he was relieved. Wait until they return to the village council.

It was found that Qin Guangrong had been treated with his wounds and brought back.

A group of members of the escort team, armed with earthen guns, formed a circle to guard. There was also Su Da on the side.

At this time, Qin Guangrong no longer had the unruly nature he had before. He curled up on the ground, shivering.

The eyes looked around in fear.

In his eyes, Baiyun Village was like a demon cave.

Whether it was Su Da or these people in the escort, everyone’s strength was great and extremely fast. He tried to escape several times, but each time he was caught and beaten one by one.

After the beating, she also helped him deal with his wounds, which was too scary.

Later, he was pointed at the door of the brain by ten guns, and he no longer dared to move the mind to escape. I saw Su Yu walking in slowly.

Everyone was respectful to Su Yubi, and Qin Guangrong couldn’t understand it.

He didn’t understand why everyone in the entire village was so respectful to Su Yu. Isn’t Su Yu a buyer in a rolling mill.

Why can he be so strong.

“Qin Guangrong, what do you have to say to me?”

Su Yu sat on the chair and took the tea handed over by Du Hongniang. After taking a sip, he asked with a smile.

“Su Yu! I was wrong! I shouldn’t be stalking you! ”

“You spared me, didn’t you?”

“I promise never to mess with you again!”

Qin Guangrong hurriedly shouted.

After he saw this formation in Baiyun Village, he was really afraid.

I already knew that Su Yu had such a huge power, even if he killed him, he didn’t dare to provoke Su Yu. Su Yu shook his head slightly: “Don’t mess with me in the future?” I’m afraid that’s not enough, right? ”

“Well, I’ll give you two options.”

“First, I’m going to let people burst your dog’s head now.”

“The second! I choose the second one! ”

Before Su Yu finished speaking, Qin Guangrong hurriedly expressed his position! No matter what, save your own life first!

Syllable! He just finished shouting.

Su Da came up and directly gave a big mouth!

“Presumptuous! Dare to interrupt the master! Do you want to die? ”

Feeling Su Da’s murderous gaze, Qin Guangrong collapsed on the ground in fear, not daring to speak more. Su Yu smiled slightly and continued.

“Second, you will stay in Baiyun Village in the future.”

“You can also see that the villagers here, everyone is well fed and clothed.”

“Stay here and you won’t have to worry about going hungry again.”


He stood up and walked in front of Qin Guangrong. Lin Baohua quickly moved the chair over.

Su Yu sat down again, and then looked condescendingly at Qin Guangrong lying on the ground.

“I promise, I am willing to stay in the village!”

Qin Guangrong hurriedly replied.

In fact, he didn’t want to stay here. But he was more afraid of death. It’s better to die than to live.

Su Yu then kept silent.

He quickly flipped through the information of Baiyun Village. Immediately frowned.

Anyone who Su Yu accepted in Baiyun Village, his name would appear in the information of Baiyun Village.

Like Du Hongniang, an aboriginal in the village, or Tian Runye, who came to teach at Hongxing Primary School, their information Su Yu could read.

But Qin Guangrong’s name did not appear in it. It seems that it is not enough to let Qin Guangrong live in the village. Thinking about this.

Su Yu said again: “Qin Guangrong, in the future, you will work in the escort team and obey Lin Shan’s command. ”

“Good, okay!”

Qin Guangrong nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Anyway, he just wants to save his little life, no matter how Su Yu arranges, he completely obeys.

What made Su Yu feel depressed was that he arranged a job for Qin Guangrong, and in the information of Baiyun Village, Qin Guangrong’s name could not be read.

He beckoned to Su.

“Su Da, continue to beat Qin Guangrong for me!”

“Yes! Master! ”

Su Da rushed up and kicked Qin Guangrong down.


… Then riding on Qin Guangrong’s body, a fist the size of a casserole. It fell closely on Qin Guangrong’s body like raindrops!

Qin Guangrong was stunned. He cried out in a wow!

“Su Yu! Don’t take you so bully! ”

“What you just said, I promised!”

“I’ll do whatever you want me to do, why do you let people beat me?”

Qin Guangrong really didn’t understand why he had to beat him again.

“Because you’re not convinced.”

Su Yu replied flatly.

He felt that the reason why he did not accept Qin Guangrong might be because this guy was not willing to stay in Baiyun Village. On the surface, he promised to stay here, but he still wanted to run away in his heart.

Qin Guangrong cried and replied: “I obeyed, I will do whatever you let me do, how can I disobey?” ”


“Please, can Su Da stop quickly?”

Su Yu shook his head indifferently: “No, if you are not convinced, Su Da will continue to fight me!” ”

Under Su Da’s fist, Qin Guangrong continued to scream.

“Master, after fighting for so long, I feel that this kid Qin Guangrong should have been convinced.”

Lin Baohua came up and said. Su Yu sighed.

They all beat Qin Guangrong into this dead virtue. It is indeed taken orally.

But in Baiyun Village, there is still no information about Qin Guangrong. This made him feel a little weak.

Is it so difficult to get stuck with a vulnerability in the system? Right at this moment.

Su Yu found. Under the violent beating of Su Da.

Qin Guangrong’s pocket actually had two big unity sheets falling out. This is…

Kill enemies and burst gold coins?

Looking at the money on the ground, Su Yu’s heart couldn’t help but move.

Could it be that the reason why Qin Guangrong was not accepted was that Qin Guangrong was forced and not voluntary? Come to think of it.

Su Yu directly took out ten Great Unity sheets from the system space. And threw it on the ground.

“Qin Guangrong, as long as you work in Baiyun Village, I will give you ten pieces of great unity every month.”

“And I also provide you with meat.”

“What do you think?”

Su Yu made a look, and Lin Baohua quickly asked people to arrange a sumptuous lunch. There was stewed old hen, there was braised pork, and Qin Guangrong couldn’t stop drooling when he saw it.

“This, these are for me?”

Qin Guangrong felt unbelievable. I was beaten just now, and suddenly the treatment became so good?

This gap is too big, right?.

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