Chapter 138

Qin Huairu looked at the back of the fourth sister, feeling very nervous, then turned to look at Dajiao who was lying on the bed.

At this time, Dajiao, who was lying on the bed, also looked at Qin Huairu, their eyes facing each other.

“Hello, I heard from the fourth sister that your name is Dajiao, right? My name is Qin Huairu.”

“Newcomer, I’m not interested in knowing what your name is, but you have to remember that except for the fourth sister, I have the final say. If you dare to grab my guests, then don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Qin Huairu originally planned to introduce herself and Dajiao some distance, but he didn’t expect that he would be threatened by Dajiao in exchange.

This surprised Qin Huairu very much.

Before long, a middle-aged man covered in sweat came out of the room opposite Qin Huairu.

After the middle-aged man came out, he walked into the room where Qin Huairu was and took a look.

“Yo! This is a newcomer? I knew I would be here later, maybe I could try something new.”

After speaking, the middle-aged man walked away.

Not long after, the 26 women named Yanzi walked in.

Skillfully picked up a cigarette from the table next to it and lit it.

“Yanzi, how is that person? Isn’t that amazing?”

Dajiao asked.

Yanzi snorted after hearing this.

“The thunder is loud, the rain is small, that’s it.”

After Yanzi finished speaking, Da Jiao laughed.

And Qin Huai, who was standing by, flushed at this time, she didn’t expect that the two of them would discuss these unbearable content in front of her.

After the two chatted for a while, Yanzi looked at Qin Huairu who had been standing aside for a long time.

“Dajiao, what’s the matter with this person? Are you new here?”

Dajiao nodded.

Upon seeing this, Yanzi stood up and walked to Qin Huairu.

“Newcomer, it seems that this is the first time you have done this business? And seeing you, you should have been a good woman before! Why did you think of doing this business? You know, you are a newcomer, but It’s easy to be bullied. If the customer doesn’t give money at that time, it is also possible that it will happen!”

Qin Huairu looked shocked when she heard it, she didn’t expect to encounter this kind of thing in this business.

“Sister, how can I avoid this situation? I’m here to make money!”

Qin Huai asked.

After Yanzi finished speaking, she walked to her cabinet, took out a booklet from the cabinet, and threw it to Qin Huairu.

Qin Huai caught the book in a hurry. For some reason, the cover of the book was a little unclear.

“The real book is given to you. When I did this job, I followed the exercises written in this book. You look carefully and study hard. As long as you learn it, there will be basically no non-payment.”

After Yanzi finished speaking, she lay down on the bed and started chatting with Dajiao on her own.

Qin Huairu, who received the book, glanced at the two lying on the bed, knowing that the two of them probably wouldn’t pay attention to him for the time being, so he took the book and found a place to look at it alone.

However, Qin Huairu opened the first page of the book and glanced at it, and suddenly blushed and his heart beat.

This book is the same as a comic strip, but the content in it is very unbearable.

After reading the first page, Qin Huairu quickly closed the book, and even had the urge to throw it out.

And her move was naturally seen by Dajiao and Yanzi, and Dajiao even laughed out loud.

“New here, what’s the matter? Do you think the things in this book are too exciting? I tell you, we all came here like this. If you want to eat this bowl of rice, you must at least learn most of the things in it. , Or you’d better go home.”

Dajiao sarcastically said that she looked down on Qin Huairu from the bottom of her heart. She was already ready to do this, and now she appeared like a chaste woman again, which made her feel very sick.

Qin Huai lowered his head sarcastically by Dajiao, and then seemed to have made some decision, and opened the comic book again and began to look at it.

The more she looked back, her face became redder, and she wanted to fall and run away several times.

But thinking of the suffering Bang Geng suffered in prison, she gritted her teeth and persevered.

Time passed quickly. During this period of time, several guests came one after another. However, seeing Qin Huairu’s conservativeness, they all thought that Qin Huai did not choose Qin Huairu if he was not in this business.

When the sky darkened, the fourth sister walked in.

“New here, it seems that no one will look for you today. You can get off work later.”

The fourth sister said.

Hearing this, Qin Huairu quickly got up and said.

“Sister Si, can I take this book back and read it? Since I have done this, I want to learn the things in these books.”

The fourth sister nodded after listening.

After getting permission from the fourth sister, Qin Huairu quickly left the shampoo room.

But not long after Qin Huairu left the shampoo room, when she was about to walk through a small alley, two gangsters appeared in front of her.

These two punks wander around here all year round, and naturally they know the fourth sister’s hair washing room.

Seeing Qin Huairu coming out of it, he immediately guessed what Qin Huai was doing.

“Brother, this woman doesn’t seem to have been seen before. I guess it’s a new recruit from Sister Si! Then you have to ask her for protection.”

After speaking, the two of them walked towards Qin Huairu, and soon blocked Qin Huairu in the corner.

Qin Huairu even stated that he had no money after learning the purpose of the two men, and also turned out his pockets.

Seeing that Qin Huairu was so poor, the two little gangsters immediately got angry in their hearts, and originally planned to leave Qin Huairu ruthlessly.

But considering that Qin Huairu might be the fourth sister’s person, he didn’t start, just let Qin Huairu bring the money tomorrow.

In the afternoon of the next day, Qin Huairu came to the Fourth Sister Shampoo again.

Dajiao and Yanzi asked Qin Huai as a symbol of how they were learning, and then went back to their bed.

Not long after, the fourth sister brought three men into their house.

The two men picked Dajiao and Yanzi away separately, while Qin Huairu was taken into the opposite room by a bald man.

Twenty minutes later, the bald man walked out of the house, and his companions had been waiting for him first in the yard.

The three of them paid the money and left without looking back.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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