Chapter 88

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang are still discussing the affairs of Huaihua Xiaodang, but everyone in the yard has already cleaned up and is ready to go to work.

After being disturbed by Qin Huairu in the morning, Liu Qinsong returned to bed and couldn’t sleep anymore, so he just got up and made breakfast for the deaf old lady.

After all the work was done, it was almost time to go to work, and as soon as I left the house, I met the grandfather.

The uncle saw that Liu Haizhong went out so early today, and he was a little curious, so he stepped forward to say hello.

“Qinsong, it’s rare, is there anything going on in the factory when we get up so early today?”

The grandfather said.

Liu Qinsong turned his head and glanced at the grandfather.

“Oh! It turned out to be a great master, nothing happened. It was in the early morning. If Qin Huai didn’t know what was going crazy, he ran to my house and woke me up. Then I woke up after thinking about it, so just go to work early. !”

Liu Qinsong said.

The grandfather was taken aback when he heard it, and asked with an incredible expression on his face.

“What do you mean? He plans to sell Xiaodang to you too?”

Liu Qinsong immediately stopped after hearing this, and looked at the grandfather with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Sell Xiaodang? What do you mean? If Qin Huai wants to sell children? This 26 is illegal.”

Liu Qinsong said.

The great master suddenly realized that it must be something else for Qin Huairu to find Liu Qinsong, but he didn’t want to ask more.

“It’s just that Qin Huairu asked me in the morning and said that he wanted to take Xiaodang to me, and then he asked me for two hundred yuan. I didn’t agree.”

The grandfather said.

Liu Qinsong nodded after hearing this, as if thinking of something, and then greeted the grandfather to go to work first, and he had some things to do.

The grandfather naturally didn’t ask much, and walked towards the factory alone. After the grandfather had gone away, Liu Qinsong turned around and came to Qinhuai as his home.

Seeing Liu Qinsong come in, Qin Huai hurriedly greeted him, and then took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket.

“Liu Qinsong, here is one hundred dollars, you promised me, as long as you get the money, you will help me save the great stem!”

Qin Huairu said.

Liu Qinsong took the banknote in Qin Huairu’s hand and looked at Qin Huairu jokingly.

“Qin Huairu, I really have you. For this money, I even sold my own daughter. I can’t see that you are such a cruel woman. Are you afraid that Sophora japonica will hate you when he grows up?”

Liu Qinsong said.

Liu Qinsong’s remarks, like murder and condemnation, all of a sudden hit Qin Huairu’s sore spot.

Qin Huai burst into tears as he covered his face.

Although she knew in her heart that this was caused by Liu Qinsong, she was asking him after all, so she couldn’t tell, she could only cry with her headache.

Liu Qinsong looked at Qin Huairu, who was squatting on the ground and crying, feeling a little impatient.

“Okay, don’t cry, since I take your money, I will definitely do things, unlike you.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he walked out of the yard, and the direction was the police station.

Half an hour later, Liu Qinsong came to the police station, ignored the police in the lobby, and went directly to Director Zhang’s office.

“Huh! Qinsong is here, is there anything this time?”

Director Zhang said.

Liu Qinsong took out fifty yuan from his pocket, handed it to Director Zhang, and said.

“Qin Huairu asked me to give this to you. I want you to let her son go. You can see if it’s enough.”

Director Zhang was taken aback, took the money from Liu Qinsong, counted it, and stuffed it into his pocket.

“You are the victim of this matter. If you don’t want to be held accountable, it won’t matter if you let it go, but I’m very curious, according to your character that your flaws must be reported, how come you come to intercede?”

Director Zhang said.

Liu Qinsong looked around, took out two cigarettes from his pocket, put them on the table, and then gently pushed a cigarette to Director Zhang with his fingers, and said one in front of him, whispering.

“If you have oil and water, you have to do something to get people’s money!”

Director Zhang suddenly realized that he nodded again and again.

Director Zhang then took Liu Qinsong to the room where Bang Geng was detained.

Bang Geng looked at Liu Qinsong, who was sitting across from him, with hatred in his eyes.

Liu Qinsong naturally saw it, lit a cigarette without rush, and then spit out smoke at the stick stem.

“Do you really want to beat me up? But if you beat me, no one will take you out. I’m here to take you out this time.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Bang Geng looked at Liu Qinsong coldly, without answering.

Seeing the stubborn and stubborn face in front of him who was cruel to him, Liu Qinsong suddenly became playful.

“You little bastard is quite stubborn, but I have a message for you to tell you, but I don’t know if you can still be like now.”

Liu Qinsong looked at Bang Geng jokingly and said.

Bang Geng frowned, but after all he couldn’t hold back his curiosity, and asked what was going on.

Liu Qinsong saw Bangshou opened his mouth, took a deep breath, leaned over and said.

“Your two most beloved sisters were sold by your mother!”

Liu Qinsong made a short sentence, just like a stimulant, directly irritating the stick stem.

The furious stick-stalker, shouting that it is impossible while rushing towards Liu Qinsong.

Liu Qinsong got up and kicked the stick out, then arranged his clothes and walked in front of the stick.

He lifted the stick stem in one hand and walked outside the room while holding it.

When he waited outside the police station, Liu Qinsong threw the stick on the ground and stepped on his chest fiercely to keep the stick from moving.

“Say you are a kid, you are a bit more spineless than Xu Damao’s bangs, but you are a bit more stupid than the two of them, I can get you out, and naturally I can get you in again. If you are not convinced, you can try again, but if you waste time here now, you will really never see your sister again.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he drove his little jeep towards the factory. Since Director Wang gave him this car, Director Yang has arranged for him to train and test his driver’s license. Today is his number one. When I got my driver’s license, I drove out to work.

Watching Liu Qinsong drive away, Bang Jong stood there blankly for a long time, and then ran home with tears in his eyes.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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