Chapter 0161: He Yushui wants to find a daughter-in-law for He Yuzhu!!

After returning home, He Yushui did not speak, just kept looking at He Yuzhu.

“Rain, you listen to me explain…”

He Yuzhu was a little heartfelt by He Yushui.


“How did you promise me before.”

He Yushui said with a cold face.

“But Sister Qin, it’s really not easy.”

“It’s not easy for anything, now he is at home on herself, plus three children, and the factory has sent her a lot of things, and there are subsidies, there is no shortage of food and drink.”

“You like the widow with three children so much?”

“Hey, rain, you’re talking a little ugly.”

He Yuzhu said dissatisfied.

“Isn’t what I said the truth, think what I said is ugly, then don’t do it ugly.”

“How I did it is ugly, isn’t it that the stick terrier is coming out, I made him something delicious to catch the wind and wash the dust.”

He Yuzhu was a little unhappy.

“Is it your son?”

He Yushui asked again.

He Yuzhu was instantly killed again.

“Don’t think about going to 27 tomorrow, go out with me to buy some melon seeds and peanuts or something.”

“Why did you buy that?”

“Of course, go to the matchmaker to find you a daughter-in-law.”

“You find me a daughter-in-law?”

He Yuzhu was a little excited when he heard it, but he also felt strange.

“Can you do it on your own? Or do you mean relying on Qin Huairu? In the end, it doesn’t depend on me. ”

He Yushui said angrily.

“Okay then!”

He Yuzhu smiled and nodded.

“Then don’t go and clean yourself up, go get your hair cut first, change into clean clothes tomorrow, and let the matchmaker see it first.”

“Okay, I’ll go!”

The next day, He Yushui returned to the courtyard with He Yuzhu, who was full of smiles.

Looking at their appearance, I know that this time, I am afraid that things are quite smooth.

“Brother, you should behave well these days, clean the house frequently, change your clothes frequently, and pay more attention to your personal hygiene.”

He Yushui instructed.

“Otherwise, wait for the matchmaker to bring the girl over next week and see your dirty appearance, who will want to get you a partner.”

“Rain, I know.”

He Yuzhu smirked a few times.

Looking at his stupid brother’s silly look, He Yushui shook his head, and then went to the toilet.

Just at this time, Qin Huairu returned with the stick terrier.

“Yo, pillar, you dressed up so neatly today, could it be a blind date” Seeing He Yuzhu’s current appearance, Qin Huairu’s face changed slightly, and then pretended not to care.

“No, no, no!”

He Yuzhu quickly waved his hand: “I just went to the matchmaker’s house.” ”

When Qin Huairu heard this, his heart sank: “It seems that you still look down on us rural girls in the pillar.” ”

“I just said the other day that I wanted to introduce my cousin to you, but you turned around and went to find a matchmaker.”

Hearing Qin Huairu say this, He Yuzhu immediately panicked: “Sister Qin, don’t misunderstand, it was the rain that had to take me.” ”

It was He Yushui again, and a trace of gloom flashed in Qin Huairu’s eyes.

Then said with a smile: “It’s just that, since there is a fate, then I wish the pillar in advance that you can find a good object.” ”

“Then thank you Sister Qin Jiyan.”

Looking at Qin Huairu’s back as he returned to the house, He Yuzhu laughed silly.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he saw He Yushui standing on the side looking at him with a black face, which startled He Yuzhu: “Yushui, why don’t you walk without sound.” ”

“I almost stomped my foot, what did you just say to her.”

He Yushui said angrily.

“It’s nothing, it’s just to see that Sister Qin brought the stick terrier back, so we chatted for a couple of words.”


He Yushui snorted coldly: “I tell you, you absolutely can’t tell Qin Huairu about your search for a matchmaker, you know?” ”

“Got it, got it.”

He Yuzhu nodded quickly.

“Okay, let’s go cook.”


He Yuzhu honestly went to cook.

However, not long after, there was a noise from Jia’s house next door.

“I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat, and without meat I won’t eat.”

“Stick terrier, it’s too late now, tomorrow mom will sell you meat to eat.”

“Not good, no, I’ll eat it now.”

“Hey, stick terrier, this stinky boy…”


As soon as He Yuzhu wanted to say something, He Yushui glared.

“What does it have to do with you, eat honestly.”


At the same time, Lin Weidong’s family was also cooking.

It’s just that unlike before, this time there are two more people, that is, Ye Erniang and Yiyi.

According to Xixi’s words, now she and Yiyi are good sisters.

Well…… She is the older sister.

Although Yiyi is older than Xixi, Yiyi is introverted, but she is called her sister by Xixi.

And Ye Erniang didn’t care, single-parent families, children are too common to be introverted.

Now that Xixi can play with Yiyi, it is too late for her to be happy.

Today it was also Xixi who went to find Yiyi and brought her back.

As soon as she played for a whole day, Ye Erniang came to find Yiyi, so she simply stayed here to eat.

However, after entering the back kitchen to help, Ye Erniang looked at Lin Weidong’s ingredients tonight, and the whole person was stunned.

A medium-sized, three-pound fish, a small rooster that has just reached adulthood

There is also a crab that looks similar, but is particularly large, it is the king crab.

And there are several kinds of fruits.

Even if Ye Erniang was the head chef of the Xicheng Tavern before, she was frightened at this time.

“Pan’er, does your family usually eat like this?”

Ye Erniang asked in a low voice.


Zhao Pan’er shook her head.

However, before Ye Erniang could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard 080 Zhao Pan’er continue: “Usually there is only half of these at most, otherwise it will be wasted if you can’t finish eating.” ”

“Sister Ye is here today, so Brother Wei Dong is preparing a little more.”

“Half is also a lot, okay.”

Ye Erniang complained in her heart.

At the same time, he was even more shocked by Lin Weidong’s doorway, at this time, he could get so many good things, it could be said that his hands and eyes were in the sky.

However, she didn’t know that these things were completely inexhaustible for Lin Weidong.

These things are going to flood in the small world, and if it weren’t for a warehouse with unlimited space, Lin Weidong would have to directly slow down the time flow rate of the small world and reduce the harvest.

At this time, Lin Weidong was watching the two little girls playing chess.

Of course, it’s not a complicated thing like Go, it’s just a simple backgammon.

The killing of the two little girls is really incomprehensible, evenly matched, referred to as rookie chickens pecking at each other.

“Brother Wei Dong, it’s time to eat.”

Zhao Paner shouted in the kitchen.

“Sister Pan’er, I’m coming.”

Seeing that Xixi, who was about to lose, pulled out his legs and ran.

Yiyi, who was about to play the last chess piece, was directly stunned in place.


This cute look immediately made Lin Weidong couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s go, let’s go eat, this time we made a lot of delicious food.”


Yiyi wrinkled her nose and walked out with her…

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