Park Hye Kyo is very smart. She knows that without He Yuzhu's flying pounce, the bullet would have instantly penetrated her body, and she would have lost half her life if she didn't die.

Even her biological parents might not be able to block the bullet for her.

The man who was extremely indifferent to her along the way, risked his life to protect her.

Park Hye Kyo looked at He Yuzhu with a hot and tender look in his eyes.

"I... I'll find you some iodine to disinfect, and I... I have some sulfonamide." Park Hye-kyo quickly bandaged He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu did not refuse.

It is better not to expose his amazing self-healing ability. If his strength is not enough to fight the whole world, he must keep a low profile for the time being, otherwise accidents are inevitable.

He Yuzhu hid behind a huge rock and took off half of his clothes.

In the weather of more than 30 degrees below zero, white steam kept coming out of his body.

He Yuzhu's muscular chest and back muscles made Park Hye-kyo look a little dazed. He Yuzhu is the kind of person who looks thin when he is dressed, and his muscles are all muscles when he takes off his clothes. This is real power muscle, which is very different from the muscles that were grown in the gym by eating in the last world.

Park Hye-kyo quickly applied medicine to He Yuzhu.

The whole process took about five minutes.

He Yuzhu put on his clothes and immediately returned to the battle with his gun.


"You should not do strenuous exercise, as it will hurt if the wound is torn."

Park Hye Kyo saw that He Yuzhu was going to fight again, so she reminded him with concern.

"If I don't fight, the company will lose a firepower point"

"This is war"

"Pain is nothing."

He Yuzhu said calmly.


His eyes were as bright as day in the dark night, and he shot and killed a major with one shot through the sight.

Park Hye-kyo stood beside He Yuzhu, staring at He Yuzhu's fighting back, stunned.

What kind of man is this?

The enemy commander shouted:"Cross the path quickly, there are at least 1,200 volunteers, and their equipment is not inferior to ours. If they all rush down, we will all die here."

The enemy army began to break out quickly on foot like a tide.

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The 10th Company continued to fire.

The bombs continued.

Various lights alternately illuminated the entire valley.

As a result, the 10th Company could clearly see the enemy's position.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"They fled, not fighting back."

"A bunch of idiots, they were really fooled by us."

Wang Defa laughed.

The soldiers of the 10th Company saw that a reorganized battalion of the enemy was beaten by more than 100 of them and fled in panic without even thinking of resisting. Their morale was also boosted, and their firepower became more intense.

"Push the logs!"

He Yuzhu waited for about a quarter of an hour, and when the time was right, he ordered the soldiers of the fourth row to push the logs.

Because the enemy was moving too slowly, the soldiers of the 10th Company had enough time to prepare and had accumulated a lot of logs.



Many logs rolled down towards the enemy's center.

Seven or eight people were killed by the logs.

The entire path was stained with blood.

The strong smell of blood could be smelled even from the mountain. After about an hour of fighting, at least 500 enemy soldiers were reduced by a company.



Bangs and gunshots were heard from the direction where the enemy was breaking out.

Li Yong:"What's going on? It seems like someone is fighting the enemy in another direction."

He Yuzhu thought for a moment and quickly gave an answer:"It's probably the friendly forces from the 32nd Division that are coming to support us.""

"Friendly forces! ?"

"Our allies are here to support us!"

"We are not the same company fighting!"

Li Yong shouted excitedly.

He Yuzhu immediately walked towards Sun Bing and Han Wu:"Company commander, instructor, I have a new idea. Since friendly forces have cut off the enemy's breakout route, we might as well keep all 500 people and let them accompany the dead comrades of our volunteer army!"

Sun Bing and Han Wu nodded without hesitation.

Kill more enemies.

Kill them through.

Kill them with great power.

Only then can the enemy be afraid.




The logs kept falling, and their killing power was even more efficient than bombs.

The enemy kept losing people.

At least 200 people died in the hands of the 10th Company, and on the 10th Company side, one died and three were injured. This was an incredible ratio, especially since the battle started with more than 140 people fighting more than 500 people.

""Everyone, clear the bombs."

He Yuzhu said loudly.

As He Yuzhu finished speaking, the bombs were so dense that they were like locusts passing through.

He Yuzhu was stunned.

He didn't expect that these guys still had a lot of private goods.

Like the 10th Company, the more they fight, the fatter they get.

After a few rounds of bomb rain, the enemy lost at least forty or fifty people.

Park Hye-kyo next to He Yuzhu couldn't help but shudder.

He Yuzhu's command ability was too strong.

There were so many trivial things, and he grasped everything perfectly.

And they were linked together, wave after wave.

It would not be that all the firepower was vented at the beginning but there was no follow-up.

The enemy thought that there were more than a thousand people in the 10th Company.

It was not that the enemy was stupid, but He Yuzhu's tactics of seeing enemies in every bush was really real.

"Company Commander"

"The time has come."

He Yuzhu looked at Sun Bing.

Sun Bing ordered:"Everyone, charge down and chase them!"

"As long as you don't surrender, kill them all!"

The soldiers of the 10th Company rushed down with great momentum.

"You just stay here quietly."

"Running around will only lead to death."

He Yuzhu reminded Park Hye Kyo, and then rushed down. He was very fast and gradually rushed to the front.

Park Hye Kyo actually wanted to run away at the first moment.

But she gave up the idea.

Following He Yuzhu, she felt at ease.

She gradually built up a sense of trust in the Volunteer Army. She felt that if her camp captured a female soldier, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it would have been dark long ago.

The Volunteer Army's style of doing things was too good.

Strong and upright.

She admired

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

He Yuzhu held a pistol in one hand and an AK in the other. He fired at the enemy crazily. He was so tired of killing.

He Yuzhu fired all the AK bullets at an enemy soldier, who was beaten to a bloody mess. If you become an enemy of Dragon Country, you must be prepared to die.

Li Yong held the light machine gun, replaced the magazine again, and continued to fire crazily. After a round of shooting, a group of people fell down.

The enemy battalion headquarters was caught in a dilemma.

Moreover, the casualties were serious. When they wanted to fight to the death, they found that they were powerless. They no longer had the strength to fight back.


Suddenly a bomb was thrown over and exploded on Li Yong's side.

He Yuzhu's [Eye of Insight] noticed that there was a bomb under Li Yong's feet, but the distance was a bit far. Even if he did not hide his strength and ran towards Li Yong with all his strength, it was still too late.

Li Yong flew backwards.

It was still one leg that flew away from him.

Li Yong lost one leg in the explosion.

"Li Yong!"

""Li Yong!"

He Yuzhu yelled frantically.

He rushed over, took off his clothes and wrapped the half of Li Yong's leg that was constantly gushing blood.

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