Chapter 124

After bidding farewell to Ran’s father and mother, Liu Qinsong took Ran Qiuye into the car.

“I know that when I asked me to get the wine, I was actually trying to distract me. Did he tell you something?”

Ran Qiuye sat in the car looking at the materials given by Ran Qiuye, and asked suddenly.

“Your dad didn’t tell me anything, he just gave me the most valuable thing in your family.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Ran Qiuye looked puzzled after hearing this, she knew very well whether there were any valuables in their family.

“What valuables did I give you? Why don’t I know what valuables our family has?”

Ran Qiuye asked.

“You, aren’t you the most precious in your family? Your parents will love you, care for you, and protect you from now on. I agree, and they are only willing to give you your peace of mind.”

Although Liu Qinsong said these words carelessly, Ran Qiuye’s face flushed with the words.

“I knew it would be nice to say, what shall we wait for? Go back to the yard and tell grandma about this matter?”

Ran Qiuye said.

“You don’t need to go back so early. I have discussed with your parents when I came out of your house just now. This weekend will be a good day. We can just do the banquet wedding directly. Now we go and get the certificate first.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he took out the materials necessary for marriage from the bag.

Ran Qiuye was a little surprised when she saw this. She naturally heard what the deaf old lady said that day, but she always thought that the deaf old lady was just talking.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qinsong took it seriously, and even prepared everything.

Liu Qinsong looked at Ran Qiuye with a surprised look and said softly.

“Why? Are you not happy? Or do you plan to wait?”

Ran Qiuye shook her head and said.

“No, I just didn’t expect it to be so sudden, quite unexpected.”

Just in between their conversations, they have reached their destination.

After the two got off the car hand in hand, they walked towards the inside of the civil affairs department.

After going through the registration process, when the two of them came out, they both held a small red book in their hands.

“Wife, go home!”

Liu Qinsong said.

Ran Qiuye said “` ` Hmm” and then followed Liu Qinsong into the car.

After returning to the compound, Liu Qinsong took Ran Qiuye into the house of the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady sitting on the chair saw the two holding the marriage certificate in their hands, and suddenly laughed from ear to ear.

After talking for a while, the deaf old lady took Liu Qinsong’s hand and said.

“We are going to get married in two days, so we should prepare in advance, otherwise we will be in a hurry.”

Liu Qinsong nodded.

“Grandma, don’t worry, I have already selected the place, and it’s in our yard. When the time comes, we will call my master and the others. When we call in the leading cadres in the factory, we can just let the idiot cook the food.”

Liu Qinsong stated all his plans and arrangements, and then asked Xia Ran Qiuye for his opinion.

Ran Qiuye would naturally not object, he is now Liu Qinsong’s daughter-in-law, and she naturally has no objection to Liu Qinsong’s arrangement.

The deaf old lady nodded after hearing it, and then said.

“Then wait for your friends and leaders, Comrade Factory, and Qiuye and I will inform the people in the yard.”

After Liu Qinsong responded, turning his head towards the factory, the deaf old lady also walked out of the house with Ran Qiuye’s help, knocking on the door from door to door.

Liu Qinsong, who came to the factory, first told all the leading cadres who worked in the factory about his plan to get married.

When everyone heard the news, they were surprised at first, and then sent blessings.

After notifying the cadres in the factory, Liu Qinsong walked to his office and dialed the number of Deputy Director Yang.

Soon, Deputy Director Yang’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Qinsong, what’s the matter? I’m very busy now.”

Liu Qinsong knew that at this point in time, Deputy Director Yang must be busy with the car yard he talked about last time.

“Deputy Director Yang, it’s actually nothing big. I’m getting married this weekend. I don’t know if you have time to come over to attend my wedding. The place is in our yard.”

Liu Qinsong said.

“Damn, Qinsong, you are too sudden. I’m still busy with the car manufacturing thing you mentioned last time. Now you are telling me that you are getting married. Are you planning to not let me rest for a moment? ”

Although Deputy Director Yang said so, Liu Qinsong could tell from his tone that it was a ridicule.

“So, isn’t Deputy Director Yang coming?”

Liu Qinsong also joked.

“How can I not come, I will not only go, but also drink you to the ground, so that you can’t get a bridal chamber at night.”

Deputy Director Yang said with a smile.

After getting a reply from Deputy Director Yang, Liu Qinsong called Director Wang again.

Director Wang was very straightforward. He just said “I see, I must go on time by then” and hung up the phone.

Liu Qinsong was also helpless when he saw this.

The time of these leaders is precious. It is very rare for Director Wang to spare time to come to attend his wedding. This also shows how much Director Wang attaches to Liu Qinsong.

In the following time, Liu Qinsong called Han Qingren, Uncle Guan, Mr. Jiang, Niu Ye and others, and told them about their marriage on the weekend.

The reactions of everyone after receiving the call were not the same, but they all offered their own blessings, and at the same time they said that they would definitely go there on time.

In the yard, the deaf old lady was almost notified at this time.

When I learned that Liu Qinsong was going to get married, the expressions and looks of the people in the yard were different.

In the evening, Liu Qinsong returned from the factory.

As soon as she came back, the deaf old lady stepped forward to ask about the situation.

“¨ˇMy dear grandson, have you notified me of everything?”

Liu Qinsong nodded, and then asked the deaf old lady about the situation in the yard.

“Basically, I know it all, but the idiot hasn’t got off work yet, he doesn’t know yet.”

As soon as the deaf old lady finished speaking, she heard the voice of a fool outside the door.

“Old lady, what do you say about me?”

Liu Qinsong turned his head to look at the fool, and then pulled him aside.

“Silly Zhu, if I have something to invite you, I will marry Qiuye this weekend. I would like to invite you to the wedding banquet at that time. What do you think.”

Liu Qinsong said.

After hearing this, Shazhu looked shocked, and said after a moment.

“Director Liu, (Li Qian’s) you are too sudden, but since you have invited me, you can see me as a fool. Don’t worry, I’m sure I will make you beautiful dishes for the wedding banquet. Guarantee to satisfy everyone.”

Liu Qinsong saw Sha Zhu say this, and didn’t say much, then took out an unopened pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Sha Zhu.

“You take this cigarette first, and there will be other remuneration after the wedding. You can arrange the dishes at that time during this time, calculate how much you need, and then tell me.”

Liu Qinsong said.

After hearing this, Sha Zhu nodded, then walked into his room and began to think about the dishes at that time.

……………………………………… celery.

PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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