"Company 10 and Company 1 will follow me in the surprise attack, while Company 2 and Company 3 will go towards the regiment headquarters. Remember, you cannot go too deep. Company 3 and Company 3 are only responsible for ambushing on the periphery. When we succeed, the enemy will surely do their best to surround us. You will be responsible for ambushing and guerrilla warfare to delay the enemy and give us time to escape. Remember, you cannot engage in a head-on battle with the enemy. You must retreat when it is time." He Yuzhu pondered for a moment and made arrangements



Zhou Jiunan, the commander of the 2nd Company, and Wu Sheng, the commander of the 3rd Company, said loudly.

He Yuzhu waved his hand and asked the 2nd and 3rd Companies to set off first.

He asked the 1st and 10th Companies to prepare all the artillery shells of the 16th Battalion.

An M2A1 howitzer, an M20 rocket launcher, 5 M1 81mm mortars, and 10 small mortars. There were about 50 shells in total.

""Let's go!"

He Yuzhu said.

He Yuzhu led two companies to the enemy headquarters.

He was taking a detour. He cut through a forest. He climbed up a high ground and then went up the mountain.

Standing on the mountain, he used���The cannon will have a higher accuracy and the cannon muzzle will cover a larger area.

When they crossed the woods, it was very smooth and there was no obstacle at all.

This woods was a barrier between the 16th Battalion and the US coalition forces.

Since the enemy's large forces went to attack the 3rd Regiment Command Post, there was no enemy guarding or scouting here, which was very normal.

He Yuzhu deployed [Eye of Insight].

If there were any scouts, his sniper rifle was not vegetarian and would definitely kill them immediately.

They were going to attack the enemy's headquarters and could not be exposed for the time being.

"battalion commander"

"There is someone on the high ground ahead"

"Two platoons of soldiers."

Investigator Wu San came over to report to He Yuzhu.

""Should we take a detour?"

Zhang Dongheng, the commander of the 1st Company, asked He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu shook his head:"If we take a detour, we will be trapped after the sneak attack. The enemy's two platoons can cause great casualties to us."

Although the two platoons are not many in number compared to the two companies, they have forty or fifty guns.

The 10th Company of the 1st Company is completely exposed to the enemy, and it may kill forty or fifty people on He Yuzhu's side in an instant, or even more.

"What should we do then?"

Zheng Zhanfei asked He Yuzhu


""Zheng Zhanfei, take ten soldiers with you and sneak up to the bottom of the high ground. Throw smoke bombs and grenades at me. Don't be stingy. Use them all."

He Yuzhu ordered Zheng Zhanfei.

Zheng Zhanfei immediately selected ten of the strongest soldiers from the 10th Company and quickly went around the bottom of the high ground.




Ten soldiers threw a wave of smoke bombs first, and then immediately threw ten grenades.

Then another wave of grenades.

Twenty grenades were enough to cause a large range of damage, plus ten smoke bombs, causing the opponent's vision to be blocked.


He Yuzhu saw Zheng Zhanfei succeed, and immediately led everyone to rush to the high ground

""Da da da."

An enemy soldier walked out from the smoke bomb, stood on the edge of the high ground and fired, but was directly shot into a big sieve by more than 30 guns.

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The two companies rushed to the heights and quickly killed all two platoons of the enemy.

"battalion commander"

""One Taisho 11-type light machine gun, and one M1918 light machine gun." The company commander said excitedly.

He Yuzhu:"Hurry up and take them. We can't stop. A surprise attack requires speed."

The company commander Wusheng understood.

He asked the soldiers to take the guns and bullets and quickly follow He Yuzhu up the mountain.

The noise on their side was not big and short-lived.

Even if the enemy headquarters heard a little bit, they would not react much.

"Bang!"He Yuzhu shot and killed an enemy soldier who had fled two hundred meters away with a single shot from his sniper rifle.

Want to run away to report the news?

No way.

After reaching the top of the mountain, He Yuzhu immediately arranged for the soldiers to set up the guns.

He Yuzhu possessed [Super Aiming], and he was responsible for correcting the direction of the muzzle.

They all aimed at the hillside of the opposite mountain.

The distance was about two kilometers.

Small mortars could not reach the shooting distance.

Due to the high terrain, the parabolic shooting was smoother.

The M2A1 howitzer and the M1 mortar could achieve this distance shooting.



He Yuzhu said


He Yuzhu said.

Six shells immediately blasted the enemy's command post to the ground.

"Come again!"

He Yuzhu ordered the soldiers to conduct a second round of bombardment.

Six more shells exploded accurately at the enemy's command post.

A total of five rounds were fired.


He Yuzhu led two companies to retreat.

The telescope could clearly see that the enemy was rushing towards them.

What He Yuzhu didn't know at the time was that he was not bombarding the enemy's corps headquarters, but the division.

All the top commanders of the US Army division headquarters were killed in one fell swoop. They were all blown to pieces.

When the enemy chased to the mountain, He Yuzhu had led the 10th and 1st companies to disappear without a trace, and the 2nd and 3rd companies, as expected, found that a large number of enemy troops were pouring out from the headquarters of the 3rd regiment.

It should be the wireless communication devices they carried, and they received the news that the headquarters was attacked and rushed to support.

The 2nd and 3rd companies ambushed in the woods on both sides and kept shooting.

If the enemy rushed over, they would retreat, and if the enemy ran, they would chase.

This guerrilla tactic made the enemy army in a dilemma. It was delayed for a while


""Don't chase them anymore," said the captain of the 2nd Company.

If they continued to chase them, they might be attacked by the enemy with all their strength. They were outnumbered and would not be a match for them in a real fight.

""Go find the regiment commander."

The 3rd Company commander said.

Most of the enemy's sneak attackers have left.

This is the best time to rescue everyone in the regiment command post.


Two hours later,

He Yuzhu led the 1st and 10th companies to reunite with all the soldiers in the battalion. The 2nd and 3rd companies had already found the 3rd regiment commander Xu Feihu and the chief of staff who had escaped from the regiment headquarters. Unfortunately, Xu Feihu was shot and died.

��Yu Zhu ordered the regiment's communicator to repair the wired telephone line and then report all the situations of the 3rd Regiment to the division headquarters.

"Battalion Commander He"

"The division headquarters has appointed you as the acting commander of the 3rd Regiment."

The communicator said to He Yuzhu after the communication was completed.

He Yuzhu was stunned when he heard that he would become the commander.

Everyone around him was also extremely shocked.

He Yuzhu is 17 years old this year. At most, he is only 18 years old.

An 18-year-old commander?


However, no one questioned He Yuzhu's leadership ability. He led the 16th Battalion and even achieved more battles than many regiments, and made greater contributions.

After placing Xu Feihu's body, He Yuzhu counted all the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment.

There are still 1,100 soldiers in the 3rd Regiment.

"I have a plan"

"I will train all of you to become special forces soldiers."

"In the future, all of you will be great soldiers."

He Yuzhu said loudly to all the soldiers in the regiment.

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