He Yuhao has to go back!

Something went wrong at home!

"Dawarich, I need a lot of supplies, especially tents, sleeping bags, medical supplies!"

"no problem!"

This thing, Xiong Da here is a lot!

He quickly got a whole plane for He Yuhao!

Cargo plane, the kind of dozens of tons.

He Yuhao returned to China, gave the things directly to the troops, and then returned home.

"How much emergency frozen meat is in stock now?"

"Over 3000 tons!"

"Donate it all!"


"Yes, all, don't worry, the breeding area in Siberia has already produced meat, and it doesn't matter if the meat is frozen or not, just keep the share for this month!"


Soon, He Yuhao's side was mobilized in an all-round way. Donations that should be donated, and those that should be bought were bought and then sent to the past!

Forget about the money. To be honest, He Yuhao's giving money has no effect. This time the loss is close to [-] billion.

"The excess output of the self-heating pot has also been sent, but not much!"

"It's okay, after all, we have a contract with Xiong Da, and we still have to protect foreign countries first!"

Naturally, the self-heating pot has to be sent. It is too convenient, but it is also very dangerous. Because it is lime, the management over there is not so comprehensive because of the disaster. Therefore, this kind of hot pot should not be sent. !

Lime heats up when it encounters water. The disaster caused by this heavy rainfall is mostly water.

And it's still raining over there. If you're not careful, you'll be in big trouble. Only a small batch will be given to the troops. After all, the troops use more norms.

As for the participation, He Yuhao didn't go. He was also in a mess in the past, and the supplies were reluctantly shipped in, so he should not go to the trouble.

"The vehicles in the company, except for the basic transportation, are temporarily sent there, and they will be dispatched uniformly. If necessary, they can be used to block the flood!"


It doesn't matter if you have money or not, you can buy something like a car, but in the face of natural disasters, everyone has to work together.

"Last year's snow disaster, this year's flood, and it is estimated that there will be a severe drought in the future!"

Many disasters follow.

It lasted until July, when the flood subsided, and the losses were countless. He Yuhao took out a total of 20 billion supplies to support everything, but he never said a word to ensure that the common people and soldiers can eat meat every day.

The country also took out the reserve meat of pork, which just made up for He Yuhao's lack!

He Yuhao lacks chickens, ducks, fish, rabbits, cattle and sheep, but he lacks pork. He Yuhao's pork is purchased from the state.

At the same time, He Yuhao also collected a new stamp called Disaster Relief.


"Boss, we found a group of local masters!"

"Ding Feng committed the crime? Find the evidence directly, contact the police, and get caught!"


At the end of July, He Yuhao was still busy with Xiong Da's affairs, Xiong Da had already shown signs of collapse, and even more amazing, Vasily's connections really gave He Yuhao insight!

The bill of 1544 billion rubles fell on He Yuhao.

All according to the template provided by He Yuhao, especially the time and method of payment, can't change a word!

However, He Yuhao did not expect that Vasily could get so much easily.

Moreover, there are still many large orders being negotiated. The content of the negotiation is to pay He Yuhao a one-time payment. Generally, He Yuhao wants 50%, but with the gradual depreciation of the ruble, this proportion is also declining, but He Yuhao said Well, the bottom line is 30%!

"By the way, did I ask your boss to find the accountant he was looking for?"

"Uh, the boss is still looking for it!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

At the end of last month, the tax was changed, and it became more complicated. He Yuhao did the calculation twice, and his head hurt so much, so he is still looking for an accountant. Zhou Liang is responsible for the sales and management of the entire Siberia region, but Things need to enter the domestic market, and fresh products need to be exported to the domestic market, so the tax rate problem is very troublesome.

At the same time, it is not only the issue of taxation, but also some issues about severely punishing tomb robbers. He Yuhao did not expect that even these people would dare to commit crimes against the wind!

For tomb robbers, He Yuhao has always been unaccustomed to coming here. When he catches one, he reports another. Every time he brings evidence, every report is accurate. But before, it was not a particularly serious crime. He Yuhao just buried the person and didn't come out.

One day, a call came to He Yuhao.

"Boss, someone caught it, the evidence is solid, but there is something we can't understand!"

Tomb robbery is not only about catching people and getting their stolen goods together, but more importantly, it also has judgment value, which is related to sentencing.

"Want me to come over?"

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