"Haitang, listen to me."

"I think, I'm the head chef, and I'm in charge of the kitchen, right?"

"In addition, how can I say that I am also the owner of the hotel?"

"I have [*]% of the shares."

"々If my son gave me his [*]% stake, I would be the big boss now."

Hearing this, Yu Haitang clapped her palm on the table and stood up.

He Yuzhu pouted and said:

"I'm telling the truth."

"As for the management of the hotel, I don't want to be involved either."

"But on the one-third of an acre in the back kitchen, can you give me some face?"

"Let me say it, okay?"

Yu Haitang: "Okay, let me ask you a question now."

"Have I interfered with the kitchen?


He Yuzhu thought for a while, shook his head, and said:

"I didn't interfere."

"But don't worry if I bring food home."

Yu Haitang raised her voice:

"This is a restaurant, not your restaurant, Li Zhao."

"If everyone was like you, would the restaurant stay open?"

He Yuzhu pouted and said nothing.

He also knew that he was wrong, but he was very unhappy in his heart.

Yu Haitang exhaled lightly, sat down on the boss chair, and said in a deep voice:

"I'll give you two options now."

"First, write a review book and read it in front of employees."

"Promise not to commit again in the future."

"Second, you can leave the job of head chef, and don't step into the restaurant from now on."

PS: Please order all! Please customize! Please support!!! Celebration

604 Deducted the salary and dividends of the silly column (please order and customize)

Yu Haitang couldn't bear He Yuzhu anymore.

So it is also very rude to give an ultimatum.

She is not afraid that He Yuzhu will quit his job now.

After divorced Qin Huairu, a few days later, he brought food to Qin Huairu's house.

Before, I borrowed money from her to help those people in the courtyard with the surname "Pan".

This really doesn't help.

In fact, she felt that Qin Huairu's poison in He Yuzhu was too deep and could not be saved.

However, after He Yuzhu divorced Qin Huairu, she rekindled confidence in her future with He Yuzhu.

Now she is disappointed with He Yuzhu again.

This time, He Yuzhu took her food as a deaf ear to her words, of course she would not be polite.

And hearing her words, He Yuzhu's brows could not help frowning.

He was depressed.

Suddenly he blamed his son He Dong for not giving him the shares.

If this is the case, then he will occupy 457% of the shares and will be the big boss of this restaurant. [*]

Then is Yu Haitang bossing him around?

That's right!

In his opinion, Yu Haitang was bossing him around.

He really didn't want to suffer from this crap.

However, he also knew that if he quit.

The attractive salary of the head chef is gone.

Of course, just relying on the restaurant's dividends is enough for him to live a very nourishing life.

But he wants to raise Qin Huairu and Bangjie.

Now he is the first uncle in the courtyard, and he is responsible for the courtyard.

That money is for sure.

Besides, the three uncles are also old.

It is inevitable to have a headache from time to time, and it also costs money.

Their pensions may not be enough either.

What's more, Aunt San and Uncle Er are still in hospital.

And if there is no job, it is estimated that (adcc) Qin Huairu will not give herself a good face again.

Forget it, just bear with it.

He Yuzhu frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Yu Haitang and asked:

"Haitang, can we discuss it again?"

Yu Haitang shook her head.

He Yuzhu sighed and said:

"Well, I'll write the review, and I'll read the review in front of the hotel staff."

"I promise not to do it again in the future."


Stand up and go.

Yu Haitang made a heavy nasal sound and spit out two words:


He Yuzhu: "What else? Can't let me write a review letter now?"

"I'm not very literate, and I don't know many words."

"Shouldn't I go home and look up the dictionary?"

"Of course I can ask my apprentice to write it on behalf of me."

"But when the big boss speaks, I have to write it myself."

"It shows my sincerity.


Yu Haitang raised the corner of her mouth and said:

"Yo, there seems to be something wrong with this tone."

He Yuzhu: "Don't dare, you are the big boss."

"How dare I."

Yu Haitang made a nasal voice and said:

"Okay, you don't have this month's salary and this month's dividends."

"Next time I do it again, don't blame me for being rude."

When He Yuzhu heard this, he hurriedly said:

"Don't, Haitang, I really need money right now."

Yu Haitang: "I told you before."

"Who told you to take my words on deaf ears."

He Yuzhu: "Don't be so cruel, okay?


Yu Haitang: "Poor people must have something to hate, that's it."

He Yuzhu frowned and asked unhappily:

"What's the meaning?"

Yu Haitang exhaled lightly and said:

"You are excellent at cooking, and you are also good brothers with Brother Nan."

"It stands to reason that you should have developed a long time ago."

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