Chapter 319

The guests arrived one after another.

The people in the compound helped and borrowed tables and chairs.

Liu Qinsong invited all the chefs over, and all the ingredients drove over.

Liu Qinsong directly picked the best chefs from several nearby restaurants to cook in the compound.

In fact, what you eat here is just a dish.

Ran Qiuye’s mother helped make rice and steamed buns, and Ran Qiuye’s father helped Ran Qiuye take care of the baby.

The deaf old lady is still chatting with Principal Jiang.

Suddenly a woman whom Principal Jiang did not know came over.

“Old lady, it’s time to drink medicine.”

“Oh, Xiuzhi. You are still careful.”

It can be seen that the deaf old lady is very satisfied with this woman named “Xiuzhi”.

After serving the deaf old lady, she drank the medicine. She also asked the deaf lady if she wanted to eat and it was time to cook.

“No, I’ll just eat with me at noon today. You can also eat with me later.”

The deaf old lady has a kind face.

This Xiuzhi is the babysitter Liu Qinsong finds for the deaf old lady when he accompanies Ran Qiuye back to her family.

Seeing how old she was, it turned out that she was only in her thirties, and she was also a child in the eyes of the deaf old lady.

“Deaf old lady, this is the nanny Liu Qinsong found for you. It seems that you are very satisfied.”

Principal Jiang asked.

“Yes, yes, I’m very satisfied with the babysitter my good grandson finds. She can remember every time I took the medicine and didn’t beat or scold me. She still chats with me.”

The deaf old lady suddenly stopped talking.

She poked herself in the face like a child.

“Principal Jiang, you see, I have a lot of meat on my face, and this girl is feeding me fat! She will do whatever I want to eat, very good, very good!”

Principal Jiang looked at the deaf old lady who was really eating a lot of meat on her face, and she looked a lot fatter.

He also thinks that the babysitter should not treat the deaf old lady badly in this regard.

Soon it’s time to start.

It’s rare that there are so many people.

Sha Zhu came with the pregnant Lou Xiao’e, and He Yushui came with him.

Uncle Guan is here.

Had it not been for Gao Jin’s task, he wanted to bring Gao Jin with him.

The grandfather and mother, the second grandmother, the third grandfather and the third mom are all here.

Xu Damao also came.

This Xu Damao was arranged by Liu Qinsong last time.

Liu Qinsong asked him to look at Liu Haizhong, saying that he would be paid in the future.

Xu Damao didn’t dare to ask when he would give it to him, so he looked at Liu Haizhong quietly, while also taking care of Liu Qinsong’s beatings and injuries from Liu Haizhong.

Liu Qinsong saw Xu Damao honestly for a while, after all, he was a neighbor in the compound, so he invited him.

He was also attentive. Before coming, he added a few locks to the chain in Liu Haizhong and locked the door.

“Eat, eat, everyone will eat well!”

Liu Qinsong personally went to each table to toast.

These uncles can really drink.

And knowing Liu Qinsong’s skills, I naturally feel that Liu Qinsong’s wine must be a good wine, and if you drink it, you can take advantage of it, so you can drink it hard.

Liu Qinsong looked at them and suddenly felt regretful.

Invite them to come, they patronized and drank, and what to do if they get drunk for a while and then go crazy.

Han Qingren and Marei are both business partners.

When Liu Qinsong came over, he naturally reaped full blessings for himself, for his family, and for his children.

These people can all speak.

Although not all sincere, Liu Qinsong is naturally happy to be praised by others like this, especially when praised by his own children.

He has a relatively strong relationship with Han Qingren and has known each other for a long time, so he leaned against Han Qingren.

“Come on, everyone, I will eat with you for a while!” Liu Qinsong asked for a stool and a pair of chopsticks, and sat beside Han Qingren.

“Oh, this boss Liu’s seat, do you think you are unfamiliar with us? Then we are not happy!”

One person took the lead and everyone on the table responded.

Han Qingren didn’t know what to say, and felt that he shouldn’t talk as a guest, so he waited quietly to see what Liu Qinsong said.

“Oh, everyone misunderstood. I chose this position because I am more familiar with Old Han, but this is not the ultimate reason. I want to get acquainted with him. Come here and squeeze him. Everyone is more spacious!”

Liu Qinsong’s remarks seem to be for the sake of everyone, but in fact it secretly shows that he has a strong relationship with Han Qingren, and this person is under his cover.

Han Qingren naturally understood that with Liu Qinsong’s blatant maintenance, he naturally knew what to do in the future.

Liu Qinsong ate with the bosses for a while, chatted for a while and left.

When he left, he was actually thinking, “Huh, it’s because I am more familiar with Han Qingren. You don’t need to think too much, you are all right.”

The table with Ran Qiuye is still the most lively. Because there are children here.

The child sees so many people, it is also very curious to see how lively this restaurant is.

He babbled, and the little hands kept making gestures.

From time to time, guests come to tease the children.

Ran Qiuye is holding his son, Ran Qiuye’s father is holding his daughter.

Both of these people can’t eat well, so they patronize the children.

At this time, the deaf old lady’s nanny came over.

She reached out to take the child from Ran Qiuye’s father.

Ran Qiuye’s mother didn’t know her, had never been in contact with her, and seemed a little worried.

She glanced at Ran Qiuye, Ran Qiuye was also a little worried, but she felt even more distressed that her mother was tired, so she nodded silently.

This nanny is really good at coaxing children.

The children laughed.

The deaf old lady was very satisfied.

She can take care of herself and coax her children. This is a good nanny.

Liu Qinsong also thinks the babysitter does a good job.

But looking at her, suddenly I felt something was wrong.

This is Liu Qinsong’s damn instinct coming again.

Xiuzhi is not an ordinary nanny.

Liu Qinsong didn’t think there was anything wrong before, because the deaf old lady always praised her, especially that her cooking is delicious, which suits her own appetite.

She also said that the things she didn’t like to eat before became delicious in her hands.

Liu Qinsong suddenly remembered this sentence in his mind, and repeated it again: The things that I didn’t like to eat before became delicious in her hands.

There was something wrong, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Using his previous skill in the Eye of Truth and his intuition, he immediately saw the truth.

She adds a powder to the meal every time she cooks.

This is not a condiment, but a packet of things she touched out of her pocket.

Liu Qinsong did not say a word, but silently (Zhao Dehao) observing Xiuzhi.

Xiuzhi is holding the baby at the moment, so it’s not a big problem.

And this is a hundred-day banquet, and the big guys are there. Liu Qinsong doesn’t want to make things too much.

The silly Zhuer over there was very excited.

He was very envious when he saw Liu Qinsong’s two dolls.

Looking at Lou Xiao’e’s belly, he said to the grandparents at the table that he hoped he would have such a cute and smart child in the future.

I hope so much.

Lou Xiaoe was a little embarrassed.

“¨ˇ That’s something for the future. I don’t have any ideas, our child is healthy and healthy.”

Lou Xiaoe seems to think that Liu Qinsong and Ran Qiuye are too good, and her children may not be comparable to others.

Uncles and aunts are very good at talking.

“Yes, good health. But there is one more thing, you can’t be as simple as you are a fool! You will suffer!”

Shazhu smiled embarrassedly.

The chef Liu Qinsong invited performed very well, and the cooking was really good.

In short, everyone ate very happily through this hundred-day banquet. .

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