Chapter 199

Not long after the Dao Scar police car, Liu Qinsong suddenly walked in front of Director Zhang.

“Is what this kid said true?”

Director Zhang lit a cigarette and sighed.

“He was right. In their case, it was released after two days of detention, but if you want, I can deactivate him for a longer period of time, but it will be up to one week.”

Liu Qinsong nodded after hearing this, walked to the vehicle where Scar was and knocked on the window.

The policeman holding him rolled down the window, and the scar inside looked at Liu Qinsong triumphantly.

“Why? Scared? Now it’s useless to be scared.”

The scar man said.

“I feel that you should have come to me for an accident, but I haven’t seen you, so you should have been instigated by someone. Who is that person?”

Liu Qinsong said.

The scarred man laughed.

“Your kid is still too naive, do you think I might tell you? But you should have a family, wait for me to come out…”

The Scar Man’s words were not finished, but the threats in it could not be understood.

Liu Qinsong’s anger in his eyes was gradually replaced by killing intent.

As soon as he opened the car door, the policeman who was holding the scar was taken aback. Liu Qinsong pulled him out as soon as he wanted to say something.

Then he dragged Scar from the car again and kicked his corrugated cover.

Scar paled in shock, and just about to yell, suddenly felt pain in his legs and fell down.

The surrounding police and the security department were taken aback when they saw this.

“Qinsong, stop it.”

Director Zhang hurried forward to stop Liu Qinsong.

But the breath exuding from Liu Qinsong at this moment made him afraid to approach.

“Director Zhang, give this kid to me first, I won’t kill him.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he picked up a wooden stick from the ground, and then slammed it down on Scar’s arm.

At this time Liu Qinsong did not have Liu Qinsong, and the stick hit Scar’s arm and instantly broke into two pieces.

Then Liu Qinsong turned the stick in his hand, and stabbed the intact end against the scar’s abdomen.

Scar was stabbed and rolled his eyes directly.

“You bastard are timid, the one who threatened me like this last was almost out of shape by me. You are the second one.”

Scar was sitting on the ground with his stomach covered, and he didn’t even have the strength to raise his head.

“Give you a chance, tell me who caused you to trouble me, or I will interrupt your legs and let you out will be a useless person.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he kicked Scar to face the sky.

Looking at Liu Qinsong, who was full of anger, a weird smile appeared on the corner of Scar’s mouth.

“Tell you? The beauty of thinking! I want to be brave enough to do it. I don’t believe you really dare to break my leg. There are so many policemen here.”

Scar is very clever. He can see that Liu Qinsong has made a heavy move, but he has never made a dead move. Therefore, he thinks that Liu Qinsong is just verbally scaring him.

However, what he didn’t expect was that when he said this, Liu Qinsong turned his head to look at Director Zhang.

Director Zhang sighed and said to these policemen.

“It’s all, turn back!”

In an instant, all the policemen turned their bodies, and suddenly no policeman looked down at Liu Qinsong.

Seeing the police turned around, Liu Qinsong once again looked at the security personnel.

The head of the Security Section knew that everyone turned around as well.

Scar looked at the scene in front of him, suddenly shocked.

“No one sees it now, I’m asking you again, who made you come over and trouble me?”

Liu Qinsong said.

Scar was stunned by the scene in front of him, and he didn’t hear what Liu Qinsong said more clearly.

Liu Qinsong didn’t continue talking nonsense when he saw this. He lifted his foot and stepped on Scar’s ankle.

With a click from the bones, the scar was instantly pulled back to reality by the pain.

“It seems that you haven’t figured it out yet, then your other foot is also wanted.”

After Liu Qinsong said that he raised his foot and stepped on his other foot.

Only then did Scar know that Liu Qinsong was not joking.

Tears came out instantly with nasal mucus.

“Wait! Wait, I say, I say!”

Scar quickly waved to stop Liu Qinsong.

Seeing the scar man talking, Liu Qinsong slowly squatted down, patting Scar’s face with his palm.

“It seems that you are not as stupid as that, let’s talk! If you dare to lie to me, even if you go to jail, I can kill you!”

Liu Qinsong said,

Scar at this time no longer doubted Liu Qinsong’s ability, so he said tremblingly.

“There was a kid who asked me to do this. I don’t know what his name is. I only met him in prison.”

Then Scar described his appearance in detail.

Liu Qinsong knew the answer immediately after listening.

The people he offended were public, many of whom were called children, but those who had been in jail only met this condition.

Therefore, Liu Qinsong quickly determined that it was the scar that Bang Jing was looking for, which caused him trouble to find himself.

“Where is the kid you said?”

Liu Qinsong asked.

“¨ˇHe should be at his mother’s place at this time, the fourth sister’s hair washing room.”

Scar said.

Liu Qinsong knew about this place, but because he had nothing to do with it, he ignored it either.

“Brother, I have said everything I should say, so let me go!”

Scar looked at Liu Qinsong who was silent, and asked tremblingly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Liu Qinsong stepped on his other foot.

“You just said that when you come out to find trouble with my family, in order to ensure the safety of my family, I can only abolish you.”

The pain in the foot, coupled with what Liu Qinsong said, made the scar faint instantly.

After a while, Director Zhang, who heard no movement, turned around and came to Liu Qinsong.

“This? Are you too cruel, so you are not afraid of him going to sue you?”

Director Zhang asked with some worry.

“Just let him sue him, but how credible can a gangster say?”

Liu Qinsong said. And the meaning of his (Wang Lizhao) words is also very clear.

Director Zhang nodded after listening.

“Yes, when I’m going to take him to the hospital, I guess I won’t be able to make any big waves even if I let it out afterwards.”

Liu Qinsong responded and turned and walked towards the rolling mill.

“Qinsong, wait!”

Director Zhang chased after finishing talking.

Liu Qinsong looked at Director Zhang with a puzzled face.

“I didn’t have time to see him after your child was born. Remember to call me at the full moon!”

Liu Qinsong was speechless for a while, then nodded, and walked into the rolling mill again.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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