Siheyuan: Cut Hu Qin Huai Ru, It Is Quite Fragrant

333. Silly Zhu Was Interpreted By Yan As Slandering And Spitting In Guests' Dishes

Yan Jiecheng and his family came to the middle court.

"Everyone! Open the door! Let's criticize silly Zhu!" Yan Bugui shouted.

Very loud sound.

Even Yan Jie became disgusting and stupid, and went to the backyard to call Xu Damao.

At this moment, Li Fanghong heard that he was going to criticize Shazhu, so he became interested immediately, and immediately came to the middle court to watch the beasts and dogs bite dogs.

It's been a long time since I saw animals and dogs biting dogs, this wave will definitely satisfy my cravings.

At this time, Qin Huairu also came behind Li Fanghong.

Curiously asked: "Yo, what's the matter?"

"I don't know, let's take a look first!" Li Fanghong smiled.

At this moment, Xu Da-mao was called by Yan Xiecheng.

Jia Dongxu's family also came to watch the excitement.

Criticizing silly pillars is the most interesting thing.

And Yi Zhonghai frowned, and then came to the middle courtyard.

There is also an aunt.

And I, Silly Zhu, rushed to the middle court angrily at this time.

Silly Zhu really didn't expect that Yan Cheng dared to plot against him.

He Daqing stood at the door and watched.

At this time, Li Fanghong asked curiously: "Master San! What's wrong with him, silly Zhu, that makes you so angry?"

Yan Bugui replied: "Li Fanghong, you come to judge, isn't Shazhu earning 2,500 yuan a month at my son's Sichuan restaurant? One thousand, the apprentice takes two hundred, a total of two thousand and five!"

"Furthermore, Shazhu guaranteed that it would improve the business of Xie Cheng's Sichuan restaurant! My family, Xie Cheng, swallowed his anger, and continued to hire Shazhu with high wages, losing money every day, just waiting for Shazhu to improve the business of Sichuan restaurant!"

"But! As a result, in the past two months, Shazhu has earned about 5,000 yuan in wages from my hands? So Shazhu became fat and rich. "Open a big shop, and then kill the donkey! I, Xie Chenglan, resigned! I was left behind, Xie Cheng lost money and was sad!"

"Hey! Everyone! You can judge too! Is this silly Zhu honest or not?" Yan Bugui said to the neighbors.

The neighbors nodded.

And at this moment.

Li Fanghong didn't expect that in reality, it was Shazhu who resigned on his own initiative, not Yan Jiecheng who dismissed Shazhu.

In this way, Yan Jiecheng must feel that the fool is killing the donkey!

Li Fanghong thought to himself, this scene of animals and dogs biting dogs is huge and exciting.

At this time, the neighbors all set their eyes on Shazhu, to see how Shazhu explained.

Silly Zhu clenched his fists tightly at this moment, his face was very dark.

"Hmph! When Yan Jiecheng came to invite me to cook in a Sichuan restaurant, I had already marked the price! Please don't invite me if you can't afford it!" Sha Zhu roared angrily.

When Yan Jiecheng heard this, he sneered: "Silly Zhu, you came to my Sichuan restaurant back then, and the business didn't improve much. If you didn't keep saying that it would make my business better, would I continue to hire you? There is! You The monthly salary is 2,000, are you made of gold? You didn’t make my Sichuan restaurant better, do you have the nerve to pay me such a high salary?”

"Huh! I'm worth the price! It's useless to say what you say today! I won't refund the money to you!" Sha Zhu said angrily.

At this time, the neighbors were talking about it.

At this moment, Yan Bugui said: "Silly Zhu, let's not talk about other things. Now I'm looking for a chef outside, and the asking price cannot exceed one thousand! Xie Cheng asked you to be the chef, so he trusted you, but you didn't let Xie Cheng do business well." , and you still resigned and killed the donkey, you are not kind, we will pay you according to the market price, and you will refund 2,000 yuan of salary to us! Let it go!"

"What! Refund two thousand yuan?" Silly Zhu's eyes were bulging when he heard it.

"No! Impossible!" Sha Zhu shook his head frantically.

Silly Zhu thought in his heart that he was worth two thousand a month, and nothing else was negotiable. This was Sha Zhu's arrogance.

At this time, Yan Bugui saw that Sha Zhu was refusing to retreat, so he became impatient.

But Yan Jiecheng saw that Sha Zhu was still so unkind and refused to refund the money, so he angrily started fabricating rumors about Sha Zhu.

Yan Jiecheng roared: "Silly Zhu! Don't think I don't know how dirty you are! When you are cooking, you spit on the guests' dishes! Then you serve the dishes to the guests! I have seen it several times!"

Yan Xiecheng said this in order to avenge Shazhu.

I want to ruin the reputation of silly column.

When Shazhu heard this, he was furious.

"Grandson! How dare you slander me! I will beat you to death!" Silly Zhu suddenly became furious, and the reckless mode broke out.

Immediately, Silly Zhu quickly rushed past Yan Bugui.

Yan Jiecheng was stunned for a moment.

Before he could react, he was just about to run when Sha Zhu grabbed him with one hand and threw him hard.


"Oh! Look, everyone! Silly Zhu was hit by the truth! I became angry from embarrassment! Oops!" Yan Xiecheng wailed suddenly.

With this shoulder-breaking fall, Yan Jiecheng felt as if he was going to fall apart.

But at this moment, Silly Zhu, facing Yan Jiecheng's face, was a wolf punch!


"Ouch! Call the police! Call the police! Silly Zhu wants to kill someone!" Yan Xiecheng roared.

0…Ask for flowers…………………

At this moment, He Daqing hurriedly hugged Shazhu.

"Stupid, calm down! Just give Yan Jiecheng 3,000 yuan back and get back together with Yan Jiecheng, and Yan Jiecheng also apologized for slandering you!" He Daqing hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"No! I can't calm down! How dare Ma De slander my chef! I'll kill him, Yan Jiecheng!" Silly Zhu broke away from He Daqing, and stepped on Yan Jiecheng's face.

Yan Xiecheng's face was covered in mud from being stepped on by Sha Zhu's shoes.

Yan Jiecheng is very angry now, thinking to himself, I don’t want the three thousand yuan, I just want to completely ruin your reputation as a fool! In the future, you will open a store! I will continue to do it!

He Daqing yelled: "Silly Zhu! Stop it!"

He Daqing roared angrily, Shazhu finally stopped.

"Hmph! Bah!" Sha Zhu's face darkened, then he turned and went home, closing the door.

"Hey! Why are you leaving!" Yan Bugui was furious when he saw that Sha Zhu had returned home, and the three thousand yuan had not been refunded yet.

"Yo, Xiecheng! Are you okay?" Yan Bugui came to Yan Xiecheng in the next second.

Yan Jiecheng had tears in his eyes, and said angrily: "Everyone! Did you see that! Shazhu is furious, seeing me revealing his bad work ethics! He hit me!"

The neighbors talked a lot when they heard it.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai frowned, and said: "It's easy to understand, don't slander Shazhu! You must be the one who hates Shazhu in your heart, so you slander Shazhu! Who is Shazhu, I don't know? How could he spit in the guest dish!"

But Yan Jiecheng hated Sha Zhu to death, so he insisted that he was not lying: "Neighbors, everything I said is true! Isn't Sha Zhu without a wife? Sometimes Sha Zhu gets angry

So in order to vent! It’s a bad idea! I spit the saliva into the guests’ dishes and serve them to the guests! And I saw it several times at the time, but I was afraid of being beaten by a fool, so I didn’t dare to say it!”

"And ah, once I happened to see that Shazhu had a cold that day, and he was coughing up phlegm in the dish, stirred it, and then served it to the guests!"

Yan Jiecheng added another word to make his lies more credible.

And Yan Jiecheng's acting skills are also beyond the mark at the moment.

The neighbors thought it was quite reasonable, so they began to be dubious.

When Yi Zhonghai heard it now, it was not good!

So Yi Zhonghai roared: "Enough! Yan Jiecheng! Don't slander silly Zhu anymore!"

In order to help Sha Zhu's family, so that Sha Zhu's family can take care of him for the elderly, Yi Zhonghai also worked hard.

Right now, Li Fanghong is watching the theater as a coffin. .

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