Lin Shaowen teased Qin Yue for a while, but she burst into tears without giving him face.

Qin Shan grabbed Qin Yue and waved his hand impatiently, "No matter what, go back if you have nothing to do. Don't be here."

"Uncle Qin, Qin Yue is my own daughter." Lin Shaowen said unconvinced.

"What's wrong with my own daughter? She is not a cat or a dog for you to play with." Qin Shan glared.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Lin Shaowen looked at Qin Yue without temper, but he didn't expect that Qin Yue, who had stopped crying, cried even harder.

"Get out."

Qin Shan yelled and carried Qin Yue out of the door.

Lin Shaowen had no choice but to chat with Qin's mother for a few words before returning to the steel mill.

Small canteen.

"I said Director Lin would not be late, right?" Li Chunhua said with a smile.

"Director Lin is famous for his punctuality, how can he be late?" Wang Kuirong also laughed.

"Xiao Lin, we are all waiting for you?" Yang Weiguo also joined in the fun.

"Come on, I will punish myself with three cups..."

Lin Shaowen smiled and opened a bottle of Moutai, and the aroma of wine immediately filled the air.

The next day.

Lin Shaowen sat listlessly in the infirmary, having drunk too much yesterday.

After finishing the two bottles of Moutai he brought, Yang Weiguo and others were still not satisfied, and opened two more bottles of Fenjiu they brought.

The result was a complete defeat.

He himself didn't know how to get home.

"Congratulations, Director Lin..."

A loud laugh came from outside the door.

"Stop it."

Lin Shaowen looked at Zhao Qingshan and scolded, "You didn't show up during the New Year, so what's the point of congratulating me now?"

"You are so heartless." Zhao Qingshan sat on the stool and scolded with a smile, "I spent the New Year outside to run relationships for your business, otherwise, do you think you can come out so soon?"

"Then I still blame you wrongly? Do I have to give you some compensation?" Lin Shaowen spread his hands.

"That's right." Zhao Qingshan smiled, "No need for compensation, just in time for you to have nothing to do now, can you accompany me to the Women's Federation a few times in the next two days?"

"Where are the salesmen in your factory?" Lin Shaowen asked curiously.

Now there is also the position of salesman, but this position is not for individuals, but for units. It means that if some cloth or something is needed by a unit, it can be purchased collectively, and the textile factory does not care about the use.

"Don't say anything, the old men in the factory are no match for those old women." Zhao Qingshan said helplessly, "Don't even mention sales... I can't speak clearly after being surrounded by those old women."

Now is not like the later times, you can joke without restraint.

The old women can laugh at you, even make dirty jokes, but you can't reply. Once they feel offended and shout "smelly hooligan", your reputation will be ruined.

"Okay." Lin Shaowen smiled and stood up and said, "Since you run around for me, I will take you to run a few times, and you will understand when you are familiar with the process."

"That's great." Zhao Qingshan said happily.

Lin Shaowen took the bag he brought and went to the personnel department of the steel rolling mill first.

"Oh, Director Lin is here to inspect the work?" A woman said.

"It's different when you are the director. You still bring your entourage with you when you go out." Li Chunhua joked.

"Don't make a fuss." Lin Shaowen hurriedly introduced, "This is Director Zhao of Dongcheng Textile Factory. He is here to discuss work with our Women's Federation."

"Director Zhao?" Li Chunhua immediately restrained her smile and stretched out her hand, "Hello, Director Zhao. I am Li Chunhua, the director of the personnel department of the steel rolling mill, and I am also responsible for the Women's Federation work of the steel rolling mill."

"Hello, Director Li." Zhao Qingshan shook hands with her politely.

He didn't care about "entourage" at all.

After all, compared to the clean Lin Shaowen, he was dirty all over after just coming out of the warehouse.

"Director Zhao, let's talk in the office?" Li Chunhua asked.

"No, let's talk about it here."

Lin Shaowen smiled and put his bag on the table, and said in a serious tone, "Sisters, you know that I am a doctor, but you may not know my main field... I was invited by the Medical University to study for a doctorate while working, and my main field is gynecology."

"Wait, you said you are... a doctorate?" Li Chunhua looked surprised.

The other old ladies were also stunned.

In an era when high school students can be called "cultured people", doctoral students are almost a mythical existence.

"I just graduated before the New Year." Lin Shaowen nodded with a smile.

"Why don't you tell the factory?" Li Chunhua was anxious, "The treatment of doctoral students is different from that of college students. There are extra subsidies..."

"This is not important..."

"Why is it not important." Li Chunhua said viciously"Comrade Lin Shaowen, you have obtained a higher degree, you should report it to the factory, this is the basic principle, do you know?"

"Does this need to be reported?" Lin Shaowen was surprised.

"Don't worry about this matter, just talk about your business first..." Li Chunhua said seriously.

"When I followed the Union Medical College team to the countryside for free medical treatment, I found that the main reason for women's illness is that hygiene is not done well. Especially when women's menstruation comes, it is also the time when their resistance is the lowest..."

Lin Shaowen talked freely in the office, and even took out a tampon to demonstrate how to use it and the precautions.

This made Li Chunhua and a group of old ladies blush, but Lin Shaowen's eyes were clear, just like when he was treating everyone.

After a while.

"Director Lin, you mean... if we use tampons, we won't get gynecological diseases, right?" Li Chunhua asked.

"It doesn't mean that you won't get it if you use tampons, but it will greatly reduce the chance of getting gynecological diseases." Lin Shaowen said seriously, "Also, Director Zhao plans to cooperate with the Women's Federation and let you promote tampons. As for the remuneration..."

"We are all doing our job, what's the point of talking about remuneration?" Li Chunhua said seriously, "Director Lin, it's not that we don't trust you and Director Zhao, it's just that this thing..."

She hesitated a little, because after all, no one had used it.

If it is promoted rashly and something goes wrong, the Women's Federation will be responsible.

Seeing this, Lin Shaowen smiled at Zhao Qingshan.

"Don't worry, Director Li, I came here this time just to use the Women's Federation of the steel mill as a pilot unit. Your tampons will be provided free of charge by our factory for trial use, and even in the future, your Women's Federation's tampons will be covered by our factory..." Zhao Qingshan said halfway, and Li Chunhua immediately understood.

"If tampons are really as good as you say, our Steel Mill Women's Federation will take care of the promotion in Sijiu City."

"Thank you, Director Li."

Zhao Qingshan and Lin Shaowen looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

This is a good start.

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