
"Hey hey, I'm going to tease that kid!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing He Yuhao's weird smile, Aunt Jia didn't feel sorry for her son at all, but was more happy that Chunming could be so close to He Yuhao. He Yuhao had entered the meat factory and wanted to eat meat in the future, so he had to rely on He Yuhao's relationship.

In any era, interpersonal relationships are the most important, and it is not ashamed to climb the ladder.


Suddenly there was a scream in the house, Aunt Jia immediately smiled and shook her head, and then continued to do the laundry happily. With He Yuhao's promise, she can eat a little meat this year.

In the era when Han Chunming educated youth returned to his hometown, meat was actually quite good to buy, but in this era, the breeding technology and the scale of breeding did not come up, so canned food was the most qualified!

Many people say that canned food has preservatives. In fact, one of the most preservative-free things in the world is canned food. This thing has a mature craftsmanship. In the 19th century, that is, around 1800, someone successfully invented it. Canned storage issues.

In 1862, steam sterilization technology was added to make cans reach aseptic standards. In the twentieth century, aluminum box packaging appeared, and then swept the world.

But now, those who eat canned food are also big bosses.

Han Chunming was shouted by He Yuhao with his cold hands. After a scream, the angry Han Chunming turned his head and saw He Yuhao.

"Brother Yuhao!"

All of a sudden, the young man successfully changed his face.

"Yo, this face, it's changing very fast!"

"Hey, brother, I was going to find you today!"

"Why are you looking for me?"

He Yuhao found clothes for the boy, Han Chunming put them on immediately, and said, "I'm looking for you to play with!"

"You don't know that my work has been arranged?"

"Ah? Oh, my mom told me, I forgot, er, no, aren't you going to work today?"

Han Chunming looked at He Yuhao puzzled, didn't he say go to work?

"It's not a coincidence, I'm on vacation today, brother, and I'll take you out to play!"

"it is good!"

Han Chunming dressed in two or three, and then followed He Yuhao out: "Mom, I went out to play with Brother Yuhao!"

"Aunt Jia, I won't be back for lunch and dinner. I'll take him to eat!"

"I'll give you money!"

Aunt Jia hurriedly shouted, but He Yuhao waved his hand directly. Once he broke the boy's food expenses, he still paid for it.

"Brother, why are we going?"

"Early in the morning, slip away?"

"I haven't eaten yet!"

The meaning of slipping the seam is to drink some soup after you are full. What can you drink in the early morning, bean juice!

"Let's go, eat fried liver."

"I want two focus circles!"


He Yuhao came to the breakfast shop with small things. He went out after eating, but he didn't want to eat, but He Yuzhu made it.

But he had a big appetite and could eat more.

"Boss, two fried livers, two bean juices, four burnt rings!"


It is impossible to run it by yourself. This is also a state-run breakfast restaurant. The coke rings are crispy. He Yuhao is holding a bowl and drinking fried liver first.

The fried liver is not only pork liver, but also very thick but not greasy. It is thickened with starch. The outsider eats it with the spoon, but the locals, it is called "sliding fried liver", and it is this bowl Stir-fry the liver, then drink it along the side of the bowl.


Because it's hot!

Just like you drink porridge, you don't always start with a spoon from the side and eat it in circles, and the same is true for fried liver.

As for Bean Juice, as a soul, he is a southerner, but with the memory of He Yuhao from the north, He Yuhao still accepts it very well.

In fact, He Yuhao himself would drink soy juice, but he didn't like it, but after integrating his memories, he got used to it and loved it.

The sour taste is sour, don't say it, it really has a unique taste.

"Do you want buns?"

"Boss, do you have any leeks?"

"What are you thinking, I'll eat it myself!"

The boss said angrily, these years, leeks are more expensive than pork.

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