Chapter 14

Looking at the board that the second uncle handed over, Liu Qinsong pushed the second uncle away with disdain.

“I want to learn from other home improvement masters without using tools, and it will be up to you how you end up at that time.”

The second uncle sneered.

“Pediculous old guy, when people are just like you? Just mess around with a wrench?”

Liu Qinsong immediately counterattacked, this sentence choked the second uncle in an instant.

Seeing the second uncle who was hesitant to talk, the uncle on the side felt a little funny.

Although he and the second uncle are both senior fitters, one is an eighth-level fitter and the other is a seventh-level fitter.

But neither is convinced, and the two often have disagreements at work.

Liu Qinsong went to the table and picked up the two drawings. After comparing them, they found that they were different.

If you don’t look at the picture, you can get started right away. That’s fooling around. Liu Qinsong still knows this.

The grandfather looked at Liu Qinsong and picked up the drawing and thought:

“Although Liu Qinsong is a strong kid, he never fights uncertain battles. Looking at this posture, he can really find something for him if he can’t say it. It seems that the old thing Liu Haizhong is going to bleed badly today. ”

He is very clear about Liu Qinsong’s character.

I wanted to remind the second uncle, but when I thought about the second uncle’s usual work, I dismissed the idea.

Moreover, no matter who wins or loses this bet, he has no effect on it. He is also happy to see it happen.

But when I thought of Liu Haizhong always working against him, I suddenly felt a little unhappy, and when my thoughts flew over, I immediately spoke.

“Liu Haizhong, why don’t you forget it, what kind of bet you made with a younger generation, if you lose at the time, it would be embarrassing to not come to Taiwan.”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Qinsong understood it instantly.

On the surface, this remark was to persuade the second uncle, like giving a step to the second uncle, but in fact it was stimulating the second uncle.

The second uncle himself, as a seven-level fitter, has some skills.

Moreover, the second uncle had always wanted face and was very arrogant, so it naturally became very ear-piercing when this word spread to the second uncle’s ears.

“His grandfather, you still don’t want to be a good person. Since Liu Qinsong has said it to this point, I can still take a step back? Today’s bet, I have made it, and no one can do it.”

The second uncle Liu Haizhong said firmly.

“Ding!” Post the task, clean up the second uncle, and get rewards after completing the task, god-level cooking skills, and a complete medicinal meal. ”

Originally, Liu Qinsong saw the grandfather’s unwillingness to fulfill his wish, but suddenly the system task came, so he took the opportunity to clean up the second grandfather, teach him how to behave, and immediately said.

“Okay, the second uncle, since you are so confident and want to bet, I will accompany you to the end. The person who loses will give the other two months’ salary. Dare.”

As soon as the bet was made, everyone in the factory boiled instantly, feeling that there was a good show, and clamoring to be witnesses.

At this time, the second uncle heard Liu Qinsong’s words, but he was a little bit troubled. He didn’t expect Liu Qinsong to play such a big game.

He originally thought that if he wins, he will fall back on account if he loses, but when Liu Qinsong said this, he couldn’t stand it.

“His second uncle, I said it a long time ago, it’s almost all right, now in this situation, what do you do?”

The grandfather said aside.

The second uncle has always had a stubborn temper, and now I hear the uncle say this again, naturally I can’t bear it.

“Gamble, bet, what’s there to be afraid of? It’s not always certain who loses and who wins. Don’t reckless you if you lose at that time.”

The second uncle said.

Seeing what the second uncle said, Liu Qinsong didn’t say a word, and glanced at the back of the second uncle and looked at the two drawings in his hand.

These two drawings are indeed more complicated. If they were put in the past, Liu Qinsong would definitely not be able to understand them.

But now that he has a level 9 fitter’s skills, these pictures are just trivial to him.

“Liu Qinsong, do you understand it? If it doesn’t work, give up quickly. The saving is embarrassing here.”

When the second uncle saw Liu Qinsong not speaking, he just stared at the two pictures in his hand and said with some impatientness.

Ignoring the second uncle, Liu Qinsong took the two drawings and walked to the machine for comparison.

Then he called the grandfather over.

“Master, I understand these two drawings. One of the two drawings is the old drawing before, and the other is the new drawing with the latest technology. The parameters and technical mechanisms are different. A formula conversion parameter is required between the new and the old. This size You can match, the parts you made before are not compatible, right?”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he handed the drawing to the grandfather on the side.

The grandfather picked up the two drawings and looked at it for a long time, and found that he still couldn’t understand it, but he knew that what Liu Qinsong said was correct because all the parts they came out of the car according to the book did not fit in size.

“Qinsong, what you said is simple, but I don’t understand this new drawing.” The grandfather said.

Liu Qinsong didn’t explain much, he knew the explanation was useless.

For the workers in the rolling mills, these latest technologies are difficult to access, and they still use the old methods. This is not only slow, but also the quality cannot be guaranteed.

Although the country now vigorously advocates the idea of ​​knowledge entering the village and culture entering the factory.

But for many older generations, it is difficult for them to accept this view.

Especially for skilled workers like Grandpa and Second Grandpa, who have worked as fitters for most of their lives and consider themselves top talents in this industry, how could they allow others to talk about their technical problems.

Looking at the drawings and the machine in front of him, Liu Qinsong knew the method instantly, and even came up with an improved method, but there was no need to say it.

“Don’t pretend to be here, hurry down, it will only add to the chaos. Give up early, maybe I can have fewer points.”

The second uncle yin and yang strange airway.

“Liu Haizhong, forget it, as an elder, you can really care about the younger, let him apologize.”

The grandfather saw Liu Qinsong’s delay in doing it, thinking that Liu Haizhong really didn’t understand. Just now, he was just talking nonsense, so he hurriedly ended the game.

At this time, the second uncle on the side was a little unhappy.

“Yi Zhonghai, you don’t fucking pretend to be here, Liu Qinsong is betting with me, not with you. If he can’t get the money, you can give it to him?”

The second uncle pulled away the uncle and said.

“You still think this is the yard? This is the factory. The factory talks about technology. If he doesn’t work, he won’t even want to run this bet.”

Seeing that the second uncle speaks with a smell of gunpowder, the uncle knew that Liu Haizhong was really worried and couldn’t say much, so he had to look at Liu Qinsong from the side.

Humph! Liu Qinsong, don’t you hurry up to admit defeat? You, the security guard, can understand something, so you can give up and save everyone’s work.

The second uncle sneered and looked at Liu Qinsong.

Seeing the second uncle, he seemed to think that he had the chance to win, Liu Qinsong ignored it, turned around and said in front of the uncle.

“Master, you come to be a testimony, if I get it out, the second master promised nothing less.”

The reason why he chose the first grandfather is because the grandfather has a relatively high seniority, and the second grandfather can’t bear it with him as a testimony.

The second is because the grandfather is an eighth-level fitter, who understands more than the others, and understands faster than everyone after the explanation.

The grandfather sighed, thinking that Liu Qinsong couldn’t hold his back at this time, and just deliberately tried to do it.

“Since the two parties have reached an agreement, the gambling agreement will take effect.”

After the grandfather announced, everyone was excited, and the show was about to begin…


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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