Chapter 159

Seeing the deaf lady coming in, the second aunt quickly got up and moved a chair for the deaf lady.

Seeing the courteous appearance of the second aunt, the deaf old lady said.

“Liu, you don’t have to come here to please my old lady. Just remember that this time I forgive you because of Qiuye’s face. If Qiuye disagrees, you will just kneel in front of my old lady. I don’t even look at you straight.”

The second aunt nodded and said.

“Thank you, old lady, there are a lot of people, and they will definitely live a hundred years in the future. As long as the old lady asks Director Liu not to give our old Mr. Liu a trip, I will definitely thank you for the rest of your life.”

“Okay, don’t talk about it if it sounds nice, you have stayed long enough, don’t delay our autumn leaves rest.”

The deaf old lady issued a eviction order.

The second aunt naturally heard what the deaf old lady meant, and got up to say hello before opening the door and leaving.

However, as soon as the second aunt opened the door, she saw Qin Huairu standing at the door, carrying things in her hands.

Recalling that Bang Jing was also in jail, the second aunt instantly understood that this must be the idea of ​​the three masters.

“Second Aunt, I didn’t expect you to come here, what a coincidence!”

Qin Huairu said.

The second aunt glanced at Qin Huairu and ignored her.

After all, as Qin Huai is doing now, most people actually don’t look down on them, and look down on these people in their hearts.

Qin Huai suddenly felt embarrassed when seeing the second aunt ignore her, but didn’t say anything, but walked straight into the house.

In the house, Ran Qiuye and the deaf old lady were chatting about what happened just now.

“Teacher Ran, old lady, I’m coming to see you.”

Qin Huairu said.

Seeing Qin Huairu coming in, the deaf old lady and Ran Qiuye frowned involuntarily.

“Qin Huairu? How did you come in? What are you doing?”

When the deaf old lady finished speaking, she picked up her crutches and walked towards Qin Huairu.

The deaf old lady hates this woman from the bottom of her heart, not only because of Qin Huairu’s current occupation, but the most important thing is that Qin Huairu’s son wanted to kill Liu Qinsong with an awl.

Seeing the old lady coming, Qin Huairu said quickly.

“Old lady, I heard that Teacher Ran is pregnant, so I bought some fruit and came to see her.”

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, he showed the fruit to the deaf old lady.

“We don’t want your stinky fruit, you give me out, we don’t welcome you at home.”

The deaf old lady said.

“Old lady, I know you hate me, but I made a special trip to apologize this time.”

Qin Huairu put the fruit on the table after speaking, and then knelt down with a normal sound.

Ran Qiuye and the deaf old lady looked at Qin Huairu with shock.

“Qin Huairu, we accepted your apology, but the time I talked with the second aunt just now was too long and I was a little tired, so go back quickly!”

Ran Qiuye looked at Qin Huairu who was kneeling on the ground and said.

It wasn’t that Qin Huairu really intended to forgive Qin Huairu, but Ran Qiuye was upset looking at Qin Huairu. Now Qin Huairu is kneeling on the ground again. If he didn’t say this, Qin Huairu would definitely not leave.

Qin Huai immediately got up after seeing Ran Qiuye say this, and then walked to Ran Qiuye with the fruit.

“Teacher Ran, I bought these fruits specifically for you, and please accept them.”

Qin Huairu said.

Seeing Qin Huai’s so courteous appearance, Ran Qiuye said coldly.

“Qin Huairu, don’t pretend to be so, just say anything!”

Ran Qiuye’s words immediately made Qin Huairu feel a little embarrassed.

Then Qin Huairu sorted out his posture and said.

“Teacher Ran, this is the case. Our family Bangseng is still in prison. He has been sentenced for two years, but because Bangseng is still a child, his sentence can actually be reduced. So I want you to ask Liu Qinsong to help. Us.”

When Qin Huai said this, Ran Qiuye went into anger in an instant.

“Qin Huairu, you are really shameless. You should have thought of the result when Bang Jing took the awl to hurt Qinsong. Now you come and beg me? Did you not wake up? I tell you, don’t dream. Now? Get out of here, I won’t help you with this matter!”

Ran Qiuye said.

“Mr. Ran, are you thinking about it? I don’t actually have any other requests. Even if Liu Qinsong doesn’t help to rescue Bang Jeng, then at least don’t stumble him. After all, he is going to be a dad. At that time, I gave the child in your stomach a blessing.”

As soon as Qin Huai finished speaking, Ran Qiuye picked up the fruit on the table and threw it towards Qin Huairu.

The deaf old lady on the side also picked up the crutches and slapped Qin Huairu.

Qin Huai quickly got up and left when he saw this.

After walking to the door, he did not forget to curse a few words.

The deaf old lady closed the door and came to Ran Qiuye.

“The people in this yard have their own thoughts. Once the house over there is renovated, you can move over. Then you can raise your baby with peace of mind.”

The deaf old lady said.

Ran Qiuye nodded after listening.

At around five o’clock in the evening, Liu Qinsong returned home from work for the day.

As soon as Liu Qinsong came back, he saw the fruit on the bedside table.

Qiuye, have your parents been here? Who bought this fruit?

Liu Qinsong asked.

“¨ˇWho said my parents came? Qin Huairu bought this matter by the second aunt.”

Liu Qinsong frowned upon hearing this.

“Both of them? What are they doing here? Is there something to ask you?”

“Didn’t the second uncle go in! The second aunt hopes that you don’t make troubles, and after two years, let the second uncle come out by yourself. Qin Huai hopes you can get the stick out!”

Ran Qiuye said.

“I didn’t stumble them on the things in the bangs. As for the awesome things, I won’t agree to it.”

Ran Qiuye nodded after listening.

“This is what I said to Qin Huai, but I think Qin Huai’s words are right. She said that you are also going to be a father (the king’s good) relative, and you want to accumulate more blessings for your children and grandchildren, so I I think that even if you don’t help Qin Huairu, at least don’t stumble Bang Jing.”

Liu Qinsong saw Ran Qiuye say this, and looked at Ran Qiuyeli in surprise.

“It seems that Qin Huairu still moved you to some extent. Since you have said so, I naturally want to listen. Actually, I also intervene in the matter of the stick. According to the law, the stick and Liu Haizhong should be about the same time. Let it go. As for the specific time, it depends on their performance in prison.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he was ready to cook.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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