Siheyuan: Cut Hu Qin Huai Ru, It Is Quite Fragrant

319. Jia Dongxu, Huaihua, And Xiaodang All Resigned

The Jia family finished watching Father Liao, and then left the ward.

After Jia Dongxu and others left, Liao's father had a sneer on his face.

Liao's father had already handed over the house to his own brother.

In the hospital corridor.

At this time, Jia Dongxu said to Jia Zhang: "Mother, why did you agree to buy a black and white TV set for Liao's mother?"

Jia Zhang said: "Oh, it's still the same sentence, I don't want my children to be caught by wolves! We can make money without losing money!"

"Okay, but I have to borrow money. Huaihua Xiaodang's salary has not been paid, nor has mine..." Jia Dongxu said.

Then the Jia family went back home.

Stick stem also puts his hands in his trouser pockets, holds a piece of grass in his mouth, hums a little song, and feels very happy.

Then the stick family all returned home.

Stick stem came to the middle courtyard and saw some poor neighbors, so he immediately looked down on them.

"Hmph! I've been a rich man for a while, and I want to find a wife who is 10,000 times prettier than Jiang Xiuxiu! I want Jiang Xiuxiu to regret marrying Li Qin!" Stick laughed.

At this time, the neighbors saw that the stick was very defiant today, so they talked about it.

BangGong walked into the house and sat on a chair. By now, Jia Dongxu and the others had already returned.

Stick said: "Father, grandma, sister, let's figure it out, what kind of shop should we open?"

After the stick said this, they all gathered around the table, each expressing their thoughts.

Huaihua said: "Open a skin care product store.

Xiao Dang: "Open a restaurant."

Jia Zhang: "Open a barbecue restaurant.

Jia Dongxu: "Open a noodle shop."

Anyway, everyone has their own ideas.

At this moment, the stick said: "Grandma, it's not good to open a barbecue restaurant, it's definitely not as good as Li Fanghong! Li Fanghong has connections, and the seasoning is said to be very delicious, we can't get it at the same level.

"That's right!" Jia Zhang nodded.

Stick said: "Why don't you open a clothing store! It's hard to lose money, as long as the clothes we buy are fashionable! You can make a profit without losing money!"

"Besides, the Liao family's house can sell for seven or eight thousand, which is enough to open a clothing store in Wangfujing!" Bang Geng said.

"That's right! That's good! Even if you earn one thousand a month, that's a big deal! Let's accumulate funds slowly and grow bigger and bigger!"|Jia Dongxu nodded frantically.

At this time, Jia Dongxu said again: "Our Sophora japonica is beautiful! Sophora japonica, you quit your job and work as a waiter in a clothing store! When the customers see our beautiful Sophora japonica, they will definitely buy a lot of clothes! There will be many repeat customers! "

After hearing this, Bang Geng felt that the proposal was very good, so he said, "Your Father is brilliant!"

"Hahaha, that's it!" Jia Dongxu suddenly burst into joy.

But Huaihua said: "Should I resign? But the salary in my unit is 50 per month, which is easy...and if I resign, my position will be taken by others immediately. In the future, I want None of them will come back."

When Jia Dongxu heard this, he persuaded him: "Huahuai, your job is only fifty, can it compare to us doing business to make a lot of money? Which one is important, you have to be clear about it!"

"Well, that's right!" Huaihua nodded.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu also said: "I am also planning to resign. I will resign tomorrow."

"Well, yes! You go to the clothing store!" Jia Zhang and others nodded.

Then Jia Dongxu looked at Xiao Dang, and Jia Dongxu said, "Xiao Dang, what about you?"

Xiao Dang replied: "I, let's go to the steel factory first. It's useless if I go to the clothing store. I'm not as good-looking as Sophora japonica, so I'll be in the steel factory. After that, the clothing store will make money. I will resign again.

But when Jia Dongxu heard it, he said, "Oh, what kind of fitter are you still doing? It's not right! You should resign tomorrow too! In fact, you are serious about dressing up and putting on lipstick, and you are not ugly. You should also be a waiter!"

"Then... that's fine, I'll resign too..." Xiao Dang nodded.

Then the whole family decided to resign.

At this moment, Li Fanghong's side.

The construction workers called by Li Mengyao have already arrived, outside Li Fanghong's courtyard.

Li Fanghong is discussing with construction workers how to repair the garage.

The next day came.

Jia Dongxu, Huaihua Xiaodang, the three stood at the gate of the courtyard, and then went to resign one after another.

Jia Dongxu and Xiao Dang went together, and Huaihua went alone.

Jia Dongxu and Xiao Dang were walking on the way to the steel mill. Jia Dongxu was so happy.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu said: "Xiao Dang, it was my father who was sorry for you in the past. After selling the Liao family's house, starting a business and opening a clothing store, and making a lot of money, I will give you tens of thousands of dollars to play and find handsome boys." fall in love!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Dang nodded frantically, very happy.

Little Beware thought, this time, the Jia family has finally come to the fore.

At this moment, Jia Dongxu began to giggle again, imagining that he would make a lot of money by doing business, and then Nanfanghong looked shocked.

"Hahaha! Quack quack quack!" Jia Dongxu laughed and let out a donkey bray again...

Then the two came to the steel mill.

Xiaodang Jia Dongxu came to the workshop and took a look at the workshop where Jia Dongxu had worked for more than 30 years and cried so many tears.

Then he came to the bar steel equipment that had punished Jia Dongxu for not being promoted to the rank of fitter for 21 years.

"Oh, old buddy, I, Jia Dongxu, am about to take off! Hahaha!" Jia Dongxu smiled.

Then Jia Dongxu took a look and saw Guo Dajizi working overtime.

So Jia Dongxu came over.

"Guo Daji, you continue to be a small fitter here! Your father, I'm going to start a business! I've made a lot of money!" Jia Dongxu smiled.

"What? Really, Jia Dongxu, why don't you go back to the workshop?" Guo Dazhui said jealously.

"Hehe, you are jealous of me! You want me to lose money! But you must have backfired! Hehe! Just wait!" Jia Dongxu smiled and turned to leave, looking for the workshop director to resign

The workshop director is the same one from back then, the one who caught Jia Dongxu breaking the steel barging equipment before.

Jia Dongxu and Xiao Dang found the workshop director.

"Director~ I, Jia Dongxu, are about to make it through! I have a showdown! I quit working as a fitter~ I want to go into business and make a lot of money!" Jia Dongxu said.

The workshop director looked at Jia Dongxu with a dazed expression on his face, "Jia Dongxu, are you going to get ahead? You wouldn't talk to me so eccentrically, would you? And the ancients said that if you talk too much, you're afraid of being slapped in the face later. !"

"Hehe! Jealousy! You are jealous of me! Hahaha!" Jia Dongxu laughed.

"Resign! And my daughter Xiaodang, 0.9 also resigned!" Jia Dongxu said.

The workshop director looked at Jia Dongxu, then nodded: "Okay, you can write a resignation report, you will officially resign in ten days, and you don't have to go to work now, but after ten days, you resign, if you cry If you come to ask me to join you, I will not agree to you!"

"Hehehe, no need, I won't work as a fitter in the steel rolling factory anymore! Just wait! See me drive a luxury car and wait for you to get off work at the gate of the factory! I envy you!" Jia Dongxu smiled.

These years, the workshop director has fined Jia Dongxu a lot of wages, so Jia Dongxu has a little personal hatred.

"Hmph, then I'll wait and see, I hope you don't cry and beg me to hire me! I will go to the recruitment office to block you, the workshop director said.

"Hehe! Just wait and see! Just be jealous of me!" After Jia Dongxu finished speaking, he went to write his resignation report. .

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