Qin Huairu's hands were so good. What about her legs?

Her feet?


Jia Dongxu didn't dare to think about it.

His eyes kept scanning Qin Huairu's body, wishing he could see through her clothes.

Jia Dongxu made a decision in his heart that he would not go on blind dates with other people anymore. He must marry Qin Huairu, this woman... If he married her, he would be willing to shorten his life by fifty years. He would even be willing to live to only thirty.……

"Come home quickly and have some water. I'll get you some sunflower seeds."

Jia Dongxu did not neglect Qin Huairu at all and invited her into the house.

Qin Huairu did not follow him in.

"You...it seems like you are the only one at home now. If I go in, a man and a woman are alone in the same room, who knows what others will think. Let's talk in the yard." Qin Huairu said with a look of little bird. She didn't go into the house with Jia Dongxu immediately. What if the marriage didn't work out? It would be bad if she was tainted. Besides, men will love women more if they are more reserved. Qin Huairu knew it well. The

32-year-old Qin Huairu was vicious and cruel. No one would really think that the 18-year-old her was as pure as a blank sheet of paper.


The 18-year-old Qin Huairu was also very cunning.

Jia Dongxu nodded repeatedly:"Okay, I'll move the stool."

Jia Dongxu went home and brought two stools, and sat down in the yard with Qin Huairu to chat face to face.

Qin Huairu kept asking Jia Dongxu about his work.

To understand more.

In the backyard, Xu Damao planned to go out for a drink. He arrived at the middle yard from the corridor. When he saw Qin Huairu chatting with Jia Dongxu, he couldn't walk all of a sudden. He hid behind a big locust tree and kept staring at Qin Huairu.

His mouth was drooling.

"Excuse me, is this the courtyard where He Yuzhu lives?"

A loud shout came from the front yard.

He Yuzhu?

Everyone in the courtyard was stunned.

Who is it? Looking for He Yuzhu's address.

His body must have been frozen by the snow and wind in Changjin Lake.

The three aunts in the front yard came out of their house first and saw that there were four people looking for He Yuzhu, three soldiers in military uniforms, and one person was on crutches, with his right leg missing below the knee. The three aunts asked:"Why are you looking for Sha Zhu?"

The disabled person on crutches was naturally Li Yong.

When he heard the three aunts call He Yuzhu Sha Zhu, his brows twisted into knots:"Sha Zhu? Captain He fought bravely on the front line and made great achievements. He is the god of war in my mind. You call him Sha Zhu? Damn, if you call me that again, I'll slap you in the face!"

The three soldiers next to him were responsible for escorting the wounded from Sijiu City back to the city. They had heard of He Yuzhu's various military achievements, so they followed Li Yong and came here to see what the courtyard was like that could cultivate a genius like He Yuzhu. When they heard the third aunt call He Yuzhu, they felt uncomfortable and stared at her. Li

Yong and three other soldiers had all returned from Changjin Lake.

They had just experienced the scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

Everyone was more or less stained with human lives.

That kind of hostility was fully released, and not everyone could resist it.

The third aunt was directly frightened and shivered.

"I was wrong. I was wrong."

"I won't yell again."

The third aunt quickly admitted her mistake.

Three soldiers.

If she was beaten by the soldiers, it would be in vain.

And she might have done a lot of bad things. Facing the upright soldiers, the third aunt was a little scared in her bones.

It was suppressed by her blood.

Many residents of the front courtyard came out.

The deaf old lady and the first aunt came to watch the fun.

Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu also came.

Xu Damao also strode to the front yard

"Captain He asked me to take care of his sister He Yushui"

"Where is He Yushui now?"

Li Yong asked directly.

He slightly noticed that the courtyard of No. 95 Nanluoguxiang did not seem to be as simple and honest as he imagined, which was strange.

Anyway, he was unwilling to live in this courtyard.

Li Yong did not greet these people much and went straight to the point.

After hearing the three words"He Yushui", everyone in the courtyard was silent.

In the days when He Yushui was hungry, they gave him some food, but as time passed, they figured out that as long as He Yushui died, they would have the opportunity to divide the two houses of He Yuzhu's family, so later, no one gave He Yushui food. Fear of being implicated by He Yushui's death was only one aspect, and more aspects were the evil in their human nature.

Extremely ugly

"Captain He?"

"What do you mean?" an old lady asked Li Yong.

Li Yong replied:"He Yuzhu is now the company commander."

"He will definitely move up in the future."

The aunt's hair stood on end.

He Yuzhu is a company commander. He has hundreds of soldiers under his command.

If she knew that she didn't take care of He Yushui, she would kill her.

Especially the deaf old lady, her face was ugly.

She was appointed by He Yuzhu to take care of He Yushui.

She almost couldn't stand.

All the residents of the courtyard looked at the deaf old lady.

They were all watching how she would deal with Li Yong.

No one else in the courtyard dared to tell He Yushui's current situation, for fear of being punished.

Qin Huairu heard that there was actually a company commander in this courtyard, and she also had other thoughts.

If she could marry a company commander... how proud it would be.

Compared with a company commander, Jia Dongxu is a world apart.

The deaf old lady looked normal. After all, she was old and had seen everything. The deaf old lady said extremely calmly:"Sir, Yushui went out to play. It is estimated that he will come back after dark. Otherwise... you wait until night? Or come back tomorrow."

Li Yong heard the deaf old lady's words and said,"I can't wait until the evening. I have to go to the Ministry of Industry to see what kind of job they can arrange for me in Sijiu City. So, I'll come back tomorrow to find Xiao He Yushui. I'll come early tomorrow morning.""


The deaf old lady smiled and nodded repeatedly.

After sending Li Yong away, the deaf old lady's voice trembled:"Auntie, hurry up, find someone to take Yu Shui to the hospital, give her an IV, and quickly save her. You must treat her like a family member and pamper her well."


At the same time.

He Yuzhu led the 10th Company to another victory, annihilating more than 130 enemy troops.

The troops were clearing the battlefield.

They captured a high ground, using 30 mortars, four heavy machine guns, a howitzer, and an M20 rocket launcher, and almost razed the high ground to the ground from a long distance. The

10th Company was too well-equipped.

There were too many tough guys.

""Company commander."

10 Scout Wu San said, pointing to the Changjin Lake not far away.

A volunteer soldier stood there with a gun.

He was motionless and stiff. He seemed to be frozen into an ice sculpture.

He should have been completing a reconnaissance mission, and then he was frozen to death while enduring the cold wind.

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