Chapter 173

Xu Damao, who had never been in love, immediately became anxious when he heard Qin Huairu’s words.

After all, this is a matter of his male dignity.

“Qin Huairu, what do you bitch say? Do you want to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will smoke you?”

Xu Damao said.

Seeing Xu Damao’s anger turned into anger, Qin Huairu was not to be outdone.

“Originally, you don’t know to what extent? It’s like a salted fish every time. Your stuff is soft and short, and it’s useless. If I had just found a knife and castrated myself, I won’t be sick. I disgusted myself when it hurts others.”

Qin Huai cursed.

And Qin Huairu’s sturdy speech made Lou Xiao’e dumbfounded, and his mouth was big enough to lay an egg.

Xu Damao was not as speechless as Qin Huai, and could only sit on the threshold of the compound without saying a word.

Then Qin Huairu seemed to have thought of something again, and stepped forward and grabbed Xu Damao and said.

“Xu Damao, have I finished the things I asked you to do? Is the money given to the prison guards?” 26

Xu Damao said with a guilty conscience when Qin Huairu mentioned this matter.

“Give…give…give it.”

Lou Xiao’e on the side seemed to have guessed something when he saw Xu Damao’s appearance.

“Qin Huairu, what do you ask Xu Damao to do for you?”

Lou Xiaoe said.

“It’s okay. Our Bang Geng was taken to prison by that person. Xu Damao said that I knew a prison guard, so I asked him to help fill in some money and let the prison guard take care of Bang Geng. After all, Bang Geng is still young. I’m afraid he will be bullied inside.”

After Qin Huai finished speaking, he urged Liu Qinsong to get off work.

It means that the one in his mouth refers to Liu Qinsong.

However, Lou Xiaoe didn’t care at all, and then said.

“What prison guard? Don’t listen to Xu Damao’s nonsense. He doesn’t know any prison guard at all. I never divorced him before because I never heard him mention it.”

Qin Huairu looked at Xu Damao with disbelief.

Xu Damao immediately explained when he saw this.

“I only met after I divorced you. You don’t know it’s normal, and we are all divorced now. Why do you still care about my business?”

“I’ll take care of your business. Did you tell Qin Huairu that you went to see the prison guard? Then how could I meet you on the road? You are clearly lying to Qin Huairu.”

Lou Xiaoe said.

Upon hearing this, Xu Damao panicked instantly and said again.

“I only met you when I came back. I have already met the prison guard, and the money has been given to him.”

Liu Qinsong on the side looked at Xu Damao’s nervous look, and already guessed in his heart that Xu Damao was lying.

But he didn’t want to help Xu Damao, nor did he want to worry about Qin Huairu’s nostalgia, so he kept silent.

But the fool around him is very nosy.

“Since Xu Damao said so, it’s easy. I can just search him? If money is found from him, it will prove that Xu Damao lied to Qin Huairu. It’s such a simple matter.”

After speaking, the silly Zhu walked towards Xu Damao.

Xu Damao saw Sha Zhu walking towards him, and quickly stood up and turned around to escape, but because Qin Huairu was pulling him, and he was inconvenient to move.

I stumbled on the threshold and fell a dog to eat shit.

Upon seeing this, Sha Zhu hurriedly stepped forward to subdue Xu Damao, and then opened Xu Damao’s pocket from the beginning.

Although Xu Damao has been struggling, his current physique can’t break free from the suppression of the fool.

Soon, Sha Zhu found a handful of banknotes from Xu Damao’s trouser pocket.

“Qin Huairu, this is your money!”

When the silly Zhu finished speaking, he handed the banknotes to Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu took the banknote and took a look, then slapped Xu Damao’s head with a slap.

At this time, Qin Huairu had understood everything, Xu Damao kept lying to her, and the reason why she went to do this was all to help Bangseng.

Now that the original goal has not been achieved, and he has lost a reputation. At this time, Qin Huairu is already extremely angry, and he has the heart to kill Xu Damao.

“You dog, why don’t you die, cheating on my feelings and causing me to do this business, I will kill you!”

Qin Huairu beat Xu Damao hard while crying.

Because of the extreme anger, Qin Huai didn’t have Liu Qinsong at all, and every punch hit Xu Damao’s face fiercely.

Soon Xu Damao was bruised and swollen by Qin Huai, tears, blood, and nasal mucus flowed out.

However, Qin Huairu’s anger didn’t disappear much, instead he turned around and picked up the bricks used to raise it.

When the silly Zhu saw this, he quickly snatched it over.

“This can’t be done. If this brick goes down, it will kill people.”

Xu Damao, lying on the ground, took the foolish pillar to grab Qin Huai’s bricks, and quickly got up and ran towards the outside of the yard.

But because of the injury, Xu Damao runs fast no matter what.

When Qin Huai saw Xu Damao about to run, he pushed the silly post away, picked up the brick, and smashed it towards Xu Damao.

Qin Huairu is a woman after all, with little strength. Although she is aiming at Xu Damao’s head, it is because of strength.

The brick slashed through the air, and did not land on Xu Damao’s head, but hit his leg and wrist.

The center of Xu Damao being hit by the brick was unstable, his knees softened, and he fell to the ground with a sound.

Qin Huai ran hurriedly as he saw it, rode on Xu Damao, and waved his fists again.

“Liu Qinsong, just look at it like this, it will kill you if you continue to fight!”

The old mother watched Qin Huai beating Xu Damao like a mad, and she couldn’t see it, and said quickly.

Liu Qinsong looked speechless after hearing this. Do you have a good relationship with these two people? Why should I care about the two of them?

Seeing that Liu Qinsong was indifferent, the aunt said again.

“Qinsong, if Qin Huai really killed Xu Damao, it would be terrible. Look at the blood at the door and don’t scare your daughter-in-law.”

Liu Qinsong frowned when he heard this. After a while, he walked to Xu Damao and Qin Huairu.

“Qin Huairu, it’s enough, it’s almost there, even if you kill Xu Damao, you can’t change any facts.”

If it wasn’t for Ran Qiuye, even if the two of them died together, Liu Qinsong would not look straight.

Hearing Liu Qinsong’s words, Qin Huai cried louder.

“Liu Qinsong, don’t you hate Xu Damao! I killed him for you, and you let me be caught to accompany Bangshou. Isn’t that right?”

Qin Huai said in tears.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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