Chapter 55

After Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu had planned, Qin Huairu called Banggeng over, gave a few orders, and Banggeng turned and left.

The celebration banquet in the yard was held together by a few uncles, and a few banquets were soon set up.

Before the banquet opened, the second uncle invited Liu Qinsong to the front.

“Grandpas and aunts, neighbors in the neighborhood, this banquet is mainly for the pride of our yard. Liu Qinsong prepared it and congratulates him on his promotion to deputy factory director.”

After the second uncle finished speaking, there was applause from the audience, which lasted a full minute.

“In our yard, many people work in the rolling mill. Now that there is such a big cadre in the yard, in the future, under the leadership of Deputy Director Liu, we will definitely have a better life. Let our deputy Liu The director of the factory would like to say something to everyone.”

After speaking, the second uncle handed the microphone to Liu Qinsong.

Liu Qinsong took the microphone with a surprised face. The fart is a bit bigger, and the fart at the door can be heard by the whole hospital. Does it still need the microphone?

“Dear neighbors, the second uncle just said that many people in our yard work in our rolling mill. Here I assure you that in the future, as long as you work hard, Liu Qinsong will never treat you badly.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, the second uncle took the lead and applauded.

As the applause fell, everyone in the yard started to eat the banquet under Liu Qinsong’s signal.

Because Liu Qinsong was the protagonist of this banquet, he was naturally arranged in the main seat, sitting with a few deaf old ladies.

“Qinsong, I toast you a glass, I have long seen that you are definitely not in the pool, and now you are turning into a dragon.”

When the grandfather finished speaking, he drank all the wine in the glass.

Seeing the great master so refreshing, Liu Qinsong naturally wouldn’t linger, and also had a booze drink.

Then the elders in the yard, including the second uncle and the third master, raised their glasses to congratulate Liu Qinsong.

Even the deaf old lady had a drink.

Soon, the atmosphere in the yard became more and more lively, and many people went to see Liu Qinsong to toast.

Liu Qinsong didn’t refuse either, all he drank in one go, and everyone who watched even said a lot.

Xu Damao, who was sitting in the corner, saw the warm atmosphere on Liu Qinsong’s table, and his heart became more and more unhappy.

It should be him who was sitting in Liu Qinsong’s seat, thinking of this.

Xu Damao drank sullen wine glass after glass.

“Damao, don’t you go to toast?”

Said the sons of the second uncle and the third uncle.

Xu Damao glanced at them several times, and also picked up the wine glass.

Although he was full of hostility and unwillingness to Liu Qinsong.

But Liu Qinsong is the deputy factory director now, and he will have to do something with him in the future, so he still has to say something about this scene.

Xu Damao and a group of people came to Liu Qinsong in front of Liu Qinsong.

After the second uncle and the son of the third master said a few congratulations, they drank the wine in the glass.

The second uncle and the third master applauded and told Liu Qinsong that he hoped that Liu Qinsong could take more care of his son in the future.

Liu Qinsong is naturally a scene.

After a few people had some polite remarks, it was finally Xu Damao’s turn.

“Liu Qinsong, congratulations on becoming the deputy director.”

Xu Damao raised his glass on the back of this sentence, deliberately drinking half and spilling half.

Several uncles looked at this scene, their expressions pulled down.

But Liu Qinsong didn’t care, picked up the wine glass, drank it all, and then turned it upside down.

“Xu Damao, I know you are not convinced. Today’s meal, everyone is very happy to eat, I don’t want to spoil the atmosphere, but you don’t treat me as a good talker.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Xu Damao was deflated and wanted to discuss with Liu Qinsong, but several uncles and deaf old ladies were there, so they didn’t dare to say anything, so they had to answer their position in a desperate manner.

“This Xu Damao really doesn’t know good or bad, thanks to Qinsong’s generosity, if it were me, I would have fucked him.”

The second uncle said.

“Okay, Liu Haizhong, stop talking about these useless things, leave Xu Damao alone, let’s drink ours.”

The grandfather came up to make a round.

Soon, the atmosphere on the wine table became lively again.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Liu Qinsong saw that everyone had eaten almost the same, and then saw that the deaf old lady was already a little sleepy, so he proposed to leave.

Several uncles looked at the sky, and it was indeed late, and they agreed to prepare to leave.

Liu Qinsong had just got up, and Qin Huairu quickly walked up to him holding the wine bottle.

Everyone looked at Qin Huairu with doubts.

“Qin Huairu, are you?”

The grandfather asked.

If Qin Huai didn’t answer, he opened the bottle cap and started blowing at the wine bottle.

After drinking a bottle of wine, Qin Huairu spoke.

“Qinsong, first of all congratulations to the deputy director at the time, and then I hope you can forgive our family regardless of the previous complaints.”

Although Qin Huairu said so, Liu Qinsong didn’t believe her words at all.

Seeing Liu Qinsong not speaking, Qin Huai thought he had acquiesced, and then recruited the stick.

Bang Geng came over and knelt in front of Liu Qinsong without a word, and shouted godfather.

Bang Geng’s daddy stunned everyone at once, and everyone in the yard looked at Liu Qinsong’s table one after another.

Liu Qinsong became angry at this moment, and he yelled at Qin Huai as a bitch shameless, that he could do everything.

“Qinsong, we did a lot of wrong things before, and it was because no one taught me, so I want you to be a godfather. What do you think.”

Qin Huairu said.

Liu Qinsong looked at Qin Huairu and Bangskin coldly, and snorted coldly.

“Qin Huairu, you are really good at it, this hand is cut first and then played is really bad for you to figure it out, but I will not accept a thief as my godson, get out!”

Liu Qinsong said.

Listening to Liu Qinsong’s words, Bang Geng became angry instantly and said.

“My head is knocked out, you don’t accept it, you don’t accept it, you don’t accept it, I didn’t like it originally.”

“Everyone has seen it, I didn’t force you, it was your own willingness, you are just being lowly.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Now Bang Jie could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and he was about to run out when he got up.

Qin Huai was as quick as his eyes and hands, and grabbed him.

“Qinsong, this kid is ignorant, don’t take it to your heart, he really wants to worship you as a godfather.”

Qin Huairu said.

Liu Qinsong frowned. He couldn’t listen anymore and made a stop gesture.

“Qin Huairu, it’s almost there, you’d better be honest, don’t think about crooked thoughts all day, I don’t have time to play with you, bring a stick, get out quickly, don’t let everyone’s interest.”


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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