Chapter 118

Qin Huai, who returned to the compound, rushed into Xu Damao’s house without saying a word.

At this time, Xu Damao was lying on the bed and napping. Hearing someone calling him, he got up and checked impatiently.

“Qin Huairu? Why don’t you come to me for work?”

Xu Damao asked.

“Xu Damao, you are still asleep at this point. Get up quickly. I have something to ask you for help.”

Qin Huairu said.

Upon hearing this, Xu Damao began to calculate in his heart.

Since he lost his job and divorced Lou Xiaoe again, he is now in a state of no access, and his savings are also low.

At this time, Qin Huairu came to ask him for help, that would just be a little profit.

Xu Damao thought this in his heart, and then immediately got up, put on his clothes and walked to Qin Huairu.

“Qin Huairu, what are you looking for? Let me talk about it first.”

Xu Damao pulled Qin Huairu to sit down after speaking, and poured Qin Huairu a glass of water.

Qin Huairu was also not polite, she rushed back all the way, she was too thirsty for a long time, picked up the teacup and drank it.

After three glasses of water, Qin Huai Rucai spoke.

“I saw Liu Haizhong in the factory. He said that you know someone in the prison and can help rescue Bangshou, right?”

Xu Damao26 was stunned after hearing this. When did he know the prisoners? That’s all nonsense and bragging about him. He didn’t expect this old bastard in Liu Hai to really take it seriously.

Seeing Qin Huai’s expectant eyes, Xu Damao thought about his situation again and said.

“Yes, I know someone in prison, but it might be unrealistic to have someone help him to rescue Bang Jeng. At most, I can only take care of Bang Jeng inside, so that he will suffer less.”

Qin Huairu began to ponder after hearing this. In fact, she knew in her heart that it was basically impossible to rescue Bangshou, but she still wanted to try her best.

Now Xu Damao’s words completely disillusioned the trace of fantasy she was holding.

“Okay, even if you can’t save Bangjing, you can make Bangjing suffer less, then this will trouble you.”

Qin Huai planned to leave after finishing speaking.

“You just left? Why should I help you? What good is it to help you?”

Xu Damao grabbed Qin Huairu’s arm and said.

Seeing this picture of Xu Damao, Qin Huai knew that if he didn’t pay anything today, Xu Damao would definitely not help himself, and it would not take ten minutes before and after.

Qin Huairu was about to untie her clothes after speaking, but what she didn’t expect was that Xu Damao directly stopped her this time.

“Qin Huairu, what are you doing? Really, Xu Damao is a grass dog on the side of the road? I tell you, this time I want money. To do this for you, you have to give me five dollars.”

Xu Damao said.

Qin Huai frowned, where does she have money now? Calculating carefully, her situation is actually not much better than Xu Damao.

Qin Huairu originally wanted to bargain with Xu Damao, but looking at Xu Damao’s eyes, she knew that it was just a waste of saliva.

“Okay! Xu Damao, wait for me, I will borrow money now.”

Qin Huairu shook off Xu Damao’s hand and walked towards his house. Although she has no money, now Qin Jingru lives in her house, she can ask Qin Jingru for a loan.

“Jing Ru? Jing Ru?”

Qin Huairu kept calling Qin Jingru’s name after entering the house, but no one paid any attention to her.

Qin Huairu knew that Qin Jingru must have gone to work, and then quickly walked to the bed where Qin Jingru was sleeping, opened the sheets, and put a few banknotes on the bedboard.

People in this era, most people have this habit, like to think about banknotes, meat tickets, oil tickets and the like under pillows or sheets.

Looking at the banknotes in front of him, Qin Jingru was hesitant to take it, but when he thought that Bangjing might still be suffering in prison at this time, he didn’t care about it, took the banknote and turned back to Xu Damao’s house.

Qin Huairu said after passing the banknote to Xu Damao.

“Five yuan, you take it, help me go and say hello to the guy in the prison, let him take good care of Bangshou.”

Xu Damao took the money and gave a cold snort.

“Qin Huairu, this money is my benefit, but you have to know that you have to be sincere in asking people to do things. I can tell you that people must ask for money. You’d better prepare in advance.”

Qin Huairu was embarrassed after hearing it. Xu Damao made sense, but now he really doesn’t have much money. He still stole the five dollars from Qin Jingru. He still doesn’t know how to explain it to Qin Jingru.

“I know this, you first go over and say hello, see how much he wants, come back and tell me a number, I will try my best to get it together.”

Qin Huai said helplessly.

Xu Damao nodded when he saw it, and then walked outside the house.

Seeing Xu Damao leaving behind, Qin Huairu fell into despair, knowing that this must be a large number.

Xu Damao, who walked out of the yard, went straight to a noodle shop, ordered a bowl of Yangchun noodles and then ordered a bottle of wine.

“Qin Huai, like this bitch, can’t tell that he can still pay for it if he is like this. It seems that he still has a lot of money, so he can just ask her to be bigger and ask her for one or two hundred. My recent days have also been easier.”

Xu Damao said.

After Xu Damao ate and drank enough, he strolled outside, looking for a job by the way.

When the time came in the evening, Xu Damao looked up at the sky and found that it was almost time, so he trot all the way back to the yard.

At this time, Qin Huairu was standing at the door waiting for him.

Seeing Xu Damao coming back, Qin Huairu hurriedly greeted him and asked.

“Xu Damao, how is it? What did the policeman you know say.”

Xu Damao pretended to take a breath and said.

“Who am I? How could I not agree if I asked people to help, but they also said that it’s okay to help take care of the sticks, but you have to give them 300 yuan for the benefit.”

Qin Huai heard that it cost as much as three hundred, and his heart was instantly refreshed.

“Where do I have so many? Even if you sell me, there is not so much money.”

Qin Huai cried out.

Seeing Qin Huairu who was crying with pear blossoms and raining, Xu Damao shook his throat and put his arms around Qin Huairu’s shoulder.

“I know you have no money, now come into the house with me, let’s think of a way together and see if we can pool some money together.”

Naturally, Qin Huai knows Xu Damao’s thoughts, but now he has to ask Xu Damao after all, so he has to agree.

And this scene was clearly seen by Liu Qinsong standing at the end of the alley.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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