Chapter 215

“Parents are not kind, and children are not filial. What’s the use of crying now? You did it yourself, no wonder others!”

Just as the second aunt was crying and crying, Liu Qinsong took He Yushui and the deaf old lady into the compound.

Liu Guangtian, who was fighting together, Liu Guangfu immediately stopped his movements when he saw this.

“Director Liu, what do you mean by that? You are an outsider and just leave our house alone!”

Liu Guangtian said.

Liu Qinsong sneered.

“Grandma, did you hear that, people don’t need our help at all, I think we should just go back!”

The second aunt sitting on the ground heard Liu Qinsong say this, and immediately reacted.

“Qinsong, don’t listen to these two unfilial sons. Please help our old Liu. As long as you can cure our old Liu, I would rather give you this house!”

As soon as the second aunt finished speaking, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu immediately quit.

“Mom! What are you talking about! How can our house be given to an outsider? We are your own sons!”

Liu Guangtian said, Liu Guangfu echoed.

“Shut up, you two unfilial sons. Just now I asked you to pay for your dad’s treatment. Now I want to stop Director Liu. I tell you, as long as I live for one day, none of you will want to get this house. !”

The second aunt stared at her two sons viciously and said.

“Okay! Don’t be embarrassed here. This is your family affair, and I am not interested in your house. If my grandma asked me to come over, I would not be interested in whether you are dead or alive!”

Liu Qinsong looked at the three clowns in front of him, and felt sick in his heart!

According to Liu Haizhong’s family’s virtues, even if he helped to heal them, they would definitely go back then.

“Qinsong, when are you going to treat our old Liu? The situation of our old Liu is getting more and more unstable. Now we scold at people, we don’t dare to approach him!”

Said the second aunt.

“My time is tight, go now, let your two unfilial sons follow me, and then press bangs!”

Liu Qinsong finished speaking and walked towards the second uncle’s room.

Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiecheng saw Liu Qinsong come in and immediately stood up to say hello.

“Liu Qinsong! Do you dare to come over? If you have the ability, let me go and see if I don’t kill you.”

Liu Haizhong, who was tied to the bed, saw Liu Qinsong come in, and immediately screamed like a mad dog.

Liu Qinsong glanced at Liu Haizhong and ignored it.

“Wait for the four of you to hold his hands and feet, let me see his condition first!”

Li Qinsong said.

The four nodded, then climbed onto the bed and acted according to Liu Qinsong’s orders.

“What are you doing? This is my house. Get out of me!”

The pressed bangs let out a roar like a pig.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qinsong immediately grabbed Liu Haizhong’s wrist and began to take the pulse.

As time went by, Liu Qinsong frowned deeper and deeper, only to get up and walk out of the house after twenty minutes.

Upon seeing this, Liu Guangfu and others immediately followed.

Seeing Liu Qinsong coming out, the second aunt who had been waiting outside the door immediately stepped forward and asked about the situation.

“Qinsong! How is the situation of our old Liu? Can you treat it?”

Liu Qinsong frowned and said after thinking for a moment.

“The pulse condition in Liu Haizhong is very messy, and it is not easy to treat. You must first let him take a sedative, and then I am prescribing a prescription for conditioning!”

After hearing Liu Qinsong’s words, the second aunt suddenly felt dizzy.

In this era, the price of sedatives is very expensive, and according to their current situation, they simply cannot afford it.

“Qinsong, is there no other way? How expensive a tranquilizer is, our family simply can’t afford it now, isn’t it embarrassing to us?”

Said the second aunt.

“It doesn’t care about my business. I will tell you the recipe later. Think of it yourself!”

Liu Qinsong walked towards his house after speaking.

After a while, he held a prescription in his hand and handed it to the second aunt.

The second aunt took a look at the prescription, and then walked out of the yard.

After the second aunt was out of sight, Liu Guangtian suddenly patted Liu Guangfu.

“Guangfu, do you think our dad can be cured of this disease? Don’t spend money at that time, but there is no improvement at all. Isn’t that a waste of money?”

Liu Guangtian said.

His words quickly plunged Liu Guangfu into contemplation.

“You are right. I think that my dad’s situation will probably not be cured. When the time comes, we may have to be dragged down. I am afraid that even if our mother is bankrupt, we will be treated for our dad. If you don’t do anything, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get anything!”

Liu Guangfu said.

“Then what are we going to do now? Think of a way!”

Liu Guangtian said.

Liu Guangfu soon fell into contemplation again.

“In this way, if our mother is not at home now, our house is locked in their bedside table. When we both steal it, we can prevent our mother from selling the house.”

Liu Guangfu said.

Liu Guangtian nodded after listening.

After the two brothers conspired, they finally got into the second aunt’s room.

“You guys! What are you doing? If you stole something into your own house, get out of here.”

The second uncle tied to the bed scolded.

However, the two brothers Liu Guangfu ignored him at all and began to ruin the cabinet.

After a while, Liu Guangtian walked to Liu Guangfu holding the real estate certificate.

“Leave this real estate certificate here for safekeeping, and I will take it out if I have something to do!”

After Liu Guangtian finished speaking, he planned to walk outside, but was held back by Liu Guangfu.

“Why let it be with you, in case you secretly take the real estate certificate to transfer the house?”

Liu Guangfu said.

“Am I that kind of person? The real estate certificate is with me, you can rest assured!”

“It’s because I know who you are that I can’t worry about it. I should quickly take out the real estate certificate, otherwise I will continue to beat you!”

At this time, neither of the two rest assured that the real estate certificate was placed with each other, so they quarreled again.

“Okay! Go and find their hukou book. It’s useless if you don’t have the hukou book and the real estate certificate. Can’t we just have one copy?”

Liu Guangtian said.

After hearing this, Liu Guangfu felt that there was some truth, so he found the household registration book again!

Liu Haizhong, who was tied to the bed, watched his two sons take away the most valuable things in the family, and scolded anxiously.

But the two brothers turned around and left the house as if they hadn’t heard.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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