Chapter 108

Outside the ward, Han Qingren grabbed Liu Qinsong’s hand with excitement and said excitedly.

“Brother Qinsong, I didn’t expect your medical skills to be so good. Thanks to you this time, I will send someone to give you the reward in two days.”

Liu Qinsong nodded after listening.

He is not a Virgin, so he must receive benefits for helping others. Although he didn’t say what kind of reward he wanted, Liu Qinsong knew that a rich man like Han Qingren must be very generous in his shots, so he didn’t ask what the reward was.

“Mr. Han, because he is a friend, I still have to tell you something. I can only treat the symptoms of your mother’s disease, but not the root cause. Moreover, your mother is so old, and this disease has been around for several years. , So…”

Liu Qinsong didn’t say everything, he only knew ancient Chinese medicine, not a spell to bring back the dead, and there was no pill to prolong life.

Although Liu Qinsong did not go on, Han Qingren was indeed very clear.

After 26 minutes of contemplation, Han Qingren showed a reluctant smile on his face.

“Brother Qinsong, I understand what you mean. I know my mother’s situation naturally. However, as a son, I naturally have to do my best to take care of my mother. This time you can do me such a big favor. Thank you. If my mother really got to any point, there would be no way.”

Liu Qinsong nodded after hearing this, and then took care of some precautions before leaving Han’s house.

Liu Qinsong, who left the Han family, did not go directly to the factory, but returned to the compound.

In the compound, the deaf old lady was sitting in the sun. Seeing Liu Qinsong came back, she hurriedly greeted her.

“My dear grandson, why did you come back so early today? Did something happen?”

The deaf old lady asked.

Liu Qinsong looked at the deaf old lady who was already gray-haired, and remembered what happened at the Han’s house before, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

“Grandma, there is nothing wrong in the factory today. I will leave work. I haven’t chatted with you for a long time. I am going to talk to you today.”

Liu Qinsong said.

The deaf old lady was taken aback for a moment, then took Liu Qinsong’s hand and patted it gently.

“Well, it’s rare that you have this kind of heart, so let’s talk about it today.”

The deaf old lady pulled Liu Qinsong into the house after she finished speaking.

“Recently, the yard is a bit uneven. After you became the director of the factory, the cats and dogs in the yard all jumped out to make trouble for you. I see all these things, but I am getting older. These things, I can’t do anything, I can’t help you.”

The deaf old lady sighed.

Seeing that the deaf old lady is at this age and still worrying about herself, Liu Qinsong is a little bit self-blaming in her heart.

“Grandma, when I get rich, I will definitely buy a house, and then you will move in and enjoy the good fortune.”

Liu Qinsong laughed out loud after talking about the deaf old lady.

“My dear grandson, it’s good if you have this kind of heart. Grandma has lived in this yard for decades. She has feelings for this yard and asked me to move out. I can’t sleep yet, but you really deserve to be a family. Now, find some time to go to Teacher Ran’s house to propose a marriage, don’t let the girl wait forever.”

Liu Qinsong kept nodding his head after hearing this. She and Ran Qiuye have already had the closest relationship. It will be a matter of time to propose marriage. Liu Qinsong is just a little worried that he won’t be able to visit the deaf old lady often after he gets married.

After the deaf old lady saw that she had raised this matter, although Liu Qinsong had been nodding her head, her brows were locked tightly, and she asked.

“My dear grandson, what’s the matter? Have you had any conflicts with Teacher Ran recently? Why do you look sad when you mention this?”

The deaf old lady said.

Liu Qinsong shook his head quickly after hearing this, and said, holding the hand of the deaf old lady.

“Grandma, I have a good relationship with Teacher Ran. Don’t think about it. I’m just worried that I won’t be able to come back to take care of you often after I get married with Teacher Ran.”

“Why can’t we take care of it often? We can live in this yard.”

As soon as Liu Qinsong finished speaking, Ran Qiuye’s voice came from behind him.

Liu Qinsong turned his head to look, Ran Qiuye was standing behind him at this time.

“Akiba, when did you come? Why is there no sound at all?”

Liu Qinsong looked at Ran Qiuye suspiciously.

“Just when you said you were worried about not being able to take care of your grandma often.”

Ran Qiuye smiled and said hello to the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady looked at her future granddaughter-in-law, and happily pulled Ran Qiuye to her side, and then said to Liu Qinsong.

“My granddaughter-in-law often visits me when you are not at home.”

When the deaf old lady said this, Liu Qinsong looked at Ran Qiuye apologetically and said.

“How come you haven’t told me about this, but thank you.”

Ran Qiuye was taken aback, she didn’t expect Liu Qinsong would say that, and then shook her head gently.

“I know that you are usually very busy, and Qin Huairu and the others have been blocking you all the time, so they often come to see grandma. This is what I should do. You don’t have to worry about it.”

After Ran Qiuye finished speaking, she gently hugged Liu Qinsong’s waist.

The deaf old lady looked at the two people in front of her and spoke with joy, and then coughed softly.

The two of them reacted and hurriedly separated.

“Autumn leaves, come with me, I have something for you.”

The deaf old lady took Ran Qiuye into the back room after speaking, and then took out a jade bracelet from a drawer and put it on Ran Qiuye’s hand.

Although Ran Qiuye didn’t understand it, she also knew that this thing must be of great value, so she quickly refused.

But the deaf old lady grabbed her hands and said.

“Autumn Leaf, my mother left this to me. Now, when I give this to you, I also believe that you are my granddaughter-in-law. You must take it.”

Ran Qiuye originally wanted to continue to refuse, but after hearing what the deaf old lady said, she had to accept it.

Then the deaf old lady called Liu Qinsong in and said.

“My dear grandson, grandma doesn’t have anything valuable for you. This is what grandma has saved most of her life. You can buy a house when you take it. When you get married, you will move out to live in. You can come back and see me when you have time.”

When the deaf old lady finished speaking, she took out a red passbook from a locked drawer and handed it to Liu Qinsong.

Liu Qinsong directly refused.

“Grandma, I definitely won’t ask for this money. Please keep your passbook.”

After that, the deaf old lady persuaded it several times, but Liu Qinsong refused to accept it, so the deaf old lady had to put away the passbook again.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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