Chapter 20

The grandfather looked at the three grandpas sitting on the ground, and turned to say a few words to the people behind.

Then, since he moved a table and a few stools, the grandfather sat high on the table and said.

“Yan Bugui, everyone knows about you now, what else can you say.”

The three masters looked at the great master on the main seat, and felt bitter in his heart, so he could only bite the bullet and speak.

“I really didn’t take Liu Qinsong’s stuff, nor did I introduce them to them.”

However, no one believed his words at all.

“Laosi Yan, you still don’t admit it. Teacher Ran is here, and there are all personal and material evidence. You still want to quibble.”

Seeing that the three big masters still didn’t admit it, the silly pillar on the side hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Looking at the idiot, the three masters knew that no one believed him anymore, so he had to shut up and not justify.

The first grandfather glanced at the idiot, then at Liu Qinsong, and finally his eyes fell on the third grandfather.

“Since the authentication evidence is there and Yan Bugui has nothing to say, then I will announce the handling plan. First, Yan Bugui will return all the things received to the two people, and secondly, he must give them five yuan. Money compensation.”

Just after the grandfather’s words were finished, the three grandfathers spread their ass to the ground. It’s okay for Shao Zhu to say that after returning the things to him, give him five dollars, but what should Liu Qinsong do? He hasn’t taken him at all. Things, what to pay for.

“I confiscated Liu Qinsong’s things, why should I give him back!” The three masters were a little anxious and said quickly.

“Master, it seems that the third master is not going to return my things, so it’s better to let him lose my money.”

Liu Qinsong said.

The grandfather glanced at Liu Qinsong, thinking that the things Liu Qinsong gave to the three grand masters might have been given to him, so he spoke.

“Liu Qinsong, first tell me about the things you gave to Yanbu Guidu. The big guy will give you an estimate!”

When Liu Qinsong heard this, his heart suddenly became happy, and it was not him who had the final say when he sent something.

“Master, it’s actually nothing, just 10 cans of meat, an old hen, a three-pound grass carp, and some miscellaneous local products.”

Liu Qinsong had just finished speaking, and the three big masters beside him wanted to cry without tears. Liu Qinsong is not talking nonsense.

But at this moment, it’s useless to say anything, and everyone won’t believe him at all.

“Liu Qinsong is big enough, I didn’t expect him to be so rich!”

“It’s no wonder that the three big masters didn’t introduce Teacher Ran to Shaozhu. Look at Liu Qinsong’s shots. If you want me, I will also introduce Teacher Ran to Liu Qinsong.”

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

The silly pillar on the side listened to the people’s words, and immediately came up with annoyance, stood up and walked in front of the three masters and cursed.

“Well, you Yan Laoxi, I said how did you introduce Teacher Ran to Liu Qinsong. It turned out that I didn’t think I gave you anything, so I must send you to the police station.”

“That’s right, Teacher Yan, you not only have to return Qinsong’s things, but also send you to the police station.”

Ran Qiuye also said to the side.

“Let’s listen to me first. Just now Liu Qinsong said that the three big masters will lose money directly. I have roughly estimated that 25 yuan is certain for the things Liu Qinsong gave. Even the compensation will be paid by Yan Bugui. Give Liu Qinsong 30 yuan.” The grandfather said.

As soon as the grandfather said this, he brought back the off-track topic, and at the same time, everyone agreed with the grandfather’s words.

Afterwards, the grandfather asked Liu Qinsong if he could accept the price, and Liu Qinsong naturally accepted it.

Seeing that Liu Qinsong had no objections, the grandfather announced the end of the meeting, and at the same time urged the three grandpas to return to the house to get money and things.

Three masters came out of the house again, carrying the souvenirs and a stack of banknotes given to him by the fool.

After giving the things and banknotes to Sha Zhu, Sha Zhu turned and left.

When it was time for Liu Qinsong, the three grand masters looked reluctant, but they had to give him 30 yuan.

“Liu Qinsong, this matter is considered cruel to you, I won’t let you off so easily.” The three big masters said viciously.

Seeing this, Liu Qinsong didn’t care and said casually.

“What can you do to me? If I call the police for this matter, you will definitely have to return your things and go to jail. Why don’t we try?”

Hearing this, the face of the three masters instantly turned pale, and after throwing things to Liu Qinsong, he turned and left.

“Ding!” Congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting the reward “Advanced literary level.”

Liu Qinsong returned to his house after taking the money. After entering, he found that Ran Qiuye was already sitting on his bed waiting for him.

Seeing Liu Qinsong enter the house, Ran Qiuye greeted him and said.

“I didn’t expect that Elder Yan was such a person. I should publicize this in school.”

Seeing that Ran Qiu was still indignant about what happened just now, Liu Qinsong took her hand to his desk.

“Forget it, there is no need to think about it anymore, I have something to give you.”

After speaking, Liu Qinsong opened his drawer, took out a few cans of meat from it, and handed it to Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye quickly declined.

“You gave me so many things the first time we met, I can’t accept it.”

Liu Qinsong took Ran Qiuye’s hand when he saw this and said.

“Accept it, who made me like you so much.”

Ran Qiuye instantly blushed, lowered her head and whispered, “Me too.”

Although Ran Qiuye’s voice was very small, Liu Qinsong heard clearly, and then he hugged Ran Qiuye into his arms, but Ran Qiuye did not struggle.

The next morning, Liu Qinsong recalled what happened yesterday. Although Ran Qiuye did not stay for the night, the two have confirmed their relationship.

So today he came to the factory with a happy mood.

As soon as I entered the security room, I found a person sitting on a chair, and the chief of the security department was also inside.

Liu Qinsong walked over and found that it was Director Yang.

At this time, Director Yang was sitting in a chair and explaining something to the head of the Security Department. Seeing Liu Qinsong came back, he immediately got up and walked to him and asked.

“Are you called Liu Qinsong?”

Liu Qinsong was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect Director Yang to come to him, and immediately nodded in affirmation.

Seeing Liu Qinsong’s admission, Factory Manager Yang first looked up and down, and then asked, “Did you do the work in the workshop two days ago?”

Because of his high position all year round, Director Yang always speaks very seriously, giving people a sense of oppression.

And Director Yang immediately shocked the head of the Security Section, and instinctively thought that Liu Qinsong was doing something wrong.

“Liu Qinsong, what did you do the last two days? You haven’t explained it quickly yet.” said the head of the security department.

Before Liu Qinsong could speak, Director Yang took the lead and scolded.

“What’s the matter with you, stay here.”

The head of the security department was a little startled by the reprimand of Director Yang, but he didn’t dare to interrupt anymore, so he could only obediently step aside.

Director Yang asked again at this time.

“Did you do the things in the workshop two days ago?”

Liu Qinsong was not afraid, and immediately said, “I did it, what’s the matter?”


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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