The function of the [Random Observation Mirror] is that even if you are thousands of miles away, you can still see what the people and things you want to see are experiencing at the moment.

"Ten minutes is enough."

He Yuzhu said.

A disc appeared in front of He Yuzhu.

The disc was so clear that He Yuzhu could see He Yushui.

It was as if a hole was torn in the space, making He Yuzhu feel that He Yushui was right in front of him, but he couldn't touch him at all. He could only touch the mirror.

He Yushui happened to have dinner with the deaf old lady at the moment.

She looked a little short of energy.

But in her current situation, at least she could have enough food and clothing.


He Yushui drank up the last mouthful of millet porridge in the bowl.

"Yushui, I haven't cared about you much in the past few days, please don't mind. So, now that you have finished your meal, go back and have a rest. Don't run out at night, or you can sleep with me."The deaf old lady said in a amiable manner.

He Yushui glanced at the deaf old lady, and seemed to force a smile:"Grandma, no need, I am grateful enough for you to take care of my food and drink."

After He Yushui finished speaking to the deaf old lady, she got off the stool and went back to the middle courtyard.

In the mirror, He Yushui was always locked.

After He Yushui returned to her room, because of the cold weather, she took off her shoes and got into bed directly. She picked up a small wooden rabbit that He Yuzhu had carved for her last year from the table.

He Yuzhu followed He Daqing to practice knife skills since he was a child.

Carving a wooden rabbit is naturally a piece of cake.


He Yuzhu saw He Yushui constantly groping for the wooden rabbit, and he sighed, feeling guilty. He and his sister were the only ones left at home, but he still chose to join the army. Theoretically, he should have stayed in the courtyard to take care of He Yushui. An elder brother is like a father, and as a brother, he felt guilty towards He Yushui. When he returns home from the battlefield, he will love his sister even more and buy her whatever she wants to eat.

But from the perspective of national justice, He Yuzhu participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea this time, and at least he killed nearly a hundred enemies alone.

He saved many people.

He Yuzhu felt that he had to participate in the country's war.

Everyone has some shackles in life.

Then why don't you all join the army?

He Yuzhu is not whitewashing himself.

For the sake of national justice, he could not accompany He Yushui and missed several years of her innocent years. As a brother, he was wrong.

"Fortunately, the deaf old lady took care of He Yushui as promised"

"I will definitely take care of her in her old age."

He Yuzhu muttered.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as He Yushui was not hurt, he would be satisfied.

At this time, He Yushui looked at the wooden rabbit and suddenly cried:"Oh, brother, fortunately you entrusted that comrade-in-arms, Brother Li Yong, to take care of me.

He also bought me new clothes and new bedding.

He said that he would give money to the deaf old lady every month to take care of me.

If it weren't for him, the deaf old lady would definitely not care about me.

She thought I was a child, but I am four years old and I know everything.

The deaf old lady just wants to starve me to death and then occupy our house.


"Uncle Li Yong comes to see me every day. I am safe for now. The deaf old lady can't persecute me now."

"I dare not tell Uncle Li Yong the truth, lest he get angry and do something outrageous."

He Yushui kept crying.

She really thought she was going to die a few days ago.

He Yuzhu was lying in the tent, and suddenly sat up.

His brows were twisted into knots.


"The deaf old lady almost starved my sister to death!"

He Yuzhu clenched his fists.

The deaf old lady in the ditch.

As expected, she has wolfish ambitions.

She is unreliable.

Fortunately, Li Yong is also from Sijiucheng.

Otherwise, He Yushui would be miserable.

No wonder He Yushui looked a little pale. It turned out that she had just eaten a full meal for a few days. She had been starved by the deaf old lady before. He Yuzhu had sent 2 million to the deaf old lady before. The deaf old lady took the money but did not do anything, right? If He Yuzhu did not give the deaf old lady a penny, she would not care about He Yushui's health. She gave the money and asked for more, but did not care about He Yushui. That would be a big problem.

"Stinky stuff"

"I'll take care of you when I get back!"

He Yuzhu's fists creaked.

That was his own sister.

He couldn't bear to bully her.

The deaf old lady almost killed He Yushui!


He Yuzhu locked the screen of [Random Observation Mirror] on the deaf old lady.

At this time, there was another auntie in the deaf old lady's house.

The auntie sat next to the deaf old lady:"Old lady, you said that we almost starved He Yushui to death before. When Sha Zhu comes back from serving in the army, He Yushui will tell Sha Zhu about this. What if Sha Zhu is held accountable? He has upgraded his rifles to cannons. Didn't you hear that lame man and a few other soldiers say that Sha Zhu is now a company commander. A hundred years ago, he would have been a centurion."

The deaf old lady calmly filled her pipe with tobacco leaves.

She casually said:"He Yushui is a child, what can she remember? The war may not last forever. That beauty, how can she be so easy to deal with? There is a possibility of defeat in a foreign country. He Yuzhu may not be able to come back, and there is still a great possibility that he will die on the battlefield."

Auntie kept nodding.

Then she felt much more relieved

"I almost forgot there is another auntie, Zhao Cuifen"

"and Yi Zhonghai"

"You guys wait for me too."

""I have done all the heavy work at home for you. You really treat me like a mule. At the critical moment, you treat me like a cousin."

He Yuzhu said.

He must know that Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady and the aunt are not good people. He originally gave them a chance.

But they are too bad.

There are three minutes left.

He Yuzhu immediately had a thought, and the picture was locked on Park Hye Kyo.

This female prisoner was captured by He Yuzhu himself.

She has not done anything wrong.

He Yuzhu wanted to know what kind of treatment she received in the prisoner-of-war camp.

In the picture, Park Hye Kyo was teaching some Longguo soldiers in the prisoner-of-war camp and letting them learn characters.

Her Chinese level is really good.

She is quite capable of being a Chinese teacher.

It seems that the prisoner-of-war camp did not treat her as a prisoner.

It also confirmed the fact that she had not directly or indirectly harmed any Dragon people.

She was living well.

At least she did not have to worry about the battlefield.

He Yuzhu glanced at the beautiful nurse Tang Qingfang again.

Her angelic appearance was imprinted in He Yuzhu's mind.

He could not forget it.

Tang Qingfang was changing clothes in her tent.

She took off her socks. Her jade feet were exposed.

That pair of white and long legs were as delicate as jade.

When the picture continued to move up, the [Random Observation Mirror] experience time was up and it disappeared immediately.


"It's just one or two seconds, it's urgent." He Yuzhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He Yuzhu went to bed with regret that night.


The next day.

The 3rd Regiment continued to advance

"Boom boom boom!"

""Boom boom boom!"

When we arrived at an open plain, the enemy planes came.

Whatever you fear will come true.

It was an open plain.

All the soldiers were sitting ducks for the enemy planes!


A bomb exploded in a crowd, killing seven or eight young soldiers.

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