Chapter 74

When Liu Qinsong returned home, he didn’t know how many young people in the capital were excited by a word of his own.

“Grandma! Let’s eat canned meat today. I learned a few new dishes, and it just works.”

Liu Qinsong had just returned home at this time and was about to cook for the deaf old lady.

“Good! Good! It’s up to you, as long as you are happy, you can eat anything.”

The deaf old lady looked at Liu Qinsong with a smile and said.

Within half an hour, a fragrant meal was brought to the table.

Just as the deaf old lady and Liu Qinsong were preparing to eat, a middle-aged man’s voice came from outside the courtyard.

The two followed the voice to see, it turned out to be the Nine-door Admiral Guan.

Uncle Guan took bold steps, walked to the deaf old lady, and bowed deeply.

“Old lady, I haven’t seen you in a few days, your complexion is getting better and better!”

Uncle Guan said.

The deaf old lady was so happy that she greeted Uncle Guan to sit down and eat together.

Although Uncle Guan was a little restrained, he did not decline. He had eaten a lot of good things, but he smelled a scent when he was in the courtyard.

Liu Qinsong brought a stool to Uncle Guan and then took out a few bottles of good wine.

“Master, since you are here today, let’s try the craftsmanship of the apprentice. Let’s have a drink by the way.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he poured a glass of wine for Uncle Guan.

Uncle Guan picked up the wine glass and drank it in one fell swoop.

“Old lady, you are so lucky. Qinsong is a good boy. I’m here to say goodbye to you.”

After Uncle Guan finished speaking, he looked at Liu Qinsong.

Liu Qinsong is at a loss at this time. He hasn’t done much recently, so why is he happy? ”

Uncle Guan looked at Liu Qinsong, knowing that he didn’t know the things in the capital, so he had to speak.

“You accepted an interview with the China newspaper this afternoon! Now because of your cheering for the rise of China, it is incumbent for my generation. The youths in the entire capital have become enthusiastic, and they all know about it.”

Liu Qinsong was dumbfounded immediately, he did not expect that a word he uttered would have such an impact.

“Don’t worry, this is not bad news. Because of your words, the enthusiasm of many young people and even many older generations in Beijing has been mobilized.”

Uncle Guan said.

“No way! Master, did you come here today to tell me this?”

Liu Qinsong looked at Uncle Guan with an incredible expression.

“Look at what you said, what do you mean? The last time you worshiped me as a teacher has been in circles for a long time, and now you are in the newspaper again, many older generations of a little bit want to see you. You are famous this time.”

Uncle Guan said.

Listening to the conversation between the two people, the deaf old lady laughed from ear to ear. Liu Qinsong was promising, and he was naturally happy.

“Xiaoguan! You came here today to ask if my Qinsong has time, and I want my Qinsong to meet those old guys!”

The deaf old lady said.

Uncle Guan nodded repeatedly.

“The old lady still knows me. Among these people, I helped you pick them. Only two people are worth visiting. One is the president of Beijing University and the other is the president of the bank’s head office.”

Uncle Guan said.

Liu Qinsong was shocked after listening to Uncle Guan’s introduction. Both of them have top reputations in the capital.

And these two people wanted to see themselves, which made him have a kind of unexpected surprise.

“Qinsong, how is it? Decided to see that?”

Uncle Guan looked at Liu Qinsong in a daze and said.

“Master, I can visit both of them as long as they have time.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Uncle Guan picked up the glass and drank it again, looking at Liu Qinsong with joy and said.

“When I go back, I will tell them what you said, but let them arrange the time, and you just need to visit.”

Liu Qinsong nodded and agreed.

Then the three of them had dinner with a conversation and laughter.

But then a scream came in from outside the courtyard.

“Liu Qinsong, you son of a bitch, Laozi wants to kill you because of you. My family almost can’t even eat food. You dare to eat so many good things.”

Bang Jing walked in from outside the courtyard with a smell of wine, still holding an empty wine bottle in his hand.

Seeing the drunk stick stem in front of him, Liu Qinsong’s eyes were cold. He knew that Qin Huai Rujia didn’t have the money to buy wine, and the stick stem must have been drunk at someone else’s house.

“Bang Geng, what are you doing here? You are not welcome here, please go out.”

Liu Qinsong said,

After hearing this, Bang Geng didn’t say anything else, picked up the wine bottle and threw it in the direction of Liu Qinsong, but it may be because of being drunk that the wine bottle flew towards the deaf old lady.

Just when the wine bottle was about to hit the deaf old lady, Uncle Guan, with eye problems and quick hands, grabbed the wine bottle at once, which made the deaf old lady not injured.

But Bang Geng’s move angered both Uncle Guan and Liu Qinsong at the same time.

Uncle Guan picked up one of the chopsticks on the table and threw it towards Bangstalk. The chopsticks pierced the palm of Bangstalk like a flying knife.

Liu Qinsong was surprised, he couldn’t do this with systematic blessing, but Uncle Guan seemed to be still hesitating.

“¨ I don’t care whose child you are, if you dare to be drunk and crazy in front of me, you can’t leave today.”

Uncle Guan said.

Bangjing’s palm was pierced, blood was flowing, and the intense pain made her wake up immediately, clutching her palm and wailing constantly.

Liu Qinsong stepped forward quickly, picked up the stick and pressed it against the wall.

(Li is good)    “Bang Geng, I know that your family and Ben have no money to buy alcohol, and you dare to drink at such a young age, someone must have instigated it.”

Liu Qinsong said grade.

“No one instructed, I just want to retaliate against you, don’t you forbid me to retaliate against you for the things you did to our family?”

Bang Jing roared in pain.

Liu Qinsong stared at Bang Geng, but suddenly he saw a ghostly person peeking at him in the alley.

Jianzhen’s Eye was activated, and he found that Xu Damao was peeking outside at this time, and he understood it all at once.

Liu Qinsong’s eyes were slightly cold, and he thought in his heart: “Xu Damao, it seems that you have a heartless heart. You let Bangjing come to make trouble, so don’t blame me for being polite.”

Then Liu Qinsong carried a stick stem and walked in the direction of Xu Damao’s house.

Uncle Guan greeted the deaf old lady and went with Liu Qinsong. .

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