Chapter 11

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The entrance of the canteen of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

“Lame Damao, I still want to eat at this speed, I can only eat leftovers!”

An employee of the Red Star Rolling Mill looked at Xu Damao, who was walking towards the cafeteria with a cane and limped.

Xu Damao pretended not to hear the ridicule of the employees of the rolling mill, and ignored it, but felt somewhat uncomfortable in his heart.

During this time, many people came to ask how his leg was broken.

He always avoids deliberately.

After arriving in the cafeteria, Xu Damao felt very complicated when he looked at the long queue.

“If my leg isn’t broken, I should be able to come here early, maybe I’ve already eaten it.”

While Xu Damao was still thinking, a figure appeared in front of him.

“Qin Huairu, what’s the matter? Why did you jump in the line.”

The person here is Qin Huairu.

Because of his lame problem, many people in the factory made jokes about him. Now that Qin Huai is still in the queue, Xu Damao went into a rage instantly.

Just about to start cursing, Qin Huairu turned around and blinked at him.

Xu Damao saw this situation, although he was a little confused, but he didn’t say much.

“Qin Huairu, how did you jump in, do you still have any quality.”

A steel mill worker who was behind Xu Damao asked displeasedly.

“Who said I jumped in the line? Xu Damao originally helped me line up. If you don’t believe me, ask him.” Qin Huairu retorted immediately.

Xu Damao saw that Qin Huai said this, and didn’t say much, so he agreed with him.

“Qin Huairu, for the sake of a yard, I don’t care about jumping in line with you, but you have to tell me what you want to do.”

Xu Damao asked in a low voice.

“What can I do, I just want you to buy a meal for me, the family is almost out of the pot.”

Qin Huai said aggrievedly.

“Can’t open the pot? What’s going on? Is it related to Liu Qinsong.” Xu Damao asked.

“That’s right, it’s him, I wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for him. Bang Jing was dragged to the street and I was fined three months’ salary. I don’t know what to do.”

Qin Huai was about to cry as he spoke. Xu Damao on the side stopped immediately when he saw this.

“Okay, don’t cry first. I bought this meal for you today. I will come to the warehouse later. Once we discuss how to deal with the bastard Liu Qinsong?”

Upon hearing that Xu Damao was willing to buy food for himself, and how to deal with Liu Qinsong, Qin Huai was like finding a comrade-in-arms, without even thinking about it, he nodded and agreed immediately.

After lunch, Qin Huairu came to the warehouse behind the rolling mill. Finding Xu Damao was already waiting for her, he said.

“Damao, why did you come so soon? Did you think of a good way to deal with Liu Qinsong?”

Xu Damao didn’t answer him immediately, but said with a finger on his lame leg.

Qin Huairu, did you see my leg? It was the grandson Liu Qinsong who interrupted him. He even pitted me for almost fifty dollars.

When he said this, Xu Damao showed a grim face.

The fact that Xu Damao’s leg was interrupted by Liu Qinsong had long been spread in the compound. Qin Huai naturally knew it, but he didn’t expect that Liu Qinsong would also cheat Xu Damao fifty yuan.

“Liu Qinsong, the bastard, is too Damn it, and also pitted me a lot of money, I can’t wait to kill him.” Qin Huairu said.

In this way, the two of them counted Liu Qinsong’s evil deeds, unconsciously, there was a sense of sympathy.

“All of this is caused by Liu Qinsong. We have to think of a way to deal with him, and we have to let him spit out all the money that had been pitted against us.”

Xu Damao said.

Qin Huairu immediately agreed with Xu Damao’s words. He had already hated Liu Qinsong, and she was short of money, so he asked now.

“Damao, do you have a good idea, what do you need me to do?”

“Liu Qinsong is a young man in his twenties, young and energetic, full of energy, you tricked him into a small warehouse, and then stripped to seduce him, then I brought someone over to arrest him, then you said he raped you , This will not only send him to prison, but also allow him to spit out all the money he had pitted on us.”

Xu Damao said with a smirk.

Qin Huai was a little hesitant when he heard it, but now he hates Liu Qinsong to death, and is also short of money, and Xu Damao is instigating him, so he agrees.


“Qinsong, someone is looking for you.” A security guard walked up to Liu Qinsong to wake up Liu Qinsong who was taking a nap.

When someone was suddenly woken up, Liu Qinsong was a little unhappy and cursed badly.

“Which grandson is looking for me this time? Don’t you know Laozi is sleeping?”

Then he looked up outside the security guard and found Qin Huairu standing at the door.

“Qin Huairu, if you don’t have to go to work, why do you come to my security room? I don’t have time to entertain you, so hurry up.”

After speaking, Qin Huairu will be driven away.

Qin Huairu had a purpose in his own right, so naturally it was impossible for him to leave so easily. Regardless of Liu Qinsong’s obstruction, he rushed into the security room and grabbed Liu Qinsong’s arm.

“Qin Huairu, what are you going to do, don’t let go.”

Liu Qinsong was also taken aback by Qin Huairu’s move, and hurriedly tossed Qin Huairu away.

“Qinsong, I was fined for three months’ salary, and Bang Jing was paraded. I really can’t help it. Please help us.”

Qin Huai said pitifully like Chuchu.

“Qin Huairu, what are you doing when you tell me this, you did it yourself, I won’t help you, you have to die.”

Liu Qinsong said.

“Qinsong, I really know that I was wrong, and I will definitely not provoke you in the future. How about you go to the small warehouse with me? As long as you help me once, you can do whatever you want.”

Qin Huai whispered in Liu Qinsong’s ear.

Seeing Qin Huai’s temptation to say this, Liu Qinsong frowned, feeling a little strange.

Qin Huai gritted his teeth like he hated him, how could he come to beg for himself, there must be some purpose, and he can’t follow it.

“Ding!” Posting the task, will count, debunk Qin Huairu, after the task is completed, get reward storage space, item teleport technique, food ticket *20, oil ticket *20.

Seeing the system suddenly appeared, Liu Qinsong instantly understood that this lady hadn’t been kind.

It’s just boring, then go and see what tricks Qin Huairu wants to play.

Liu Qinsong thought to himself.

“All right, I’ll go with you.” After speaking, he walked out of the security room.

Qin Huai on the side, as he saw his strategy succeeded, made an OK gesture towards Xu Damao who was hiding in the dark and followed Liu Qinsong. .

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