Chapter 195

Seeing Liu Qinsong’s disappearing back, Wang Dawei led people to the group of foreign students and began to look at it.

Seeing that Liu Qinsong had left, the group of international students started to be lazy and stopped soon.

“Extremely exhausted, is this Liu Qinsong really a counselor? How does it feel like a bandit bully!”

Zhou Siguo gasped and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Dawei walked to his side and said.

“Are you the group of international students that Counselor Liu said? There is really enough waste, so tired after running for such a long time?”

Zhou Siguo and others listened and looked at Wang Dawei.

“Who are you? What are we to do with you? Don’t take mice here. Get out of the way if you don’t want to be beaten.”

Zhou Siguo scolded.

“It seems that Counselor Liu is right. You really have forgotten your roots. You have to polish your thorns!”

Then Wang Dawei raised his head towards the group of people behind him.

The group of people behind immediately stepped forward towards Zhou Suguo and the others.

Zhou Siguo and the others had just finished running, naturally they didn’t have the strength to resist, and he was quickly subdued.

“We didn’t want to do anything to you. After all, everyone is a student. We can be regarded as your seniors, and the task of seniors is to guide you who have forgotten their roots in the right way. Since Counselor Liu lets you run, then you You can’t be lazy!”

After Wang Dawei finished speaking, he picked up Zhou Siguo.

“Can’t you understand what I’m saying? Run quickly! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being impolite.”

In order to accomplish what Liu Qinsong explained, Wang Dawei did not hesitate to make a black face.

Zhou Siguo and others saw that Wang Dawei was so arrogant, although they were dissatisfied, but they could only follow it.

After waiting for half an hour, Zhou Sijiao and others collapsed on the playground in sweat.

At this time, Liu Qinsong just finished eating and came to the playground to see this scene.

“It looks like you guys are already tired? To be honest, you are really a waste. You can’t hold on after running for such a long time? Forget it, it’s not difficult for you to look like you, I’m already Let the cafeteria prepare lunch for you, let’s all go for dinner!”

When Zhou Siguo and others heard this, he rushed towards the cafeteria.

Liu Qinsong also greeted them in the cafeteria and prepared some gruel and pickles for these people.

After rushing into the canteen, Zhou Siguo and others saw that the canteen was prepared, and immediately roared.

“Counselor Liu, we are students, not prisoners. How can we eat these things? You are torturing. I’m going to tell Principal Jiang!”

“You want to file a complaint! Go, go out, turn right to the third office, don’t come back after you go, just take your things and get out!”

Liu Qinsong said.

Zhou Sikuo and the others were obviously shocked by Liu Qinsong, and they had to sit down obediently, but the food on the table did not move. They tried to resist in this way.

“Okay! You have the backbone, since you are not hungry, don’t eat it!”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he walked to the aunt in the cafeteria and gave a few words, and then the cafeteria staff put away all the food in front of Zhou Siguo and others.

“If you don’t want food for you, then let me continue to run in the playground.”

Liu Qinsong said.

“You are torturing, we haven’t rested!”

Zhou Siguo protested.

“Abuse? I gave you the opportunity to let you eat, but you don’t need it, so these are all your own choices. Don’t be nonsense now. Run for two hours and then go to class!”

Facing Liu Qinsong’s coercion, Zhou Siguo and others could only obey.

Two hours later, Zhou Siguo and others dragged their tired body into the classroom.

“It looks like you are already tired? Now I give you two choices, either take the class well or go to the playground, give you one minute, and then give me the answer!”

Liu Qinsong joked.

There is no doubt that Zhou Siguo and others all chose to attend class this time.

“You are all outstanding people who have returned from abroad, but you remember that no matter how good the scenery abroad is, you are also foreigners. No matter how bitter the domestic water is, it is also the source of nurturing you. The students in the Beijing University are better than you. Bad, so here, put away your superiority.”

Liu Qinsong turned and left after speaking, while another teacher walked in.

After nearly an hour of class, the get out of class bell rang and Liu Qinsong led Wang Dawei and others into the classroom.

“From today, you have to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning every day. You have half an hour to wash and eat, and then you have to start running around the playground of Beijing University. I will list a table for your work and rest time and look at it later. , You must follow the form strictly, and your senior will supervise you.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he sent the form for them to circulate.

Everyone frowned when they saw it, calling out too harshly.

Faced with the complaints of this group of students, Liu Qinsong did not pay attention, turned around and explained a few words with Wang Dawei and others, and then came to Mr. Jiang’s office.

Mr. Jiang, who was in the office, quickly put down his work when Liu Qinsong came in and said.

“Qinsong, I heard about your way in the morning, is it too harsh for these kids? They are still young after all!”

Liu Qinsong shook his head.

“Mr. Jiang, I did this precisely because they were children. After they came back from abroad, they looked down on any domestic objects or objects. I would smooth their edges and corners first, otherwise they would definitely suffer in the future!”

After hearing this, Mr. Jiang was a little helpless. Although he did not agree with Liu Qinsong’s approach, since he had handed the matter over to Liu Qinsong, he naturally had trouble asking.

Liu Qinsong naturally saw Mr. Jiang’s worries!

“Mr. Jiang, I know you have your concerns. When you go to the cafeteria with me for dinner, you will be able to see the results!”

Liu Qinsong said.

After hearing this, Mr. Jiang looked at Liu Qinsong suspiciously, and finally nodded in agreement.

“Qinsong, among these students, which one do you like the most?”

Mr. Jiang asked suddenly.

Liu Qinsong was taken aback. He didn’t know what Mr. Jiang’s question meant.

“Think over it Zhou! Although this guy is a bit rebellious, I can see that he is still kind-hearted. When I was running today, I saw him helping a student who fell down.”

Liu Qinsong said.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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