"Are you arresting now?"

"No, call Sister Qin to come here first. Seeing is believing for some things. I don't want to embarrass Sister Qin, but to let her know that when her child is stealing things, her face is smiling!"

This is even a little scary!

A thief who steals with a smile, what is that, a habitual thief?

He Yuhao's words directly caused the scalps of the people present to go numb!

He Yuzhu also sat next to the uncle. These three children, he saw the elder one since childhood, and even saw Huaihua as his own daughter, but why did it become like this?

"I'm going to find Qin, Qin Huairu!"

He Yuyu went out directly. The three little guys in the house were startled and pale all of a sudden, but after seeing He Yuyu going to his house and finding Qin Huairu, the three little guys were a little dumbfounded.

Then, after seeing Qin Huairu come out of the house, the three little things froze in their hearts.

"It's over, it's over!"

This is really over!

Bang Terri's face was pale, and he stared at the door, for fear that at this time, Qin Huairu would break into the door and beat himself up!

"Brother, what should I do? Mother will kill me!"

Xiao Dang was so scared that he was about to cry.

If it gets caught, it's really screwed.

Huaihua saw how scared her brothers and sisters looked, she was about to cry when she opened her mouth, but she was covered by the stick!

Then, seeing Qin Huairu leave the inner courtyard directly and go outside, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly slipped out of the house, and even because of panic, a piece of meat fell directly to the ground, and the stick quickly picked it up. Then quickly slipped away.

Qin Huairu covered her mouth at once, and tears fell again, but this time, He Yuyu didn't have any sympathy for Qin Huairu.

The son does not teach, the fault of the father, He Yuyu is a person who has read books, and naturally he knows, whose fault is this child who has become like this now!

Taking Qin Huairu to the outside room, seeing a room full of people, Qin Huairu knelt down at once.

"Ouch, what are you doing?"

A group of people were startled by Qin Huairu, but He Yuhao sneered.

"Sister Qin, don't rush to kneel, let's see, these three children of your family are so bold!"

He Yuhao still wants to watch!

When Qin Huairu came out, the three children must have seen it. Under such circumstances, could the three children dare to steal.

"Yuhao, forget it, definitely not!"

The uncle said quickly, but the second uncle didn't agree: "I see, it's the dog who can't stop eating shit. Bang Terri used to steal stupid posts. He is very bold!"

"I think so too. Bang Terri went to Sha Zhu's house, and there is no one in Sha Zhu's house. I have seen it several times!"

The third master spoke next to him, and the meaning was very simple. He didn't believe that the stick would stop.

"Sister Qin!"

He Yuyu really hated that iron could not become steel, and said, "How much has our family helped you in the past two years? Bang Terrier often comes to my brother's house to rummage around. I know that last time my brother lost money, I would I'm embarrassed to say it, but there are one, two, and three, it's not good for you kid to always point at my brother alone!"

"Rainwater, what you said is wrong, you can't point at anyone!"

The second master said quickly, and the third master also helped: "That's right, this petty theft is a crime in the first place, and the stick is still small. The chicken that Xu Damao lost last time was also stolen by the stick. We all knew it later, but both I didn't say it, but your family is sticky, you can't stay like this!"

"That's right, I look old at the age of three. Bangjie is like this now, Xiaodang is like this, and even Huaihua is like this. Look, what have you taught in the past few years!"

The third master continued to talk about it, he is the best at educating people, after all, he is a teacher.

"Third Master, I really didn't let the child steal anything!"

"But your child stole it, you didn't discipline it well, that's your problem!"

Qin Huairu defended, in fact, this is the result of her indulgence. In the past two years, Bang Terrier has stolen a lot from He Yuzhu, but the problem is, Qin Huairu has only spoken a few words, plus Jia Zhang's instigation , stick terrier thinks it's no big deal.

"I see, if there is a mother, there must be a son. This stick steals things. You are a mother who steals people. I also saw you two days ago, you were in the warehouse, hooking up with Xu Damao. Take it!"

Suddenly, Liu Guangtian suddenly interrupted, but this sentence, not only did not add fuel to the fire, but backfired, because several people were suddenly angry.

"Okay, shut up and take you. You are everywhere. If you have spare time, follow the uncle to practice fitter!"

He Yuzhu said directly, although he didn't expect Qin Huairu to do anything anymore, after all, there was Teacher Ran, but the problem was that he always felt that Qin Huairu was like this, and he was also responsible.

This is old dog licking. He Yuhao's only solution is to get this guy to get married quickly. With Teacher Ran, he will have two more children. His own brother, oh, won't have that spare time.

"Brother Tianguang, don't talk about this, it's not the same thing, it's okay!"

He Yuhao also waved his hand, Qin Huairu's own style is different from that of the children. Now, it is about these three children. In fact, when the three children went in to steal things, He Yuhao already had a plan in mind.

It's very simple, these three little things, remember to eat and not to fight, Jia Zhang is a scumbag again, as long as Jia Zhang is there, these three children will not be able to settle down.

Therefore, He Yuhao will solve the problem in one breath today.

Originally, if you steal a piece of meat, then forget the lesson, but these three children disappointed He Yuhao too much, once, twice, and the third time.

As a result, before the uncle could speak, the faces of He Yuhao and the others turned ashen again.

Because I saw that the three little people actually ran out again, and then got into He Yuyu's house.

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