Eagerly waiting for the aunt to bring the fried sauce noodles, don't tell me, carrots, cucumber strips, plus the fragrant bean paste and diced meat, this mixture, He Yuhao ate a pound of noodles alone!

"Eat more, eat more!"

This also made the two old ladies feel that He Yuhao was eating less, and kept asking He Yuhao to eat more.

"Enough, enough!"

In this era of no oil and water, everyone's food is actually very big. He Yuhao still thought that his grandfather was bragging. His grandfather used to say that when he was young, he could eat 12 steamed buns in one breath. Good guy, even He Yuhao in his previous life I am a southerner, and the big white steamed buns in the past were also the size of a bowl, and they were solid, not as soft as the buttered steamed buns.

12 ah!

This light weight has to be calculated in kilograms!

After eating and drinking, the old lady was also sleepy. She waved her hand and let He Yuhao go with her own work. He Yuhao went out and ran to the post office.

The post office these days is one of the best among the iron rice bowls, and the second is the tobacco office, which can't be entered even after being beaten to death.

Then, there are banks, State Grid, PetroChina...

I came to the post office and looked for it. There are many people who send letters here. Some people don’t feel comfortable putting them in their mailboxes and post boxes. And less, after all, the speed is too slow.

"Hello, I want to ask, where can I buy the stamps?"

"Stamps, how many stamps do you want and the face value, I will tear them apart for you here!"

The person talking is an aunt who is busy with her own affairs without raising her head. This is a good attitude. Let the supply and marketing agency go and have a look, but ordinary people are pulling a handful of melon seeds to see if they ignore you!

"Sister, please excuse me, I just want to buy some stamps and copy them for fun..."

"Copying? Painting?"

This auntie is also knowledgeable. When she looked up, she realized that the person who bought the stamps was actually a handsome guy, and her face became much better.

"How much do you want, I'll show you, if you want less, then come back when it's empty!"

"I want more!"

He Yuhao quickly took out the money and said, "A set of chrysanthemums, a set of children, a set of Huangshan scenery, a set of butterflies, a set of peony, is there a Mei Lanfang art stage?"

"Yo, so much?"

You know, these are not cheap!

He Yuhao has the goldfish, so he doesn't need it anymore!


This set alone is only a penny and three dollars!

The "Children" stamps issued in 63, a set of 12, more importantly, it has also issued perforated ones. What do you mean, just ordinary stamps are perforated for easy tearing. If there are no perforations, you have to use scissors to cut them. One set with perforations and one set without perforations are 24 pieces, and the price is the same.

Issued on Children's Day in 63, numbered 54!


In addition to the previous one, it is 5 yuan, 3 hair and 1 point!

Special No. 57, Huangshan Landscape Stamps, a set of 16, the patterns respectively represent the Yuping Peak, Yingke Pine, Houhai Pine Stone, Qingliangtai, Tiandu Peak, Scissors Peak, Wansong Forest, Dream Pen Flowers, Lotus Peak, West Sea The scenery of Yunchao, Huangshan ancient pine, East China Sea tide watching, stalagmite peak, stone monkey watching sea, lion forest and Penglai three islands.

The total value is 2 yuan 1 hair!

Butterfly stamps, a set of 20 pieces, priced at 2 yuan, 5 cents and 2 cents!

And the peony stamps are the most precious here!

Because there are only 4 peony pieces, but in fact there are [-] pieces. Because there are two more small sheets, this small sheet is too precious. The most precious one is this small sheet, which has a circulation of only [-] pieces.

"This was released last year, I should still be able to find it..."

Because of the high price, the price of a small sheet is as high as 2 yuan a piece!

The usual 15 peony stamps are 2 yuan 1 cents 3, plus two small sheets, the price is the highest, as high as 6 yuan 1 cents 3 cents!

"Mei Lanfang's is gone!"

He Yuhao, who was counting on Mei Lanfang, just disappeared!

"No? One is gone?"

"What do you want?"

"Uh... Look, can you think of a way to adjust it?"

He Yuhao thought about it for a while, approached his auntie, and said secretly, "You can get me a set of Mei Lanfang's, a lot of them. Next time I come, I will bring you two rabbits!"


Auntie's eyes widened instantly. It's not easy to eat some meat these days. Now, eating meat all over the country is calculated by ten days.

10 days in ten days!

It takes 10 days to eat a tiny bit of meat!


"Seriously, I can't lie to you. The two rabbits sent from my hometown are still being raised. They are fat and fat!"

These days, people can't listen to oil and water. This oil and water is not money, but real meat and oil. Too little, too little.

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