Chapter 114

After a lunch, everyone came to the fitter workshop of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Director Wang stood in front of the machine tool in the workshop, and then announced the start of the game.

After hearing Director Wang’s words, the workshop personnel of each rolling mill hurriedly started the machine and began to polish the parts.

Seeing everyone getting busy, Director Wang nodded in satisfaction, and then fixed his gaze on Liu Qinsong’s group.

However, what Director Wang didn’t expect was that everyone was busy, while Liu Qinsong and the group were still looking at the drawings.

“What’s the matter with Director Liu? Other factories have started to polish parts. Why is he still looking at the drawings?”

Director Wang said to Deputy Director Yang next to him.

Deputy Director Yang frowned. He didn’t know what Liu Qinsong was doing, so he didn’t answer.

As time passed, many masters in the rolling mills shook their heads and left the machine.

They could understand the drawings, but due to some technical limitations, the parts they made were basically unqualified, so they chose to give up.

Soon, there were only three rolling mills left on the field, Red Star, Dongsheng, and Zhongqi.

“It seems that this time the order will be generated in these three companies, but I don’t know which one will get the first.”

Director Wang said.

“Director Wang, I guess it should be Red Star or Zhongqi. Dongsheng just opened the game not long ago. Although President Han has hired an eighth-level fitter with a lot of money, judging from the performance just now, the eighth-level fitter hired by President Han is somewhat a little bit different. Moisture.”

Deputy Director Yang pointed his finger at Zhongqi afterwards.

“Zhongqi has finished polishing the parts. The next step is to assemble. As long as the polished parts are installed smoothly, they will be the first thing in this game.”

Deputy Director Yang is right. The most important step in the production of this part is polishing and assembling. Any question in one step will directly affect the result of the competition.

Director Wang nodded after hearing this, and then looked in the direction of the arena again.

At this time, Liu Qinsong and his group are working hard to polish an iron part, but because of the particularity of the material, this part is not so easy to polish.

“In the bangs, polish me the sand ` `.”

The grandfather said.

Without thinking about his bangs, he took out a gray-brown square sand block from the tool bag and handed it to the grandfather.

The grandfather didn’t even look at it, and when he picked it up, he started to rub and polish.

Liu Qinsong, who was looking at the mounting hole, turned his head to look at the grandfather, then frowned.

“What’s the matter? Use sand to polish it. When will it be polished, go directly to the machine.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Liu Qinsong’s words quickly spread in the workshop, and everyone looked at Liu Qinsong with horror, with incredible writing on their faces.

“Director Liu, are you planning to abstain? If you put such a tight part directly on the machine, a careless one will make this part too small and scrapped. Even if I have been a fitter for decades, I dare not do this. Do it.”

The old man surnamed Li mocked.

Faced with the ridicule of the old man surnamed Li, Liu Qinsong sneered.

“Master Li, most people don’t choose to polish this kind of precision parts with a machine, but not choosing doesn’t mean you can’t. You just don’t have the numbers in your hands, so you don’t use it.”

The old man surnamed Li snorted coldly after hearing this.

“It’s a good thing for Director Liu to be confident, but I hope you are not arrogant, and don’t throw the pot to your two masters at that time!”

Liu Qinsong listened to the cynicism of the old man surnamed Li, and the anger rose in his heart.

“It seems that Master Li doesn’t believe me anymore. Otherwise, let’s make a bet. If I can grind out the parts with a machine and it meets the requirements, how about Master Li no longer working as a fitter?”

Liu Qinsong’s words were like bombs, and soon spread in the workshop.

The old man surnamed Li frowned when he heard it. If he changed to normal, he would definitely not pay attention to this boring provocation.

But today is different, so many leaders are watching, and he represents Zhongqi, plus the previous mockery of Liu Qinsong.

Now I can’t refuse at all. Once I refuse, I am afraid that others will think that it will only be quick to talk.

Thinking of this, the old man surnamed Li was heartbroken and said.

“Since Director Liu said this, I will naturally not back down. What if Director Liu loses?”

“I lost, just like you. I no longer say that I am a fitter, and I also resigned from the position of factory director.”

Liu Qinsong said.

As soon as Liu Qinsong said this, there was an uproar in the workshop again. No one thought that Liu Qinsong would play such a big game.

“Isn’t Liu Qinsong asking for trouble? If he loses the game, then he will not be the factory director. At that time, a new factory director will be assigned to him. , Liu Qinsong can be stomped severely.”

Thinking like this in the center of the bangs, Mimi then quietly approached the grinder and secretly adjusted the speed of the grinder upward.

The speed of grinding parts has a considerable relationship with the speed of the grinding machine. The faster the speed, the faster the grinding and the shorter the time.

If the polishing time is too long, the parts that come out may be much smaller.

Liu Haizhong’s actions naturally did not escape Liu Qinsong’s eyes, but at the moment Liu Qinsong has no intention of paying attention to Liu Haizhong.

Liu Qinsong came to the great master and picked up the iron parts in his hand.

“¨ squeak!” The sound of “squeak!” came from the machine along with the sparks of polishing.

A few minutes later, Liu Qinsong stopped and turned off the machine, picked up the part and aligned it with the empty slot, and pushed it in firmly, and the two parts were perfectly connected.

The manufacturer that issued the order immediately went to Liu Qinsong to check.

Then he turned his head and looked at everyone.

“Director Liu’s perfect combination of this part and the empty slot is even better than what the masters in our own factory do.”

Director Wang and others praised it again and again after listening.

“As expected of Director Liu, he has a lot of work, and no one can compare his grasp of time and intensity.”

Director Wang said.

When other people around saw Director Wang say so, they naturally agreed.

“Our side is also fine, please send a master to come and take a look (Li Li’s).”

The old man surnamed Li said.

After listening to the order, the person from the manufacturer hurriedly walked to the machine of the old man Li to check.

Then frowned and said.

“Master Li, what are you polishing? Although it went in, it was obviously hard to knock in. This operation method is absolutely crumpled in our factory. Once the machine is heated, it is easy to crack or break. Are you applauded by the situation? It’s a joke!”

The person who ordered the manufacturer gave such an evaluation after checking it.

After hearing this, the crowd gathered their eyes on the old man surnamed Li.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! Copy!


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