Chapter 171

Seeing that Liu Qinsong and Lou Xiaoe did not face each other tit-for-tat, everyone present was relieved.

When Liu Qinsong came out, the heart of the aunt, the third and the silly Zhu all raised their throats.

I’m afraid that the two will quarrel at first sight, but fortunately, the two of them have now resolved their misunderstanding.

“Director Liu, what did you mean by what you just said? What? Are you going to ~ don’t want me?”

The silly Zhu asked aggrievedly.

He has worked in a steel rolling mill for so many years, and finally resolved his previous misunderstanding with Liu Qinsong, and finally got his status today.

Although he is attracted by the salary offered by Lou Xiaoe, he has not made up his mind to leave yet.

After Liu Qinsong heard Lou Xiao’e’s words, he even asked him to go as he wanted, which made the idiot think more.

“Silly Zhu, looking at you like this, I think you have misunderstood what I mean. I mean, you are not too busy anyway. The main thing is that MCA is cooking, and you only personally come to the guests every time. Cook.”

Liu Qinsong said.

“Then, according to Mr. Liu, I can hang my name in the rolling mill and help out at Lou Xiao’e’s restaurant?”

Silly Zhu asked inconceivably.

“Well! You can understand this, but I want to declare one thing. After you go to Lou Xiao’e, your position in the rolling mill will remain the same, and the benefits will remain the same. So you know what I mean!”

Liu Qinsong said.

After listening, the silly column nodded repeatedly.

“I understand the truth. You can’t do a job with two shares of money, but how much do you have to adjust the salary?”

“Your salary now is 37 yuan and fifty cents a month. After you go to work in Lou Xiao’e restaurant, I will pay you 15 per month. Plus Lou Xiao’e’s salary, you can get fifty-five in a month. ?”

Liu Qinsong asked.

Silly Zhu nodded excitedly after hearing this. He originally thought Liu Qinsong would lower his salary by ten yuan, but he didn’t expect Liu Qinsong to give him fifteen yuan a month.

Liu Qinsong turned to look at Lou Xiao’e after speaking.

“Lou Xiao’e, as long as Sha Zhu agrees, he can go to your work tomorrow, but after Sha Zhu passes, I have a condition. As long as you agree, I will approve the note immediately after work.”

Lou Xiaoe nodded after listening.

“Director Liu, what are the conditions? As long as I can do things, I will never say anything wrong.”

Seeing Lou Xiaoe’s cooperation, Liu Qinsong said.

“After Shaozhu goes to work on your side, I won’t bother about it anymore, but if there are customers in our factory, then Shaozhu should give priority to us. Do you agree?”

After hearing the conditions put forward by Liu Qinsong, Lou Xiaoe began to think.

In the catering business, there are basically customers every day, so there is basically no break time for the chef. In order to ensure that in case the chef has something to do today, he can’t go to work, so every restaurant will have two chefs and assistant chefs, as well as some apprentices.

After a while, Lou Xiaoe raised her head and said.

“Okay, no problem, I promised it.”

After seeing Liu Qinsong and Lou Xiao’e reached a consensus, the silly pillar standing on the side was ecstatic. After all, one more job means more income, and he is naturally very happy.

Just as a few people were chatting, Ran Qiuye walked out of the house.

“This is Teacher Ran, it’s really getting more and more beautiful, I almost can’t recognize it.”

After Lou Xiao’e finished speaking, he grabbed Ran Qiuye’s hand and started to look at it.

Ran Qiuye naturally saw Lou Xiao’e, but the intersection between the two was not deep, so he didn’t say hello.

But now that Lou Xiao’e is so enthusiastic, she feels a little overwhelmed for a while.

“Sister, please be gentle, Teacher Ran is pregnant now!”

The silly column on the side hurriedly said.

Lou Xiaoe was taken aback when she heard it, and quickly let go.

“Oh! I didn’t know that Teacher Ran was pregnant, I’m sorry!”

Lou Xiaoe said.

“It’s okay, this small movement won’t hurt the fetus.”

Ran Qiuye said awkwardly.

Sometimes it’s like this, when two people don’t know each other well, one party will be too enthusiastic, and the other will only feel embarrassed.

“Qiuye, what are you doing out? Come in, it’s cold outside, be careful not to catch a cold!”

“Grandma said you’ve been out for a long time, and she was a little worried, so she asked me to come out and have a look.”

Ran Qiuye said.

After listening, Liu Qinsong turned to look at Lou Xiaoe and others and said.

·· ······Find flowers 0 0

“I’ll help Qiuye enter the house first, Shazhu, you and Lou Xiaoe will talk more specifically, I will come out later.”

After Liu Qinsong said, he helped Ran Qiuye towards the house.

Lou Xiaoe said after watching Liu Qinsong enter the room.

“Director Liu feels like he has changed. The temper is not as big as before, and the person has become a lot more easy-going. He feels that he is no longer the same Liu Qinsong who likes to do things before.”

“Lou Xiao’e, you are wrong about this. Director Liu is still the original Liu Qinsong, but you didn’t understand his temper before. He is good to friends, but he also has him. Ni Lin, think about it carefully, did Xu Damao provoke him first, or did he take care of Xu Damao after committing a crime in his hands?”

……. 0

Said the silly column.

Lou Xiaoe reacted after Sha Zhu’s reminder, and found that everything Sha Zhu said was true, just because he had not divorced Xu Damao before, so many things could not be seen clearly.

“Don’t tell me, I just thought about it carefully. It’s really like this. When Factory Manager Liu used to fix Xu Damao and me, it was indeed because Xu Damao made a ghost first.”

Lou Xiaoe said.

“That’s right! So, you have to be thankful that you divorced Xu Damao, otherwise, you will definitely be unlucky!”

Said the silly column.

As soon as Sha Zhu finished speaking, he saw Xu Damao walking in with the gate of the courtyard, and then stared at Sha Zhu.

“Silly Zhu, what are you talking about? You are obviously to provoke my relationship with Lou Xiao’e. Can’t you see that you are such a person?”

“Xu Damao, if you talk nonsense, be careful when I tear your mouth. I have a fart relationship with you. We are already divorced. You have to talk nonsense again. Be careful when I call the police and catch you.”

Lou Xiaoe scolded angrily.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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