Chapter 42

After Qin Jingru and Qin Huairu’s quarrel continued for a while, the two of them left one after another.

Their quarrel did not affect other people’s normal lives.

Since Liu Qinsong took the post of chief of the security department, outsiders seem to be quite leisurely. In fact, Liu Qinsong patrols the factory every day to catch some violations of the regulations.

For example, those who stole things from the public house, those who drank big drinks and slept on the night shift, even caught two groves doing bad things, and almost confiscated the tools of the crime.

Although these are minor problems, the system also rewards a lot of good things.

When returning home at night, Liu Qinsong, who was lying on the bed, opened his storage space and looked at the contents, a little embarrassed.

During this period, Liu Qinsong made canned meat for the deaf old lady almost every day, and also gave Ran Qiuye a lot of food and oil tickets.

But the cans in the space are still about to pile up, not to mention the food and oil tickets, they can all be used as straws to wipe their butts.

Liu Qinsong originally wanted to sell these things and exchange them for money.

But this era has its limitations.

These things are expressly prohibited by the state from trading. Once caught, they must be sentenced.

And according to the economic plan of this era, these things of Liu Qinsong are rare things, and many people don’t necessarily get it even if they have money.

If Liu Qinsong sells these things, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

Just when Liu Qinsong was lying in bed thinking about how to deal with these things and couldn’t do anything about it.

The door of his house was opened.

The deaf old lady came in with a glass of water.

Liu Qinsong quickly got up and helped the deaf old lady into the room and sat down.

“Grandma, it’s so late, why are you here.”

Liu Qinsong asked.

The deaf old lady looked at Liu Qinsong with a smile.

“It’s okay, just come over and look at you. As soon as you enter the house, you frown, worrying about what is wrong with you. Is it conflicting with your partner?”

The deaf old lady said.

Liu Qinsong couldn’t laugh or cry. He and Ran Qiuye had a good relationship and couldn’t be better. How could there be conflicts.

“Grandma, don’t worry about it. I have a very good relationship with Qiuye. There are too many canned food stamps at home. I don’t know how to deal with it, and I can’t sell it.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Upon hearing this, the deaf old lady suddenly realized, and then said.

“You kid, you’ve always been smart, but you’re a little confused about this. You can’t sell these things on the market, but the capital is mixed, you can go to the black market.”

The deaf old lady awakened the person in her dream.

Liu Qinsong realized that these things can be sold on the black market.

Moreover, his food and oil tickets are all nationally used, and you don’t need to pay, you can get them directly. When the black market is reached, many people will definitely be rushing to ask for them.

Thinking of this, Liu Qinsong was ready to sort out the oil and food stamps in his hand.

But suddenly he thought of something, he quickly opened the drawer and took out the stamp album and old money that the deaf old lady had given him.

Looking at the stamps and ancient coins in front of him, Liu Qinsong was lost in thought.

These things may seem worthless now, but as a traverser, Liu Qinsong hates how expensive these things will be in the future.

If he can collect more now, these things will surely make him a fortune in the new era.

“Good grandson! What’s wrong.”

The deaf old lady looked at Liu Qinsong who was lost in thought, with some worry.

When the deaf old lady called so, Liu Qinsong reacted.

“It’s okay, grandma, just think of something related to these old stamps.”

Liu Qinsong said.

The deaf old lady was relieved and looked at Liu Qinsong with some doubts.

“My dear grandson, are you interested in these things?”

Asked the deaf wife.

Liu Qinsong nodded, expressing his interest in this aspect.

The deaf old lady said with joy when she saw it.

“My dear grandson, if you want to be interested in this thing, you said it earlier. In the early years, I knew several boys who played with these old things. I can introduce you to them.”

The deaf old lady said.

Liu Qinsong was very moved. Since he came to this yard, the deaf old lady has petted him everywhere and even helped him.

Now that I know I am interested in antiques, I still want to introduce people to myself.

“Grandma, you are so kind to me.”

Liu Qinsong said.

The deaf old lady looked at Liu Qinsong with a smile. The petting look in his eyes did not conceal the slightest.

“My dear grandson, I’m not good to you, who is good to you, I will count on you to send it to me in the future!”

The deaf wife said.

Liu Qinsong looked at the deaf old lady who was already gray-haired, and vowed in his heart that he would do more to treat the deaf old lady.

“Grandma, I don’t think you still have this way, just don’t know who you know who are playing antiques?”

Liu Qinsong looked at the deaf old lady curiously.

He had lived with the deaf old lady for so long, and he didn’t even know that the deaf old lady had such friends.

The deaf old lady looked at Liu Qinsong.

“I knew a few when I was young, and now I don’t know what they are doing, but a while ago I heard that there seemed to be a gangster who was not bad.”

The deaf old lady said.

This aroused Liu Qinsong’s curiosity.

“Who is it that mixes well!”

Liu Qinsong asked.

The deaf old lady thought for a while and said.

“I don’t remember his full name clearly, so I remember his surname is Guan. People in their line seem to call him the Nine Admirals, but I still remember where he lives. I will take you there in two days.”

The deaf old lady spoke lightly, but the information fell into Liu Qinsong’s ears like a lightning strike.

“Damn, Admiral of the Nine Gates? The surname is Guan, it must be the uncle Guan who didn’t run away!”

Liu Qinsong was surprised and uncontrollable, and even exploded a word of foul language in front of the deaf old lady.

“Huh? What’s wrong with you kid? Why are you so excited while carrying the old boy.”

The deaf old lady said.

“Grandma, can you not get excited? Grandpa Guan, Grandpa Guan, the nine-door admiral, are also famous in the antique industry. How can you know each other.”

Liu Qinsong said.

“I used to be a little affectionate, but in terms of seniority, you should really call him uncle.”

The deaf old lady said.

Liu Qinsong couldn’t laugh or cry.

It’s not a question of generation, okay, Uncle Guan is an old man in the antique world, and many people want to worship him as a teacher, but they can’t find a way.

Now the deaf old lady directly says that she knows Uncle Guan, how can she not get excited?


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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